71 Purchase Spirit Bird Egg_1

"Junior Brother Shen, you've advanced to the ninth layer of Qi Refinement, congratulations!"

A hearty male voice sounded.

Shen Long turned his head to see Qin Bao approaching with numerous brown bloodstains on his clothes.

"Senior Brother Qin, why are you alone? Where is Senior Brother Li?"

Shen Long asked curiously.

"He went back to rest, we just returned from hunting Monster Beasts."

Qin Bao said.

He used his identity plaque to claim his lunch, sat down, and began to eat and talk with Shen Long.

Qin Bao, Li Lei, and several other Qi Refining Cultivators teamed up to hunt Monster Beasts. They were mostly new disciples, with the lowest at the eighth layer of Qi Refinement. As long as they didn't encounter second-order Monster Beasts, there weren't many problems.

"Twin-Tailed Scorpion! You killed a nest of Twin-Tailed Scorpions! Could I buy some of the Twin-Tailed Scorpion bodies from you?"

Shen Long inquired.