13 Qin Qing seeks help_1

Shen Long took the golden Law Disk, and cast a spell into it, which conjured up a line of text.

"Great Wind Blade Talisman, capable of releasing dozens of Wind Blades to damage enemies, with a large area of impact, forty Spirit Stones each."

"Earth Escape Charm, sixty Spirit Stones each."

"Summon Lightning Talisman, able to call down the Power of thunder and lightning in nine strikes to harm enemies, one hundred Spirit Stones each."


"Beast Soul Talisman can conjure up a late-stage first-order Green Wind Tiger to attack enemies, two hundred Spirit Stones each."

Shen Long turned to Lin Yu and asked, "What's the difference between the Monster Beasts conjured by the Beast Soul Talisman and living ones?"

"The Monster Beasts conjured by the Beast Soul Talisman can only use some of the Divine Skills of their bodies, they're just as tough, and once their power is exhausted, they're scrapped, but they can be used multiple times."

Shen Long thought for a moment, then said, "I'll take one Beast Soul Talisman, two Summon Lightning Talismans, one Earth Escape Charm, and one Great Wind Blade Talisman."

Top-quality Magic Artifacts start at one thousand Spirit Stones, and second-order Talismans start at several hundred Spirit Stones, so Shen Long simply couldn't afford them.

With these five Talismans in hand, Shen Long felt much more confident.

"Alright, Taoist Friend, please have a seat for a moment, I will be right back."

Lin Yu rose and left.

Before long, she returned, taking out a green jade box and handing it to Shen Long.

Shen Long opened the jade box, which contained five Talismans. He meticulously checked them, noting a mini Green Tiger pattern on the Beast Soul Talisman.

Shen Long put away the Talismans and got up to leave.

After leaving the Treasure Pavilion, Shen Long strolled around the streets, watching for any followers.

Spending five hundred Spirit Stones at once was the largest expense he had ever had in his life, and also the most extravagant.

When Shen Long went out to hunt Monster Beasts, his biggest gain hadn't even reached five hundred Spirit Stones. A first-order initial-stage Snow Winged Ice Centipede alone could sell for five hundred Spirit Stones, and the Strange Bugs ranked higher would definitely command an even higher price.

After the time it takes to drink a cup of tea, he arrived at the Azure Stone Plaza, where the nightfall made the place even more lively, with some vendors energetically calling out to attract customers.

He walked around, hoping to find the old man in green robes selling insect eggs.

After making a round, he didn't see the old man in green robes, nor did he find anyone selling unhatched Strange Bug eggs.

Shen Long wandered the streets for a good half hour and, upon confirming that there were no followers, he headed to the Martial Training Garden at Qianzhu Peak and entered a stone chamber to practice his spells.

Half a day later, Shen Long walked out of the Martial Training Garden. He had restored his original appearance and returned to his residence.

He sat cross-legged on the stone bed, took out the Spirt Control Tower, his eyes ablaze with eagerness.

Relying on the Spirt Control Tower, he had made a large sum. The Spirt Control Tower could incubate weakly viable Spirit Insect eggs, and there should be more functions that Shen Long had yet to discover.

"Spirt Control Tower! If only I could be admitted into the Spirit Control Sect."

Shen Long muttered to himself.

"Cultivation is the fundamental, this time I was lucky; it's not that easy to obtain Strange Bug eggs."

Shen Long put away the Spirt Control Tower, took out a green porcelain bottle, poured out a green pill that was round and bright, emitting a faint fragrance.

Qi Nourishing Pill, two Spirit Stones each. Before this, Shen Long could afford to consume a Qi Nourishing Pill only infrequently, not due to reluctance but because of financial embarrassment.

He now had a total of eight Qi Nourishing Pills, and two hundred and sixty-seven Spirit Stones.

Shen Long placed the Qi Nourishing Pill in his mouth, where it dissolved instantly upon entering, and a stream of Spiritual Energy rose in his abdomen.

He hurriedly began cultivating, guiding the Spiritual Energy towards his dantian.


In a three-story azure tower, Chen Xiong sat in the main seat, with five Qi Refining Cultivators seated on both sides.

Chen Xiong's gaze was gloomy; he had thought he would be able to eliminate Xu Lei and the others, only to have two people killed instead.

