16 Snow Cloud Fox_1

The Mountain-Pushing Beast opened its gaping maw, spitting out over a dozen yellow Earth Cones, striking the Green Wind Tiger's body. It was like scratching an itch for the Green Wind Tiger, which clamped onto the Mountain-Pushing Beast's neck.

The Mountain-Pushing Beast struggled fiercely, but the Green Wind Tiger's sharp claws pinned it to the ground.

A thick green vine burst out of the ground, wrapping around the Mountain-Pushing Beast's body. The Mountain-Pushing Beast struggled violently, but it was no use.

Red liquid dripped down, staining the ground.

After a while, the Mountain-Pushing Beast stopped struggling and breathed its last, as the Green Wind Tiger bit through its neck.

Shocked yet also cautious, Shen Long and the five others watched on.

Ye Yuqing had many first-order Talismans in her hand and a powerful first-order middle-stage Green Wind Tiger.

This time, to take down two Mountain-Pushing Beasts, Ye Yuqing had made a significant effort.

"Let's go in and have a look; hopefully, there will be a lot of Spiritual Medicines."

Xu Lei walked into the cave; Shen Long and the others collected the Mountain-Pushing Beasts' corpses and hurriedly followed.

Before long, they emerged into a large cave about an acre in size, where in the bottom left-hand corner were twelve green grasses. Each grass had three leaves in a diamond shape, and one of them had three golden lines on the leaves.

"Three-Leaf Grass! The oldest one must be over thirty years old."

Ye Yutang spoke up.

Every ten years, a golden line would appear on the Three-Leaf Grass; the more golden lines it had, the older it was.

They're usually used to make Qi Nourishing Pills, suitable for Qi Refinement cultivators in the mid-stage to consume.

They carefully dug up the twelve green grasses, Xu Lei took three of the Three-Leaf Grasses, including the one that was over thirty years old. Sun Yang and Ye Yuqing each took two stalks, and each of the five members of Shen Long's group got one ten-year-old Three-Leaf Grass.

After selling the two Mountain-Pushing Beasts, the Spirit Stones obtained were divided among the eight of them equally.

Shen Long had no objections to this distribution. In the Cultivation Realm, strength speaks for itself. He had put in little effort and still received a sum of Spirit Stones.

With some treasures gained, everyone was pleased.

After leaving the cave, the group headed toward a steep peak.

Two days later, Xu Lei and the seven others appeared in a dense black forest, all wearing wary expressions and moving slowly.

"This is the place; hopefully, we can catch that Snow Cloud Fox."

Xu Lei said.

"The Snow Cloud Fox is very timid; it will immediately burrow away and flee if it detects us!"

Qin Qing said, frowning.

"Fairy Ye, please set up the Formation."

Xu Lei asked politely.


Shen Long and the others came to a realization and looked on enviously.

Formations were a luxury for them, starting from a few hundred Spirit Stones for a first-order Formation, and better ones costing several thousand.

Ye Yuqing nodded, flicked her sleeve, and over a dozen green flags flew out, hovering in mid-air.

As she formed a spell, the green flags suddenly shone with bright green light.


With a light shout from Ye Yuqing, the green flags flew in all directions and disappeared into the ground.

Her Array Setting skills were skilled, clearly not for the first time. Understanding Talisman Crafting and having a Spirit Beast, she definitely wasn't a Loose Cultivator.

Ye Yutang took out a pale golden incense stick and said, "This is the expensive Demon Attracting Incense I've bought. It's highly attractive to first-order Monster Beasts. But you all must hide well so as not to let the Snow Cloud Fox detect us. I hope we can catch it."

"Demon Attracting Incense! Is it the Demon Attracting Incense made by the Spirit Control Sect?"

Xu Wen asked.

"Exactly. The Snow Cloud Fox has a keen sense of smell; we must remove our scents."

Ye Yuqing replied, taking out a Green Gourd, pulling out the stopper, and a pungent, foul odor wafted into Shen Long's nostrils.

Shen Long furrowed his brows tightly, the scent was too awful, worse than a corpse.

"This is the Demon Repelling Liquid produced by the Spirt Control Sect. Many Monster Beasts detest the smell of this liquid. Smearing it on ourselves can cover our own scent. Just apply it on the hands, feet, and chest."

Ye Yuqing explained as she poured out some green liquid and applied it on her hands and feet before passing the gourd to Shen Long.

"Demon Attracting Incense! Demon Repelling Liquid!"

Shen Long heard about these things for the first time and honestly smeared the liquid on his hands and feet.

Ye Yutang lit the Demon Attracting Incense and placed it in the center of the formation.

They gathered under a towering tree, and Ye Yuqing took out a command flag that shone with green light. With a gentle shake, a cloud of green mist surged out, concealing their bodies.

After a while, the green mist dispersed, and the eight figures of Shen Long and his companions vanished.

Shen Long was still standing under the towering tree, clearly seeing the Demon Attracting Incense from a distance.

Before long, a cheerful hissing sound arose, as an Iron Tail Scorpion, about a zhang in size, emerged from a thicket of bushes.

The ground bulged with a small mound as a black earthworm broke through the surface, and some white bees flew from a distance, following the scent of the Demon Attracting Incense towards its location.

A white dot appeared in the distance, rapidly approaching their location.

After a while, Shen Long and the others could clearly see that the white dot was in fact a white fox with restless, intelligent eyes.

"Snow Cloud Fox!"

Xu Lei looked pleased.

"Don't rush, it's currently at the outer periphery of the formation. We'll make our move in a bit."

Ye Yutang said, taking out an Array Plate that sparkled with green light.

Ye Yuqing took out a green Array Plate, gazing toward the Snow Cloud Fox.

The Snow Cloud Fox sniffed the air a few times and quickly headed towards the Demon Attracting Incense.

A net, shimmering with green light, fell from the sky, aiming for the Snow Cloud Fox.

The Snow Cloud Fox reacted quickly, its body emitting a yellow light as it burrowed into the ground. Just then, thick green vines broke through the soil and entangled the fox, preventing it from escaping underground.

The green net descended face first, bundling the Snow Cloud Fox into a bundle.

The Iron Tail Scorpion got a fright and tried to flee, but thick green vines emerged from the ground, entangling it too.

Shen Long and the others appeared, one after another, producing Magic Artifacts to attack the Demon Insects.

A dozen white bees, their wings beating, flew toward the distance, when a blue Talisman flew over and exploded suddenly, transforming into a gigantic blue water curtain that enveloped the white bees.

The white bees crashed against the blue water curtain, causing ripples to spread out.

Before long, they had eradicated several first-tier Demon Insects.

"Fairy Ye, why not kill these White Jade Bees?"

Shen Long curiously asked.

"The carcasses of White Jade Bees aren't valuable. Wouldn't it be better to let them lead us to their hive?"

Ye Yutang explained with a smile.

"This is deep in the Qianzhu Mountain Range, encountering a second-tier Monster Beast would be troublesome."

Xu Wen expressed his concerns.

"Taoist Friend Xu, White Jade Bees are gentle by nature and their Divine Skills are not strong. Do you think they'd be able to come here if there were second-tier Monster Beasts near their hive?"

Ye Yutang analyzed.

"That makes sense. So the hive is nearby?"

Qin Qing said excitedly.

"It shouldn't be too far. White Jade Bees aren't as strong as other Demon Insects and Monster Beasts; they are easily killed and can't fly far to gather nectar."

Ye Yutang stated.