67 Xiaobi_2

The colossal fireball smashed onto the white shield, instantly bursting apart, engulfing a dozen or so zhangs in rolling flames. Even behind the white glowing screen, the woman in the white dress could feel an intense heat.

Before the flames had dissipated, another massive fireball came crashing down, boosting the fire's intensity.

The Ice Crystal Scorpion was entangled in battle with the Fire Rock Beast and the Iron Tail Scorpion, while the Green Giant Crane released streaks of green Wind Blades towards Shen Long, unable to break through the Xuan Water Shield.

It circled high in the sky before diving down, its sharp claws aiming straight for Shen Long at great speed.

Shen Long raised his right hand and sent a gigantic fireball flying out, smashing towards the Green Giant Crane.