Him (9)

A long night of surveillance had left the couple feeling worn out, and as the minutes turned into hours, they found themselves becoming increasingly restless. Their adrenaline, which had kept them going through the fights of the day, started to wear off, leaving them feeling depleted and drained.

"It's almost dawn," Acceber murmured, her voice laced with tiredness as she spoke. But the sun won't be shining the next day. Regardless of where we go, there will be a lot of darkness.

Drake showed his understanding with a nod, his eyes remaining fixed on the tiny light that was able to penetrate the panes of glass that had been boarded up. Despite the fact that his voice was thick with exhaustion, he agreed they ought to find a place to rest.

"Would you like to cultivate or sleep?"

"I want to meditate. People like us don't need sleep."