You’re not Selena

The lighting in the club was an artful play of shadows and highlights. Swirling patterns of light danced across the walls and ceiling, and the facets of crystal chandeliers above scattered prisms of light throughout the room. Plush velvet curtains draped the walls and created secluded alcoves and private seating areas where people can go for moments of quiet conversation or intimate rendezvous. Rich, jewel-toned upholstery adorned the seating, contrasting with the gleaming surfaces of the bar and tables.

Robert was fast to find two pretty blonde women at the bar and started to chat them up in the charismatic way he did. Alexander was about to head to the gents when a flash of black, silky hair caught his attention.

"Selena?" He called. What was she doing there?

"Selena?" He called. What was she doing there?

He wanted to ask if she was okay since the last time he had seen her, so he followed after her, her body swaying to the music. He'd heard the nasty things Patricia said about her at the table, and went on ahead to bully her with that other guy. An ex-lover no doubt, judging from Selena's reaction. For the first time in his life, he had seen Selena speechless.

She moved faster now, and he tried to keep up as the crowd grew thicker on the dancefloor. Just as she was about to head to the bar on the other end, he caught her arm.

"Selena," he said. She turned. He frowned. "You're not Selena."

The woman's bloodred lips curved into a sensual smile. "I could be Selena to you, baby."

Alexander shook his head to clear it. Why did he need to ask how she was doing? She clearly didn't seem comfortable with him seeing her in that vulnerable state back then, so he should just pretend the whole matter didn't happen. Yes, that was better, pretend he didn't see her cry, pretend he didn't kiss her…

He shook his head again. He shouldn't have done that, but again, he had to make it look real to rub it in the faces of those bullies.

Just on cue, his phone ringing served as the perfect distraction for him. It was Tamika. He moved into an alcove to answer the call.


"Hey Alex," Tamika's soft voice crooned. "Where are you? Sounds fun."

"My friend took me to this club, Hermos nightclub. So I'm stuck here."

"Sounds fancy," Tamika said. "And what do you mean stuck? Do you want me to come over? I could use somewhere new."

"Yeah sure, that's a good idea. Maybe teach me one or two dance steps. I'm rusty." Alexander said.

Tamika laughed. "Oh dear, you've found the perfect partner. I'll be there. See you!"

As the time passed by, so did the crowd in the club grow. It took about an hour for Tamika to arrive, only that she wasn't alone. Flanking her was another lady who looked of Arab descent, and to her right, Selena strode in, dressed in a little black glittery dress that matched her hair. People turned to stare, and when Selena's eyes met Alexander's, she blinked, surprised.

Tamika headed over to him, arms open, and pressed a kiss to the side of his face. "I hope you don't mind that I brought company." She beckoned her friends forward. "This is Reema," Tamika pointed to the Arab-looking girl with massive curly hair. "And," Tamika pulled Selena forward. "Of course, you know our beautiful Selena. Nancy couldn't come along though," Tamika sighed. "But you'll get to know all my friends the more we get to know each other."

"I'm all for the knowing each other part," Someone said from behind them. They turned, and Robert was smiling at them, covering his eyes with a hand. "Easy ladies. The beauty is blinding. Save a poor man, I still need my eyes."

Alexander did the introduction, and Robert asked Reema for a dance. Tamika rushed back to her car saying she forgot her purse, and that left Alexander and Selena standing in front of each other.

Selena flipped back her hair and looked away from him. She looked uncomfortable, and he figured he'd do her a favor by excusing himself as he walked away from her.

"I didn't know I'd meet you here tonight," Selena started. "I suppose I should thank you."

Alexander stopped in his steps and returned to her. She continued speaking, "For…that unfortunate incident."

"Consider it business like I said," he said. "A return for the last business deal with Kenji and the others, even though I never asked for it."

Selena smiled at him for the first time that evening. "I also didn't ask for the help, so yes, a business deal works." She flipped her hair back as she looked at the entrance doors. "I never would have thought you and Tamika would be a thing. Probably you and Nancy, but not Tamika."

"I enjoy her company," Alexander said. "She's great."

Selena smiled as Tamika approached. "That she is. But on a note of warning, if you act funny with her, or think you can string her along and dump her. I'll come for you." She pointed a finger up to his face. "I'm not joking."

Alexander raised his hands in surrender. "Warning taken."

"Good," she flashed him a smile. "You two have fun."

Selena danced away from him, and about three different men rushed forward to ask her for a dance. Tamika sashayed over to Alexander, and he put his hands on her waist as he let her lead the dance. For Alexander, it had been a long time since he had that amount of fun, only that if he had bottled the feelings up if he could, maybe they'd serve as a cushion for him to fall on in the future when he needed it a whole lot.