28 Fire Cloud Python_1

As soon as Shen Long sneaked underground, the connection with the Xuangui Shield was severed. He was quite certain that the Xuangui Shield had been destroyed, given that it was only a lower-grade Magic Artifact.

He took out two Talismans that flickered with Spiritual Light and slapped them onto his body. With a flash of light, a green-colored light screen and a yellow earthen armor appeared, forming three layers of defense.

The ground tore open, and a green Wind Blade shot out. The Xuan Water Shield and the green light screen shattered instantly, striking the yellow earthen armor and leaving a long gash on its surface.

Shen Long broke out in a cold sweat. Was this the power of a second-stage mythical bird? He had nearly lost his life.

He swiftly moved deeper underground, the ground shaking slightly.

After the time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Shen Long returned to the surface, the power of the Earth Escape Charm having been exhausted.

He was Wrapped in a water-blue light screen and wearing the yellow earthen armor, his face full of wariness.

Shen Long was currently in a narrow valley overgrown with weeds.

A loud booming noise came from ahead, and a vast Mountain-Pushing Beast, with traces of fire burns on its body, burst into the valley.

Dozens of millstone-sized fiery-red fireballs flew from behind the Mountain-Pushing Beast, bombarding its body one after another, the booming noises erupting as rolling flames engulfed the beast's body.

The Mountain-Pushing Beast let out a pain-filled roar, its speed slowing. A massive maw descended from the sky, clamping onto its neck. The beast struggled violently to no avail, and copious amounts of blood gushed out from its neck. Before long, it stopped moving altogether.

"A late-stage first-order Fire Cloud Python!"

Shen Long's expression grew stern, his gaze falling on the entirely red python.

He flicked his sleeve, and a foot-long white Ice Cone shot out, striking the Fire Cloud Python, producing a muffled sound.

The Fire Cloud Python opened its gaping maw, spitting out more than a dozen millstone-sized fiery-red fireballs, which hurled toward Shen Long.

Shen Long raised the Xuan Water Umbrella, a wavering blue light flowing around the small umbrella as he lowered it to release a water-blue curtain of water, protecting him.

Xuan Water Umbrella, a mid-grade Magic Artifact.

Over the past two years, Shen Long had earned quite a few Spirit Stones and had spent four hundred of them to purchase this Xuan Water Umbrella.

More than a dozen fiery-red fireballs consecutively struck the water-blue screen, exploding one after another. Rolling flames submerged the water-blue screen.

Shen Long pinched a spell, and instantly the Xuan Water Umbrella emitted a bright blue light. The water-blue screen rippled, and the flames dispersed. The Fire Cloud Python lunged.

Shen Long raised his right hand, sending a streak of cyan light into the ground. A thick Green Vine broke through the earth, twisting around the Fire Cloud Python's midsection.

The Fire Cloud Python struggled mightily but couldn't break free. It turned its head and spat out a jet of fiery-red flame, engulfing the Green Vine, which disintegrated into ash.

A pair of scissors glimmering with cyan light shot forth, striking the Fire Cloud Python, followed by a muffled sound.

A more than three-foot-long cyan Wind Blade shot out, slashing the Fire Cloud Python, leaving a superficial cut on its body.

Shen Long summoned the Beast Soul Talisman, and the Green Wind Tiger released a series of cyan Wind Blades attacking the Fire Cloud Python.

Shen Long controlled the Qingyue Scissors to attack the Fire Cloud Python while concurrently launching a succession of white Ice Cones.

As time gradually passed, the Fire Cloud Python began to falter, with numerous scales falling off and its body becoming soaked in blood.

It wanted to attack Shen Long, but the Green Wind Tiger did not give it the chance. Whenever it tried to approach Shen Long, the Green Wind Tiger would pounce.

Feeling that the situation was dire, the Fire Cloud Python opened its mouth, launching more than a dozen fiery-red fireballs toward Shen Long.

The fiery-red fireballs consecutively struck the water-blue screen, which rippled under the assault, causing the fireballs to collapse entirely.

Seizing the opportunity, the Fire Cloud Python started to crawl back the way it came, very quickly.

