Double Identity

He looked at the given quest and sighed.

It seems like he will have to continue with his research and experimenting.

He activated the skill to first get a feel for it. When the mana left his body it took on a dark shade and became extremely violent. It was like holding a very hungry dog on a leash.

He tried to destroy the table next to him with the skill. The dark mass of energy touched the table and returned to his hand.

The table was completly undamaged from the skill.

[Conditions not met, "devour" failed]

A system message popped out in front of him.

He read it and thought what he could try next. The most likely option what devour did had to do with organic matter.

So next he would try out a dead mouse as it is non magical and dead, next he would try a living mouse and next a magical beast and so on...

He quickly made his experimentation plan in his head and ordered Looky to look for the beasts.

She could get the mouses from somewhere in the garden and could them buy cheap magical beasts like a toad or something.

After 5 minutes he had all his victims pinned on a table.

He first tried to devour the dead mouse.

[Conditions not met, "devour" failed]

He then tried the living mouse.

[Conditions not met, "devour" failed]

He then moved on to the dead magical toad.

[Conditions not met, "devour" failed]

He then tried to devour the living magical toad.

[Conditions not met, "devour" failed]

In frustration he took a chair and hurled it to the wall.

Because of his superhuman body it felt like throwing a tennis ball.

All that was left of the chair was a pile of splintered firewood.

'What did I miss? Didn't I test out everything?' Orion contemplated and thoughtfully looked at the toad. 'Could it be...'

He then took out a knife and killed the toad and then tried to cast devour again.

[Conditions met, "devour" sucsessful]

[Energy gained: 0,00001 Miasma (only full numbers will be displayed in the system window)]

[Profiency has reached 10%]


Miasma is the energy of destruction and corruption wich is usually held by high ranking demons. Through it one can strengthen his magic. Miasma is gained through the act of killing, the more quantity and magical quality of the killed being, the more Miasma is gained. Makes the user cruel and very violent and destroys his ratoinal thinking.]

After Orion was done reading all the system messages he could finally understand this weird power he got. With that it is settled, he will definetely become a dark lord.

But he knew that he needed the knowlege of the three unforgivables for that.

Should he join the death eaters? It would give him a significant advantage like a lot of political and economical connections. He only needed to somehow get rid of the leader and the most fanatical followers. He would only need to pay attention to not get caught by Dumbledore, the ministry is a joke anyways when he is on the side of the death eaters.

He only needed to be careful of binding contracts but Snape could betray Voldemort wich indicates that he didn't thought so far. That baldy probably thought that it would be enough to rule through fear and terror.

He could also easily remove the dark mark as this is a slightly modified part of ancient dark magic of which he knew plenty and even if not he had his mothers tomes to look.

"I would have to many advantages as long as I don't get caught which is easy with a time turner in my possesion" Orion sighed.

He would for a few years join the death eaters but he needed a pureblood Identity to get a high standing within the death eaters.

He decided to set up a fake identity with about 50 million galleons.

He needed another proper mansion, another house elf and a new vault in Gringotts.

He took out the clowns mask and put it on his face while immagining himself as a

young man in his twenties. He gave himself unique white hair and orange-golden eyes that looked like the one from a dragon.

Statisfied he went outside and took the knights bus to diagon alley.

He went straight to Gringotts to set up a new vault.

"Hello, I would like to set up a family vault" Orion said to the nearest goblin.

"Just wait here, I'll get someone" the Goblin said and walked away.

After 2 minutes he came back with another Goblin that looked slightly older.

"Hello, I am Borock the head goblin. Nice to meet you Mister..." he said and lifted an eyebrow to inquire his name.

"Cassius, Cassius Nocturn" he said quickly.

"Ok Mr. Nocturn...if you would follow me" the head goblin said and led him to a casual consultation room.

On one side there where stacks of papers and books and in the middle was a plain table with normal wooden chairs.

"Take a seat" the goblin said and mentioned for him to sit.

Orion sat down and listened to everything the goblin had to say.

Like a mansion you need to buy the rights to a vault in Gringotts. The higher the amount stored, the higher the price for the vault will be.

There were a few options starting from a small 10,000 galleons vault to 1,000,000 galleons. The goblin wouldn't immagine that a random person would like to set up a vault with 50 million galleons.

"I need a vault for about 50 million galleons, the price doesn't matter" Orion just cut him short.

"Well that would be vault number 12, one of our oldest vaults but the price for that one is 5 million galleons..." the goblin said.

"Didn't I say the price doesnt matter? Right now Orion LeFay should be here and settle accounts with his manager. He will transfer all the money. And he will also give Gringotts 500,000 Galleons if you change your records to say that this vault was there since centuries. If somebody asks you will tell him it was there since a long time and you also will not mention any connection to the LeFay family" he said and slid a blood contract, an ancient contract magic that is even stronger than the unbreakable vow to the head goblin and mentioned for him to sign it if he agrees.

"Blood contract? How did you get one of those?" the goblin said suprised.

"Doesn't matter now do you sign or not?" Orion said and was starting to get impatient.

The goblin quickly grabbed the paper and signed it.

They concluded the deal and settled a few things. The same time all the things were paid for and the vault was set up with a mountain of galleons.

Borock gave him the key of the vault to conclude the deal. Orion then went outside, hid in a dark corner and used his time turner to go back in time for half an hour.

The world around him blurred and he was half an hour in the past. He then again walked into Gringotts and spoke to the next best goblin.

"Hello, I'm Orion LeFay and I'd like to pay for the vault of Cassius Nocturn that is set up right now and transfer 50 million galleons to that vault. I also need you to swear secrecy on the matter, no one should find out or I will take my money elsewhere am I clear?" Orion threatened and gave the Goblin the key to the Pendragon vault.

"Crystal clear sir, It will be done" said the goblin in an unfriendly tone, then

rummaged under his desk and took out a small stack of paper.

"Please sign this" the goblin said and handed him the papers.

Orion quickly scanned it and signed it finding no faults with it.

The goblin then pressed something on his weird device and entered the numbers. With a ping the transaction was completed succesfully.

"Anything else I can help you with Sir?" the goblin asked.

"No thank you, have a profitable day" Orion said and left the bank.

He now needed to build a mansion but now he didn't need to buy it, he now has several house elfs after all.

As he still had to learn apparition he just took out his Nimbus 2000 and took off to the sky under the disillusionment spell. After all he wasn't as dumb as Ron who broke the statute of secrecy.

After an hour of flying he found an Island.

The Island had a small forest and a big mountain as the centre. The Island neither housed magical nor non-magicql creatures or humans.