Chapter 196 New System Features

Lin Jing bowed with his hands clasped together and addressed Elder Bai and Elder Yu:

"I must return the compliment to Elder Bai, Elder Yu…"

"It was just during a previous alchemy session that I had a sudden enlightenment, and it was after that moment of enlightenment that my alchemy skills began to advance by leaps and bounds…"

"Additionally, there was the guidance of Li Tangyu, brother Li."

"That's how I managed to complete Yuebaolou's offering assignment on my own."

"Without that enlightenment or brother Li's pointers…"

"I could never have progressed so rapidly, no matter what."

After hearing this, the two nodded:

"With Li Tangyu being a Third Rank Alchemist, his guidance indeed could help you greatly."

"However, the fact that you had a sudden enlightenment also shows your diligent effort in usual times."

"Without a certain level of accumulation, that enlightenment simply wouldn't have occurred."

Then, Elder Yu continued speaking to Lin Jing: