As the students left the centre stage, a wave of anticipation rippled through the arena. Conversations hummed with excitement as the audience eagerly awaited the next spectacle.

Still watching the stage as the students departed, Jace suddenly asked, "Say, Brian, what do you make of that Ivan character?"

Brian, savouring a light snack procured from one of the roaming vendors, furrowed his brow thoughtfully. "Can't say I'm a fan," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of annoyance. "Disrespecting this sacred event with his dismissive attitude, who does he think he is? Some kind of hotshot?"

Jace chuckled, his eyes alight with mischief. "I must admit, there's something intriguing about his confidence," he countered, a grin spreading across his face. "He certainly ruffled the feathers of the Library team.

"Did you see the look on Master Rodbar's face? Now that's my kind of guy. He's injecting some much-needed excitement into this exchange."

Brian rolled his eyes good-naturedly, acknowledging his friend's perspective. Before he could respond, however, the stage erupted into motion once more, capturing their attention.

With a subtle shift in the atmosphere, the soft strains of music began to permeate the air, beckoning the audience to attention. The melody, soothing and enchanting, wrapped around them like a gentle embrace, setting hearts aflutter with anticipation.

And then, as if summoned by the music itself, men and women emerged onto the stage, their presence commanding the attention of all who beheld them. Clad in vibrant costumes that shimmered in the spotlight, they moved with a grace and elegance that mesmerised the crowd.

The male dancers, exuding strength and confidence, executed each movement with precision and power. Their steps were bold and decisive, setting up the flow with the female dancers.

Contrastingly, the female dancers glided with graceful elegance, their movements fluid and graceful. With each twirl and swirl, they seemed to defy gravity, their flowing robes trailing behind them like leaves caught in the wind.

Together, the dancers wove a performance full of beauty and emotion, their bodies moving in perfect harmony with the music. With each beat, they conveyed a story, evoking a range of emotions in the hearts of the audience.

As the dance reached its crescendo, the energy in the arena soared to new heights. The dancers, seemingly caught up in the thrill of the dance, moved with more vigor.

And then, as suddenly as it had begun, the dance came to an end. The dancers took their final bows, their faces radiant with joy and satisfaction. The audience erupted into thunderous applause, their hearts filled with awe and admiration for the breathtaking spectacle they had just witnessed.

In that moment, amidst the cheers and applause, it was as if time stood still, and the only thing that mattered was the beauty and magic of the dance.


While the audience enjoyed the dance, the students were on their way to make final preparations for the exchange, with those from the Haven and those from the Library going their separate ways.

On the side of the members of the Haven of Seekers, Master Berg was left alone with his students.

"All of you may go and make final preparations. I want to have a word with Ivan."

The students heeded his words and were on their way. Dela looked at Ivan with a suppressed chuckle. "You're really gonna get it this time. Well, good thing I'm not involved, hahaha," he remarked before bursting into laughter.

Ivan winced at Dela's words, pondering the consequences of his earlier actions. 'Maybe I shouldn't have gone that far,' he thought to himself.

"Dela, I need you to stay also," Berg interjected, cutting Dela's laughter short, causing him to nearly choke in shock.

"W-what... Cough-cough, what did I do, Father? Why am I waiting also?" Dela asked after composing himself.

"You did nothing," Berg replied, causing Dela to sigh in relief. But then...

"That is exactly what you did wrong," Berg stated firmly. "I told you time and time again, always make sure you watch Ivan, but you failed in that by doing nothing and letting this walking disaster of a child roam freely without supervision," Berg scolded his son.

"All you could tell me today was, 'You know how Ivan is.' Of course, I know how he is; that's why I told you to keep watch on him, but you failed in that simple task," Berg continued.

"I'm sorry, Dad," Dela apologised remorsefully.

"It's okay. The worst has happened already, and that's because of a certain someone," Berg said, casting a displeased gaze at Ivan, who seemed lost in his thoughts, staring at the ceiling, not paying any attention to Berg's scolding of Dela.

