Chapter 355 Experiment Experiment Experiment

Yan Hanxiang couldn't wait; she no longer had the interest to continue the discussion and, calling for Gu Ran and He Qingyan, went to the second-floor laboratory.

Her bedroom's study had long been transformed into a Scent Room.

In the living room, only Zhuang Jing and Su Qing remained.

"Is it okay?" Zhuang Jing asked softly.

Her tone now would never be found in any other context; it was reserved exclusively for times when she was alone with Su Qing.

But was she sincere? Su Qing couldn't be completely certain. As a master psychologist, Zhuang Jing had the ability to impersonate anyone's mother.

"Whether I can even return to the island is a question," Su Qing said. "Even if I can, it would require repeated experiments to confirm that I alone cannot help Gu Ran before agreeing to let He Qingyan join."

Strangely enough, what worried Su Qing more than He Qingyan joining was another matter:

If she could continue to visit the island, would she still be a virgin in her dreams?