33 Iron Tail Scorpion Meritorious_1

The Green Wind Tiger reacted quickly, its legs kicking out as it dodged most of the crimson fireballs, but it was still hit by some, engulfed in raging flames.

Xu Lei conjured a Giant Strength Talisman, which turned into a streak of yellow light and burrowed into the ground. Two giant yellow hands broke through the earth lightning-fast and clutched the hind legs of the Green Wind Tiger.

Four yellow-light shimmering flying knives shot out one after another, striking the Green Wind Tiger. The beast let out a piercing roar as its body shone with a green light and transformed into a dimly glowing green Silver Talisman.

With a muffled "puchi" sound, the green Talisman spontaneously combusted, leaving not even ashes behind.

After all, the Green Wind Tiger was a manifestation of the Beast Soul Talisman, not a real entity, otherwise, it would not have been so easily annihilated.