Ivan suddenly shuddered as he sensed Berg's gaze, nervously looking away from the ceiling to meet Berg's piercing stare.

As soon as their gazes locked, Ivan flinched as cold sweat began to trickle from his forehead. At that point, Ivan just wished the ground could open up and swallow him.

"Ivan!" Berg called out, snapping Ivan back to attention.

"Y-yes, Master?" Ivan stuttered in response. Despite usually being confident and unafraid of his master due to his friendly nature, Ivan felt that this case wouldn't be like the previous ones.

"What is wrong with you? Why do you keep doing this? I have told you for the last three months prior to this exchange, just behave, even if it's for this exchange alone, but you seem to want to live your life anyhow you want to live it," Berg said before adding.

"Which honestly, there is no issue with, because as seekers, we should all be free, but we should also be disciplined," Berg's words resounded in the empty space with obvious anger and disappointment.

"I can stand you not wanting to participate in the exchange, but going as far as calling it a waste of time? You went two steps too far with that. You not only disrespected me, but you have also embarrassed the entire Haven of Seekers.

"You have insulted the king and the ambassadors from the other holds who sacrificed their time to be here today. You have insulted a three-thousand-year-old tradition and all of Tasvill. What do you have to say?" Berg spoke, his words even and unrushed, but one could feel the anger and evident disappointment in them.

"I'm sorry, Master, I-" Ivan weakly responded, but was cut off by Berg.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, Ivan," Berg interjected. "Normally, I'm not supposed to allow you to participate in this exchange, but I'll permit you on one condition, and that is…" Berg said before pausing. He continued, "Win. The only thing you can do now is win," Berg said firmly.

"Eh?" Dela exclaimed aloud as he heard what his father said.

"And not just win, win overwhelmingly. Since you've called it a waste of time, show that you can defend such words out there in the arena. Show you're the strongest on the battlefield, show everyone that your arrogance is not misguided, and lead your team to victory," Berg added, his gaze unwavering and challenging.

Ivan looked up at his master, his expression tense before relaxing it, and he said, "I swear I won't disappoint you, Master. I'll make sure to win this exchange overwhelmingly, and at the end of the exchange, I'll make sure to publicly apologise and dedicate its prize to you and the Haven," his voice full of determined resolve.

Hearing Ivan's words, Dela couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. 'Ivan seems serious,' he thought to himself. 'He can be a monster when he's serious. He doesn't have the best of attitudes, but no one can deny his overwhelming talent, not even the Haven's elders. This just got incredibly interesting,' Dela thought with glee in his heart.

At the same time, he looked at his father, who seemed to have flashed an almost unnoticeable grin after Ivan's words, but quickly got rid of it.

'This sly old man, I see what you're doing,' Dela thought to himself. 'He's making that monster serious. Way to go, old man, way to go.' Dela thought as a grin crept up his face.

Oblivious to his son's thoughts, Berg finally spoke.

"That is good and all... but if you do not keep to your words, the consequences will be steep to bear. Well, it's nothing serious; you'll just be stripped of your identity as a student of the Haven of the Seekers, and you'll lose all your rights here. We'll see to it that you are sent away from our hold."

As soon as Berg's words sounded, Dela's face paled as he stared at his father in shock. "Father..." Dela tried to protest his father's condition, but he was cut off by his father's raised hand.

Still maintaining his gaze on Ivan, Berg asked, "So, what do you say, Ivan?"

Ivan stared back at Berg, his gaze unwavering and unbothered as he answered, "No problem. In fact, it's only fair."

Hearing Ivan's words, Dela rushed to Ivan's side and held him by the shoulders, yelling, "Are you crazy? What if we don't win?"

Ivan turned to Dela and flashed a grin at him before asking, "Don't you trust me, Dela?"

"Well, I do, but... The consequences-" Dela started.

"It's okay," Ivan cut him off.

"Are you sure?" Dela asked.

"Very much," Ivan replied, smiling.

"Well, since you say so, let's show those Liberians who the bosses are," Dela said, joining in with a grin.

"Right, let's show the Liberians who the bosses are," Berg interrupted.