Foundation Establishment Middle Stage_1

Shen Long only knew a few of the Foundation Establishment Cultivators. Qin Yuwei arranged a seat for him towards the back, and he sat down.

"You must be Taoist Friend Shen!"

A portly old man in a green robe spoke up.

"Indeed, I am. May I ask who you are?"

Shen Long inquired politely.

"This is Qingzhu Hermit, Taoist Friend Liu, who is also an alchemist,"

Qin Yuwei introduced.

"So, you are Taoist Friend Liu."

Shen Long greeted with clasped hands.

Shen Long and Qingzhu Hermit began to chat about the art of alchemy, exchanging knowledge.

As more guests arrived at the Azure Stone Plaza, the Qin family disciples arranged seating and conversed with the guests.

After the time it took to brew a pot of tea, a loud bell rang out.

"The auspicious time has come! Please welcome the clan leader."

The moment the words ended, a loud roar of a beast echoed.