"With that aside, it's now time for me to introduce the representatives of each hold for the debate." The host said.

"Representing the library of knowledge as its main speaker is young master, Allan Rudiger," Ben announced

"Well, that's my cue," a young man from the side of the librarians said as he stood up.

"You've got this Allan," Chenai, the captain of the Librarians encouraged her colleague.

"Thanks, captain," Allan responded with a smile.

With that Allan stepped out from the side of the Librarians after receiving encouraging words from his teammates and getting a nod of approval from his master.

Making his way to the centre stage, Allan finally came into view of the audience.

Allan stood tall at six feet, radiating confidence with every step. His light brown eyes matched his hair, both possessing a gentle charm. His fair complexion added to his noble appearance. Overall, Allan gave off an air of belonging to a noble house.

Moving with graceful ease, Allan wore a gentle smile as he acknowledged the audience with a wave of his hand, prompting a mild round of applause.

Observing the reaction, Allan mused to himself, "Well, that's not quite the enthusiastic response I was hoping for."

Chuckling inwardly, he dismissed the thought with an air of unconcerned amusement.

Focusing on the task at hand, Allan's thoughts sharpened with determination. "All that matters is to win," he affirmed silently, a glint of resolve flashing across his face, before breaking into a smile.

Allan then went to the seats prepared for the participants and gracefully took his seat.

As Allan settled into his seat, Ben proceeded to introduce his supporting speaker.

"And his supporting speaker, Lady Judith Yorr," Ben announced.

At the mention of her name, a young lady glided onto the stage with an air of elegance, despite being a head shorter than her main speaker, she was just as captivating. With eye-catching light pink hair tied into two buns, she exuded a unique charm that set her apart. A light smile graced her lips, complimenting her natural beauty.

Walking with the grace of a noble damsel, Judith's robe draped around her elegantly, enhancing her fair complexion. Her mere presence was enough to inspire awe in those who beheld her.

Upon reaching the centre stage, Judith took her seat beside her head speaker, Allan, with grace. As she settled in, her presence seemed to complement Allan's.

"With that, I'll introduce the Representatives of the Haven of Seekers," the host declared, his voice resonating throughout the auditorium. "Starting with their chief speaker, we have young master Romnwell Castrol."

As the host's words resonated through the arena, before Romnwell had even stepped out, the crowd erupted into a deafening chorus of cheers and applause, underscoring the overwhelming support the Seekers enjoyed.

Amidst the fervour, Romnwell's tall, slender figure emerged from his team's side, prompting an even louder wave of applause and admiration.

With calm composure, Romnwell acknowledged the audience's adulation with a graceful wave before taking his seat at the centre of the stage.

"And his supporting speaker, Lady Ara Munai," Ben announced.

With that cue, Ara strode confidently to the centre stage. Confidence radiated from her, as she had a firm and focused expression.

Finally reaching the centre stage, Ara took her seat beside Romnwell.

With the arrival of all four representatives, both teams stood poised and ready to defend their respective holds.

After all the participants settled into their seats, Allan, the chief speaker for the librarians extended a hand in greeting towards his opposite number, Romnwell, a warm smile gracing his features.

"Let's engage in a nice debate, shall we?" Allan proposed, his tone gentle.

"Absolutely," Romnwell replied, reciprocating the handshake with a firm grip.

The gesture elicited another round of applause from the audience, a reminder that despite the competitive atmosphere, there was still a sense of oneness and sportsmanship that prevailed in this friendly exchange.

"So, ladies and gentlemen, our participants are ready and raring to go," Berg announced, his anticipation evident in his tone. Without wasting much of our time, I'll call on young master Allan to get us started with the debate. Berg beckoned to Allan to kick off the debate"

With that Allan got up from his seat attracting all eyes towards him, after composing himself, Allan began to speak…

"Good day ladies and gentlemen, as our exalted host has introduced, my name is Allan Rudiger." Allan's voice resounded with an enchanting clarity drawing the attention of all those who heard it.

"Today, I stand before you in support of the motion of magic regulation."

"But before I proceed I would like to recognise the dignitaries in our midst, to whom it's a pleasure and an honour to have with us."

Saying that Allan turned with a smile towards the VIP stands in the arena, and with a deep bow, Allan acknowledged the presence of every one of them.

"Now I proceed," Allan said, his face still alight with a confident smile.

"Firstly, I would like to start by reminding us of the prowess and significance of magic in our realm."

"Magic in its essence is a powerful and mysterious force that has existed since the beginning of time."

"It is a manifestation of the mystical to the physical. Through a medium in our atmosphere, which we call 'Mana', we can manipulate mana with the help of a special organ close to our hearts, that the professionals call, 'the mana organ' or 'mana core'. For magic beasts, it's a different case, but that is out of the point"

"With the discovery of the ability to manipulate mana, man has been able to achieve things which were considered impossible in the very early days." As time went by, driven by curiosity and passion, man became even more proficient and precise in his manipulation of mana, and has been able to advance greatly in the field of magic, with various branches and discoveries in this field being made almost every generation.

"In ancient warfare, our ancestors, the early men, made use of weapons fashioned from wood and stones, but with the advent of magic, what used to require an entire army to accomplish can only be done by a single man."

"Now imagine if someone with such power roams unchecked?" Allan asked, before continuing.

"While magic is undoubtedly a wondrous gift, it also carries inherent risks and dangers that cannot be ignored."

"I would also like to add that regulation does not necessarily mean suppression or total restriction, but the need to put a proper set of rules and regulations guiding the utility and practice of magic, as if everyone were to be allowed to use magic without restriction, it will be a perfect recipe for disaster."

"The need for regulation is not about stifling creativity or limiting individual freedoms, rather, it is about ensuring the responsible use of magic for the greater good of society."

"Without regulation, we risk chaos and potential harm. Unchecked magical practices can lead to accidents, misuse, and even intentional harm to others. Just as we have laws and regulations governing other aspects of our lives to maintain order and safety, magic should be no exception."

"Regulation also serves to protect those who may be vulnerable to exploitation or manipulation by unscrupulous individuals wielding magic for nefarious purposes."

"By establishing guidelines and employing a system in which citizens between the ages three and twenty-one, despite whatever discipline they want to study, should have a course on the principles of magic and its responsible use incorporated into their syllabuses, to educate them on the reality of magic and its dangers, while teaching them responsible use of such force."

"And if anyone may be above the age of twenty-one, there would be no problem as they would be allowed to undergo a short course on magic and acquire a certificate from any of the prestigious magic academies we have in the kingdom. All of these should be implemented so the kingdom can have reliable data on everyone who wishes to be magic practitioners, and be able to prevent abuse and ensure that magic is wielded responsibly and ethically."

"Furthermore, this is the point I want to emphasise, regulation can promote equality and fairness by providing equal access to magical education and resources for all, regardless of social or economic status."

"As I said earlier, regulation doesn't imply that only the privileged will be able to use magic, It ensures that opportunities are not monopolised by a privileged few, but are available to all who demonstrate the aptitude and willingness to learn."

"In conclusion, magic regulation is not about restricting freedom, but rather about safeguarding it. It is about creating a system that allows magic to flourish while protecting individuals and society as a whole."

"Let us embrace regulation as a means to harness the incredible potential of magic for the betterment of our kingdom and the world at large."

"Thank you."

With a graceful bow, Allan concluded the presentation of his argument.

"That… that makes sense," a stunned observer in the stands said as he slowly brought his hands together and began to clap.

As if waking up from a trance, the audience slowly began to clap, the sounds of their applause reverberating through the arena, creating a domino effect of applause.

Allan, now standing straight, flashed a smile, before walking off to his area.