
When he woke up he had a splitting hedache. He looked around and saw, that he was laying in a comfortable medival bed.

He was in a big room with old tomes on a bookshelf and a table, that was buried under paper. He got up and looked in the mirror on the other side of the room and looked at himself.

He had wild black hair an aristrocratic face and blood red eyes that were glowing slightly. These eyes looked like they don't belong to a human, more like a fire dragon. He had an enormus bad boy vibe just because of his looks.

'Am I a Vampire?' he just couldnt help but ask himself. 'Very good' he sighed sarcastically. Before I was an archeologist without any archivements and now I am in the body of a 4 year old Vampire. His only joy in his previous live were novels and fanfictions. Above all he most liked the Harry Potter series.

All of a sudden the hedache he had intensified. He felt like his head would split apart. Memories started to appear in his mind and he started to understand his current situation. To his dissapointment it turns out that he wasn't in the Harry Potter world.

This world is more like a medival world with Magic and he was the son of the queen Morgana Le Fay. She is the most powerful Archmage besides Merlin and the most powerful black mage to ever exist. In her Kingdom she gets hailed as a godess. His father unfortunately passed away early due to a lost duel against Athur Pendragon the british king.

'Fortunately I'm not a Vampire' he thought.

[Conditions have been met, Warlord Sytem is awakening]


Name: Orion Le Fay

Age: 4years old

Bloodline: unawakend/ unknown

Aura power: 0 (unawakend)

Magic power: 2

Intelligence: 100

Spellcasting: 4 ( average )

Transfiguration: 4 ( average)

Potions: 6 ( very good)

Black Magic: 8 ( 1 in a million)

Mind Arts: 8 ( natural Oclumen)

Divination: 2 ( shit )

Runes: 7 ( genius )

Unused talent points: 0

Abilities: Analyse

[Quest: learn Aura]

No time limit

Reward: magic shadow swordart ( legendary )

Magic katana Muramasa (unique)

2* talent points

[Quest: Awakening of your bloodline]

No time limit

Rewards: 3* talent points

(Rarity is as follows: common < rare < very rare < epic < legendary < unique < mythical)


An ugly creature appeared in his bedroom. It was a house elf, the same as in the Harry Potter series.

"Bel is very sorry to distrurb the young master but the Madam has ordered that you do your training and education every day"

As the prince of Avalon he naturally had his obligations. Orion needed to do physical and sword training in the morning, history and political training in the afternoon and magic training in the evening.

Now don't underestimate the magic knights of Avalon. They have mastered a mysterious energy simlar to mana. They call it Aura. With Aura the knights can strengthen their bodies to a superhuman limit and unleash cutting attacks that can split mountains. Of course for that you need a lot of Aura reserves.

So he spent the rest of his morning nearly dying and getting beat up by his sword Instructor Balur, afternoon in school for politics and had magic training in the evening. Due to his age this focuses mostly on trying to lift a feather with your willpower it is absolutey frustrating that nothing happens.

He followed this routine for the next year. He finally awakend his magic and was able to lift a feather and other light objects.

Besides that was he eagerly awaiting his 6th birthday. On thjs day he would be able to complete one of the system quests. He would be able to undergo a ritual to awaken his bloodline which is unfortunately completely random for every magical child and not hedetary. Else he would get the powerful legendary bloodline of the black dragon that this mother had, it's really a pity.

So until his 6th bithday nothing really happend. His mother Morgana rarely had time to meet him because of her obligations as the queen of Avalon.

He just followed his daily routine like everyday and got stronger with each passing day especially with his physical training. He had an amazing body because of a special magical diet and body supplement potions. Even through he hasn't unlocked his aura yet he was stronger than an adult man.

A Year later...

His 6th Birthday has finally arrived. He needed to attend a banquet with a lot of political influental persons. There was king Athur Pendragon, Merlin, the mighty Archmage and a lot of other unimportant aristrocrats. He wore an elegant black suit with red ornaments and the family crest on his back. It was a big red hexagon with a black dragonhead in the middle.

He and his Mother welcomed their guests into the castle. When everyone has arrived Orion stood up and said "everyone I thank you all for comming to my bithday, it pleases me to see so many guests. Without further ado I open the banquet and wish you all a good appetite."

There was a short round of applause and most people filled their plates with countless delicacies. Merlin just laughed and teased his friend king Athur "see?, that's how you hold a speech, it's pointless to hold a speech that lasts for over an hour."

King Athur just blushed a bit in emberassment.

After the banquet the Bloodline awakening ritual was held. A big ritual circle was drawn in a big hall and Orion went to the middle while all other guests watched from the sidelines with anticipation.

There was a wild discussion about what bloodline the son of the legendary Morgana le fay gets. Sureley not as extraordinary as the black dragon bit it must not be ordinary right?

As Orion stepped in the centre of the cicle he sat down in a meditating pose and poured all his magic power into the ritual circle. The runes lit up in a blood red light. After a while Orions body started to become hot and it only got hotter with time. He started to emmit black mist that became thicker as time passes. After several minutes his hot body got ice cold his eyes started to glow in an eerie red color and looked like the eyes of a snake with only a slit as pupils. Then there was a giant magic shockwave that sent everyone who stood in the room on their knees. There was a loud roar so loud and mighty that sent everyone shivers down their necks and let all their hair stand up. Everyone in the audiance trembled in fear.

Then everything goes away and only silence remains.

A second later loud discussions started.

"What the hell was that?"

"Don't know but it must be something powerful"

"It seems like the Le Fays have one more monster"


[ Quest: Awakening of you Bloodline completed]

[Awakend Bloodline: Jörmungandr ( mythical )

[Aquiered Abilities: Resistance to negative effects of black magic, supernatural speed, stamina and strength, 90% damage reduction to all kinds, Parseltongue, Magic spell; devouring ]

[ Reward: 3* talent points ]

Orion couldn't help but smile when he saw the effects of his bloodline. He was fucking overpowered.

His Mother Morgana also had a proud smile on her face. This bloodline of her son seemed to be very strong.

The banquet ended shortly after and the guests all left.

After the banquet his mother took him to the ancestral temple of the Le Fay family. There he would get a familar beast for life.