Alexander’s Arrival!

Chapter 174: Alexander's Arrival!

It was only a few minutes later that Truth rose up from the ground. The first thing he did was tap Draco's shoulder with a smile.

"Thank you, young man." And he turned his back to return to his spot, once again taking out a jar of booze as the first one had fallen to Portalia from Truth's shock.

Draco guessed that the old man needed some time alone, so without a single word, he just left the scene, teleporting back to the center where he ascended.

Now that he was able to just settle down and restructure his plans, he wanted to take things slow and the first thing he could do now was...

"Zero." There were some promised rewards he had to take, and he would be lying if he said he wasn't looking forward to the potential boons.

Zero, with her dark hair dancing, appeared next to Draco, who was sitting inclined on a beautiful cherry blossom tree.