"We have determined that the Cultivator who killed Madam Li's brother is Shen Long, a fifth-layer Qi Refinement Cultivator, who once served at Soldier Hall, and is a recluse."

A gentle-looking young man in a white robe said.

"Killing my brother, this enmity is unshareable under the heavens, don't let me encounter him outside the marketplace."

A voluptuous woman in a red dress spoke coldly, her face full of murderous intent.

Li Yue, Qi Refinement seventh layer, deputy captain of the Monster Hunting Team.

"Everyone go back and rest, adjust well, and after we find a new team member, we'll head into the mountains to hunt Monster Beasts again."

Chen Xiong said.

Li Yue and the others acknowledged and stood up to leave.


Half a year quickly passed by.

In the Martial Training Garden, inside a certain secret chamber, Shen Long stood before a sand pit, practicing spells.

He chanted under his breath, his right hand slowly lighting up with a white Spiritual Light. With a flick of his wrist, a foot-long white Ice Cone shot out and struck the yellow sand pit, the grains of sand that touched the white Ice Cone were covered in a layer of white frost.

Shen Long intended to cultivate the Ice Cone Technique to Great Perfection, as it might be crucial at a critical moment.

The Ice Cone Technique had already reached a minor accomplishment; the speed of casting was a bit faster, yet there was still some distance from instant casting.

After nearly half an hour, the sand pit was filled with white Ice Cones, the temperature in the room plummeted, and a layer of white frost appeared on the stone walls.

Shen Long's face was pale as he shook his sleeve, and a red fireball flew out, striking the sand pit and turning all the Ice Cones into mist.

He performed the Entwining Technique several times, and thick Green Vines drilled out from the sand pit.

He opened the door and stepped out, only to find Qin Qing standing at the entrance.

"Taoist Friend Qin, what a coincidence!"

Shen Long greeted with a smile upon seeing Qin Qing.

"Taoist Friend Shen, I have a matter to discuss with you, may I have a word in private?"

Qin Qing asked politely.

Shen Long nodded, and the two returned to the secret chamber, closing the door behind them.

"Taoist Friend Shen, are you well-off? Could you lend me some Spirit Stones? I'll repay you as soon as I earn them."

Qin Qing said, his face filled with expectation.

"Lend you Spirit Stones? Taoist Friend Qin, I am not that well-off either. Every time we hunt Monster Beasts, I don't get much from the loot," Shen Long replied with a frown.

There were too many people in need, and Shen Long couldn't help everyone; besides, he was only a partner of Qin Qing.

"I know, if I hadn't run out of options, I wouldn't be asking you. Taoist Friend Xu and Taoist Friend Sun are in seclusion for healing and haven't responded to my messages. I don't even have any Spirit Stones to buy Spirit Rice," Qin Qing said with a wry smile, his face full of worry.

"Taoist Friend Qin, didn't you earn something last time we hunted Monster Beasts? It shouldn't be gone so quickly!" Shen Long said, puzzled.

Cultivators rarely eat the food of mortals, as it lacks Spiritual Energy and does not benefit cultivation; eating too much can be detrimental.

"Ah, it's all because of that kid Tianhe," Qin Qing sighed deeply and explained the situation.

Every time he earned Spirit Stones, he would give most of them to Qin Tianhe so that in case he didn't return from hunting Monster Beasts, Qin Tianhe could survive for a while.

Having not hunted Monster Beasts for half a year, Qin Qing had run out of Spirit Stones. When he asked Qin Tianhe for some to buy Golden Bead Spirit Rice, Qin Tianhe simply couldn't produce them, stammering in response. It was only after Qin Qing's pressing that Qin Tianhe revealed the truth.

Every time Qin Qing went out to hunt Monster Beasts, Qin Tianhe worried greatly, fearing that Qin Qing wouldn't return. He wanted to help ease Qin Qing's burdens, but was powerless to do so.

One day, while wandering around the marketplace, he saw someone selling Spirit Insect Eggs listed on the Heaven and Earth Exotic Insect List; the person needed Spirit Stones urgently, hence the sale of the eggs.

Qin Tianhe wanted to hatch the eggs and then sell the young insects for a profit, so he bought an egg at a high price. However, he was never able to hatch it and when he went to the seller for a refund, the seller had vanished, leaving him to rue his bad luck.