590, my Combat Nationality daughter, is not so easily obtained

Yang Hao's call with Balilev was very brief.

So brief that Kim Dashan hadn't even processed what was happening before Yang Hao hung up the phone on her father.


"This is it?"

Kim Dashan looked at Yang Hao, who had tossed his phone back onto the bedside table, with a face full of disbelief.


"What else!"

Yang Hao looked at Kim Dashan with amusement, as her eyes were filled with incredulity.

Men are like this.

I sleep... *cough cough*!

I'm already your daughter's boyfriend.

Some matters are better discussed face to face.

Perhaps this was a silent understanding between men.

Moreover, Yang Hao could sense that Balilev had probably been on speakerphone, and that there hadn't been just him present.

"You shouldn't have..."



"Or wanted to scold the man who slept with his daughter?"

"Or maybe..."

None of the scenarios Kim Dashan imagined had happened.