Chapter Thirty


My body hits a rock wall at force. I am startled awake. Ona screams. Ayan clutches Ona's black coat, using her whole weight to hold a wolf back. There are too many—she can't take them all. I stagger back to my feet, limp forward until I'm in front of my girls.

My heart thuds, panic momentarily deafening me. I can't show fear.

I'm surrounded by wolves and males. The males are ours. The wolves aren't. They're huge and shaggy and yellow-eyed. There's only one of their kind in human form. He looks like a castaway. His long hair is matted, and there are claws jutting from his mud-encrusted hands and feet. I can't make out his features behind his tangled brown beard, but I can see his fangs.

I've never seen one, but I have no doubt they're Lost Pack. On our land.

Terror skitters up my spine, but I stay stock still. If I show fear, they'll attack. The air is thick with aggression.