"Studying" with Kei!

"One chicken teryiaki burrito please" Yuto said, waiting for his food. While waiting, he proceeded to check his phone. 

[Sudo Ken: YOOO! Dude! you won't believe what happen the other day! Karuizawa threw her entire cup of juice on Kushida! It was actually cuz...]

Yuto raised a brow as he read the reason. 'Karuizawa isn't the type to take offense to that...', "Sir, you burrito is ready!" The employe handed it to him with a smile.

Yuto responded with the same, thanking the Burrito outside. Due to Ichinose, Yuto had to find another spot where he could eat quietly. This time, he felt as if he had out done himself. He sat down on smooth stone stairs that was covered to the right by a wall seperating him and the beach. No one would find him here!

He bit into his burrito as he enjoyed the sound of the waves. The breeze caressed with his face as he inhaled deeply...

"Yuto." He almost choked on his breath as he turned behind in utter shock someone found him here. Kei stood behind him with her arms crossed."You know how long I was searching for you?!"

Yuto blinked, pointing at her dramatically. "First of all—how did you even find this place?!"

Kei rolled her eyes and gave him a light flick on the forehead, which made him groan. "Sometimes, I can't tell if you're a genius or a total idiot. I came down those stairs over there, saw this rock, and then… oh look, a dumbass with a burrito!"

Yuto glared at her, while chewing loudly...

"Your not going to ask me why I came here."


Kei felt a vein pop on her temple as she too began to glare at Yuto.


"You Idiot! We have exams in 4 days! You didn't teach me shit!" she bonked him as he finally finished his burrito. "Ow! that hurts you monster!" He gritted his teeth as he dusted his hands for any crumbs. "Fine! you want me to study with you?! come!" He said as he began to stomp off. 

Kei looked at him for a second, before breaking a small giggle, "What a idiot..."

"Hey! I heard that!" 


"Ahhh, I don't want to study anymore!" Kei groaned, clutching her head like she was fighting off a terrible headache.

"Ugh, why am I stuck with her?" Yuto muttered, mirroring her pose with a sigh.

They both fell silent, side-eyeing each other in sync. Kei's eyes narrowed, her voice dropping to a low, ominous tone. "Excuse me, 'stuck with her'? You're sitting next to a beautiful woman—you should be rejoicing, you ungrateful idiot."

Yuto shot her an unimpressed look. "Shut up. If it weren't for you, I'd be on my way to buy myself a new pair of panda pajamas."

Yuto still didn't forget his pajamas. He had to sacrifice them in the sports festival and couldn't buy new ones as they were out of stock. But when they finally came back to stock, he was stuck with Kei!

"HUH?!" Kei stood up and looked at Yuto with shocked eyes. "They came back to stock?!" She asked, her lips trembling. Yuto sighed as he nodded. Suddenly, his eyes widened as Kei pulled his wrist, "What the hell are you doing?! Come before it goes out of stock again!" 

"W-Wait, let me atleast put the books back in the ba-"

"Do that later, you Idiot!"



Yuto stared at a glass casing, deep in thought. "Yuto! How do I look?" Kei came out of the dressing room in panda pajamas. Yuto glanced at Kei for a second and smirked, "You look suprisingly cute in it." 

Kei put her hands on her waist and let out a proud huff. "Though, its only because of the pajamas." Yuto added, earning him a bonk. "Do you not know how to compliment a women?" Kei hissed while Yuto rubbed his head in agony. "What are looking at anyway?" She tilted her head, looking at the glass casing Yuto was looking at.

"Oh, just trying to decide between pink or white bunny slippers." He said it with deadly seriousness, as if this choice would define his entire future.

"Ehhh! The pink ones look super cute! Yuto buy the pink ones, we both will be matching!" Kei ordered. Yuto looked at Kei with a grin as he raised a thumbs up.

Yuto and Kei walked to the cashier, with two bags of identical items. "It will be 11,233 points sir." Yuto took out his phone to pay as Kei coughed.

"Yuto." Her voice was sweet but dangerous, and she gave him a look that practically screamed, "You know what to do."

Yuto frowned, holding her gaze. "Are you serious?"

"Pay for me," she said bluntly.

Yuto muttered something under his breath but paid anyway, handing over his points with a sigh that spoke of a man defeated.

Yuto and Kei walked out the shop as Yuto looked at Kei with a dark smile, "Karuizawa, you are paying me back with interest." Kei flinched as she yelled, "EHH?! I didn't agree to that!" Just then, Yuto heard a few girls chuckle as they walked out a ice cream shop.uto grinned at Kei as she let out a resigned sigh. "Fine, go ahead. I'll buy you ice cream."

Before she could blink, Yuto was practically skipping to the ice cream counter, leaving Kei to shake her head as she followed him. Sitting down on a table, Yuto ordered 2 pints of ice cream with a childish expression as he picked up the spoon and ate the ice-cream with a satisfied face. Kei silently weeped for her points as she took small bites of the ice-cream. savoring every bit of it. 

"Hey Yuto." She called, pointing her spoon at him. Yuto stopped midway from devouring an entire pint as he raised a brow. "It's weird that I'm the only one calling you by your first name, call me by mine." She demanded. Yuto simply nodded, "Sure Kei." and went back to emptying the bucket of ice cream. 

Kei sighed as she ate another bite of her ice-cream. "Honestly, your so annoying but for some reason it's fun hanging out with you. I don't get it."

Yuto, his cheeks stuffed full of ice cream, looked at her with the wide-eyed innocence of a chipmunk caught mid-scamper. He tried to hold back a laugh, covering his mouth with one hand as he swallowed. "Don't tell me you've fallen for my charms, Kei."

"Kill yourself." Kei hissed. Yuto sighed as he put his spoon down and wiped his mouth with a tissue, before looking at Kei. "So, Kei. Would like to tell me what did Ayanokoji tell you to do with that dress you got from Kushida."

Kei's eyes widened.


[A/n: what a study session. they really should have subject on panda pajamas]