Chapter 202 Lin Jing's Method

"Brother Lin, do you really have a method?"

Li Tangyu asked.

Ning Yue beside him was also looking at Lin Jing with a puzzled gaze, yet within that look, there was a glimmer of hope.

Huang Qingling, however, wore a face filled with doubt.

"You're not going to say, it's about the soil you brought me..."


"If it were that simple, things would be easy..." Li Qingqing also chimed in.


"What soil?"

Li Tangyu was completely clueless, not understanding what they were talking about.

"Lin Jing asked Qing Ling to bring him some soil from the Demon Race Secret Realm, claiming he wanted to use that soil for researching Spirit Plant cultivation," Li Qingqing explained.

After hearing this, Li Tangyu couldn't help but laugh and cry in frustration.

"Brother Lin, you think too much..."

"Your method simply won't work. The soil from the Demon Race Secret Realm has already been collected by our Li family, and we've started experimenting with it."