77 Special Spirit Bird Eggs_3

Shen Long said.

"Thank you, Master Uncle Yu, thank you, Master Uncle Yu."

Chen Liang repeatedly expressed his gratitude.

Shen Long gave a few instructions and left the rice shop, strolling down the street.

After the time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Shen Long left the marketplace.

In the backyard of Chen's Rice Shop, Chen Liang was enveloped in a soundproof barrier and held in his hand a messaging plate that flickered with golden light.

"Daoist Friend Zhao, someone from above has already made contact with me, a cultivator by the surname Yu from the Foundation Establishment stage; he's been in the marketplace for half a year, asking me to keep an eye out for news of strange bugs, alien beasts, and fierce spirit birds with powerful bloodlines. I gave him a thousand spirit stones," Chen Liang said.