41 Zhang Yuyan, Zhang Yuruo_1

A pot of tea later, Shen Long appeared at the entrance of a nine-story golden pavilion, the signboard bearing the name "Rain Listening Pavilion" in three golden characters. It was a tea house where many Qi Refining Cultivators enjoyed drinking tea, making friends, and incidentally gathering information.

Shen Long entered the Rain Listening Pavilion and made his way to the fifth floor, which was fully occupied. Just as he was about to head upstairs, a hearty male voice called out, "Taoist Friend Li, are you looking for someone?"

Following the source of the voice, Shen Long saw a tall and thin young man in a silver robe, with a well-structured face, fair skin, holding a cyan-colored folding fan—a picture of grace and elegance.

"No, I came by myself. Are you waiting for someone, Taoist Friend Wei?"

Shen Long said with a smile.

The young man in a silver robe was named Wei Tianbao, born into a cultivator family affiliated to Badao Villa.