Before it could get far, a thick Green Vine burst from the earth, binding its midsection again.

A loud tiger's roar sounded, a breeze passed, and the Green Wind Tiger caught up, opening its massive maw to bite down on the Fire Cloud Python's midsection. The python let out a pain-filled roar, turned its head, and spewed out a torrent of flames, drowning the body of the Green Wind Tiger.

A thick Green Vine burst from the earth, wrapping around the Fire Cloud Python's neck, then sunk back into the ground, locking the python's head to the surface.

The Fire Cloud Python's head was pressed against the ground, its midsection clutched by the Green Wind Tiger.

Several Green Vines shot up from the earth, entangling the python's neck further, rendering it unable to break free, making it a living target.

An Iron Tail Scorpion emerged from the ground, its stinger aiming straight for the Fire Cloud Python's head, followed by a muffled sound.

The Qingyue Scissors descended from the sky, cleaving onto the Fire Cloud Python's head, emitting yet another muffled sound.

The Green Wind Tiger fiercely tore and bit, and a large number of scales fell from the Fire Python's abdomen, causing unstoppable bleeding.

In less than twenty breaths, the Fire Python had lost all signs of life and stopped resisting.

Shen Long didn't dare to take it lightly. He used the Qingyue Scissors to sever the Fire Python's head, and only then did he feel relieved.

With a spell, the Green Wind Tiger transformed into a dimly glowing Talisman, falling into his hand, its might greatly diminished.

He collected the bodies of the Fire Python and the Mountain-Pushing Beast, put the Iron Tail Scorpion back into the Spirit Beast bag, and left the place.

Upon returning to the marketplace, Shen Long headed straight for the Soldier Hall. He went to the second floor and saw that Sun Huowang was chatting with a youthful, red-skirted young girl.

The girl had delicate features, skin fair as snow, and eyes that sparkled with vitality.

Sun Yiyue, Sun Huowang's daughter, a first-rank Artifact Refiner.

"Taoist Friend Shen, you've come."

Upon seeing Shen Long, Sun Yiyue greeted him.

"I would like the Shopkeeper's help in crafting a Magic Artifact; I hope I'm not disturbing you two!"

Shen Long said.

"You're not disturbing us. Bring out your materials!"

Sun Huowang responded.

Shen Long took out the Fire Python's body and said, "A Fire Python at the late stage of the first rank; I'd like to ask the Shopkeeper for help in using its Beast Hide to craft an inner armor. May I know how many Spirit Stones it will cost?"

"A late stage first-rank Fire Python! You sure are capable, lad!"

Sun Huowang praised, inspecting the Fire Python's body closely.

"No problem, I will have someone notify you once the crafting is complete."

Sun Huowang agreed.

"Shopkeeper, how many Spirit Stones are needed?"

Shen Long asked. A mid-grade defense-type Magic Artifact wasn't cheap, but getting the materials and asking Sun Huowang for Artifact Refining would be a bit cheaper.

After pondering for a moment, Sun Huowang said, "No more than two hundred Spirit Stones."

"Then I will trouble you with this task."

Shen Long expressed his thanks.

After making small talk for a few moments, he took his leave.

"It's been a few years since we've seen each other, and Taoist Friend Shen is so formidable now, capable of killing a late-stage first-rank Fire Python."

Sun Yiyue expressed her surprise. If Shen Long had killed the Fire Python together with Xu Lei and the others, he wouldn't have been able to claim the Fire Python for himself.

"This young man is not weak; the fatal wounds on the Fire Python are all at vital points, no wonder he rejected my offer," Sun Huowang remarked.

"Dad, I don't want to get married. I want to join a cultivation sect so we don't have to worry about the Li Family anymore," Sun Yiyue earnestly said.

"Don't worry, your dad has plans, and don't tell anyone this, including your brother," Sun Huowang admonished.

"Understood, Dad," Sun Yiyue promised.

Back at his residence, Shen Long entered the Spirit Control Tower, released the Iron Tail Scorpion, and brought out the Mountain-Pushing Beast's body for the Iron Tail Scorpion to feast on.

He exited the Spirit Control Tower and sat cross-legged on the stone bed, starting his Cultivation.