Old Enemies

-In Camelot-

In a very old castle a man came running and kneeled in front of the throne.

On the throne sat a very old man with a long white beard. He had deep blue eyes and wrinkled skin. Neverthless was he radiating an astonoshing amount of magic power. Because of the enourmous magical energy it was hard to breathe in his presence.

The man in front of him hesistantly began to speak.

"Your exellency, the eternal ice has molten...the boy woke up" said the still kneeling man in front of the throne.

"Finally...find him and bring him to me. I want him alive" the man on the throne said.

"As you command your exellency" the man said and left.

"This damn prison, when will this world finally recover?" the man cursed "the price for imortality is to live with these damn restrictions".

The man sighed and calmed down.

"One day, I Merlin Emrys will break free from these restrictions and ascend to Godhood" he declared to himself while balling his fist "but first I must kill that pest before he becomes a threat".


Orion woke up in his bed.

He took a quick shower and headed down to the common room.

The news of his suspension because of the use of black magic has already spread.

James Rosier saw him and grinned.

"Oi LeFay, I heard you got suspended. You must have set a new record to get a suspension on your second day of school" Rosier mocked and his gang around him snickered.

Orion just walked until he stood in front of him.

He just smiled and quietly said: don't worry, next time I will make sure no one finds out".

He then passed them and left the common room.

In the great hall breakfast has already started. Pike and Blaise were already eating at the Slytherin table. Orion just sat down beside them and started eating.

Pike looked at him and just said "don't take it to heart, even if you get expelled from this school my mom could help you to get admitted to Durmstrang. It's a magic school in Norway. The only downside would be that you would have to learn russian as they don't teach in english".

Orion looked up and asked him "can you actually do that for me? I planned to transfer to that school after my second year. If they give me the neccesairy books for the first and second year I won't fall behind even through I had this shitty Hogwarts curriculum for two years".

Blaise spat out his pumkin juice and looked at him.

"You want to transfer? But Hogwarts is the best school there is?" he said.

Orion just laughed "oh really? I already know all the charms and potions that will be teached in the seventh year here. Defense against the dark arts is a joke and in history of magic they only teach you about some unimportant goblin rebellions. Astrology is useless for me and I'm also quite advanced in Herbiology. The only subject I can really learn something in is transfiguration".

"Woah...since when were you so awesome? You need to help me with my homework when you are back!!!" Blaise said and pointed his fork at him accusingly.

"Well if you are serious about this my mom could ask their headmaster if it is possible...you should get a reply in a week at most" Pike said.

"Please do that, I owe your mother and you a favor" Orion said.

"No need for that, we're friends after all" Pike just said.

"Well, I already packed my things and need to go now. Goodbye you two I will see you in three weeks" Orion said and stood up.

"Just see it as extra vacation and come back soon" Blaise said and winked.

He then also walked over to the Hufflepuf table to say goodbye to Susan.

When he was done saying everyone goodbye he made his way over to Snapes office.

He arrived in front of his office and raised his hand to knock. At this moment the door opened and he was met with the sneering face of professor Snape.

"LeFay...about time. Follow me" he just said and walked away. His steps were so quick that Orion almost had to run to keep up with him. After a while they left the castle and walked over to hogsmeade. Snape then just raised his wand and waited.

A second later the knights bus appeared with a loud explosion.

"This is the knights bus, an emergency transport for witches and wizards. It will take you to your home, you just need to tell the conductor. When your suspension is over you can take this bus back or take the floo to hogsmeade station" Snape explained and turned to him.

"Any questions?".

"Yes acctually...Dumbledore said there will be a trial in the Wizengamot about my identity..." he said.

"Don't worry, Dumbledore will come to your house and go to the ministry with you" Snape said.

"Just be home at the time!".

Orion said "I understand, I will see you in three weeks professor".

Snape just nodded and stormed of in the direction of the castle.

"So are you comming or not?" Stan asked from the door of the knights bus.

"Ah, sure" Orion said and entered the bus.

"To the LeFay manor" he said.


He reappeared in a safe room in his manor. It was a gray room with nothing in it besides the chimney. You can only leave the room through a very thick enchanted steel door. On the side of the door is a bell with a speaking device.

Orion walked over and rang the bell.

A bit later the grumpy voice of Vlad came through the speaker "Who is it?".

"It's me Vlad, now open the damn door" Orion said.

"Ah? Aren't you at Hogwarts? Why are you here?" Vlad asked confused "are you an imposter? I'll only warn you this once...".

"I got suspended, now open the damn door you fucking vampire!" Orion furiously said. It wasn't enough that he got suspended no, now his servant thinks he is an imposter...

"Alright, alright I belive you...come in" Vlad said.

With a click the door opened and he could finally go inside.

He came up the stairs as the safe room was located in the basement. Vlad was waiting in the living room lazily lying on the couch and reading a book.

With a pop a very ethusiastic house elf appeared.

"It's great that young master is back, is there anything that young master needs?" the house elf asked.

"Not for now thank you Looky. I'm going to adapt and calculate a ritual for restoring my magical power, don't disturb me in that time. Also bring me to the ministry on Friday afternoon. If you want to be of use instead of lazying around you need to enter the influental society in Britain. After my vaults are unfreezed again I will open a seperate vault for you with 1 million galleons inside it. Use it to gain more Influence" Orion said to Vlad.

"You really want me to do that? Can't you do it yourself?" Vlad asked.

"They won't take a child seriously, but with your power it should be possible for you to gain an Influence even above Albus Dumbledore. Oh and you should start with Cyrus Greengrass. He is the leader of the political neutral faction and his family is under a hedetairy blood curse. I'm sure you will be able to lift it with your blood magic with a bit of effort no?" Orion continued and walked inside an empty room in his mansion to prepare the ritual.

"Sigh, so much work. I thought after all this time I could finally take off some time but it seems like I dreamed to much" Vlad groaned and got up from the couch to write a letter to Cyrus Greengrass.

[Hidden chain quest activated: the ruler of Britain]

- quest: take over the neurtal faction

Heal Astoria Greengrass 0/1

[Reward: political and economical alliance with Greengrass]