Nothing to loose

A ghost of a smile played on Alexander's face. "Why do you want to see Liam, Selena?" He asked, changing the topic.

Selena smoothened her hands down her trousers. Could she trust Alexander with the information she wanted to reveal? It wasn't like they were business rivals, yet, he might be in support of his friend suing Tequila Corporations.

"You don't want to tell me," Alexander said, reading her thoughts. "I wouldn't interfere in your business, but you could use my advice."

"And who said I'd need your advice?" Selena asked.

"Because whatever it is you want to see him for, it looks like it's stressing you."

Selena put a hand to her face. "Oh God, am I having wrinkles?" She grabbed her phone and checked her face in the camera, stretching her mouth at different angles to see if it would make creases to her forehead or the sides of her mouth. "Okay, I'm safe. Mum always warned me not to stress over…"

"Selena," Alexander brought her back to the topic.

She tucked away her phone. Well, there was nothing to lose that wasn't already lost. Besides, if Alexander thought of doing anything behind her back and pitting Liam against Tequila, she was going to take her sweet time taking her revenge on him.

"He's suing our company. Infringement and stuff," she finally said. "Doesn't want any meeting with us except through lawyers. My friend and I searched online and figured out you have some kind of connection to him. So, I came over to you."

She massaged the back of her neck. God, at this rate, she'd need a live-in masseuse for every time she came home from work.

"And how bad is it?" Alexander asked.

"Oh, it's bad, and it just…" she blinked, and hung her head. "Honestly, I'm scared," she said. She relaxed her shoulders but di

"Selena," Alexander called.

Selena rose from the bed. "I…I'll be outside."

"You can go home, I'll be fine," Alexander said.

"I'll just be out there until Robert gets here, or any one of your friends," she looked at him then and wished she hadn't. She wanted to sit back down and continue talking with him. She blamed the cool night air and the quietness of the place for that.

Selena grabbed her stuff. "Have a good night's rest, Alex," she walked out of the room before he said anything else.

"Date or pass?" Robert held up the phone to Alexander's face.

William pushed the phone away. "Stop doing that."

"Doing what? Giving the poor guy another form of medicine?" Robert asked innocently.

"He's got a girlfriend, you know," William said.

"Who? Armani?" Robert asked.

"Tamika," William eyed Alexander who was wearing his shirt. "She is, isn't she?"

It had been three days since he'd been in the hospital, and after the doctor had cleared him to go home on the afternoon of the fourth day, after making him promise to take his drugs and an ample amount of rest, Alexander was finally discharged.

"Keep up with this lifestyle you'll be on blood pressure-lowering medications before you hit thirty," the doctor warned.

Armani had showed up on the second day, eyes filling with tears as she rushed over to Alexander and cried on his shoulder. He had spent a good thirty minutes convincing her that he was alright. Tamika had come by later that day, and Armani had stormed out of the room, which took Tamika by surprise.

"It's either I'm the main chick or the side one, which one is it?" Tamika had joked. But Alexander knew better. He knew she wanted to know where she stood in his life, but it had only been what? Two months since they began seeing each other? Was it up to two? He hadn't been paying attention.

All he knew was, he wasn't sure about where to place her yet, but he liked her company fair enough. It was just the whole relationship affair was a huge step, and he didn't know if he was ready yet.

"I have to be in the office by 4 p.m. today," Alexander said instead. "I'm meeting with…"

"Oh, it's canceled," Robert said, locking his phone screen and giving Alexander a victorious smile.

Alexander stopped buttoning up his shirt. "What?"

"I told your assistant to cancel it, you need to go home," Robert said.

"You have no business interfering with my business," Alexander said, keeping a lid on his temper.

"Well, I do," Robert disagreed. "It's what you signed up for when you chose to become our friend."

Alexander looked at William. "You knew about this?"

William shrugged and reclined in his seat. "I wanted your whole week canceled. Rob here said you'd be pissed if that happened."

"For the love of God," Alexander looked at both of them. "Next time, stick your noses in just your business. Let's get out of here."

They left the hospital, and at the back of his mind, Alexander had a slight expectation that Selena would come over again, but she hadn't been back nor called since that night, not that she might have his number. She had looked vulnerable, away with all the theatrics she usually displayed, and had spoken her fears, only to look intensely embarrassed after. He wasn't so sure he'd see her again. She had broken her facade in front of him, and women like Selena don't do that.

Louis, his driver, was waiting by the car with a bouquet of bright red and white flowers.

"Great to have you back boss!" He greeted him enthusiastically and presented the flowers. "Miss Armani says it's for you."

"Oh yeah," William said. "I think she did mention she was having a shoot all day today and can't come by."

"Thank you, Louis," Alexander examined the flowers but didn't take them. "Is that neighbor of yours still living next door to you?"

Louis's face brightened. "Yes! She introduced herself last week. Her name is Maryanne."

"Well, looks like Maryanne would love those flowers as a welcome to the neighborhood gift," Alexander said. "Write her something sweet in the note. Don't come on too strong."

"Or tell her…" Robert begun.

"No," William shut him up. "You'll give him the worst advice, so just shut your traphole."

Louis' face had turned three shades of pink from the happiness bursting from him.

"Thank you so much!" He said to Alexander. "I'm sure they cost a fortune, are you sure Sir?" Alexander nodded his answer. "Good! Good! Maryanne would love it! What should I write? I'll figure it out as we drive."