To the house

Once again, Alexander found himself at the Sterling mansion. It was a Saturday, and he had been on a work discussion call with one of his close friends, Max when his father's call came in.


"Come to the house." Was his father's order before the call had ended.


Even without telling him why, Alexander knew Jeffery had ratted him out to both his father and stepmother. Bettie, his grandmother, had called to ask him what the entire ruckus was about, and he had toned it down by saying Jeffery and he had a quarrel, but knowing Jeffery, he would make a mountain out of a molehill.


"I just arrived at the mansion this morning," Bettie said on the call. "And Jeffery looked like a huffed-up boy. I thought something really bad had happened!"


And so, as Alexander was directed to the dining room that afternoon by one of the housekeepers, he saw the family seated, their plates empty. Jeffery was seated next to Bettie, and he looked like he wanted to burn Alexander to smithereens with his gaze. Abigail didn't look any different, and his father watched him with a neutral expression, fingers locked together atop the table. Only Bettie was the one with the welcoming smile.


Alexander took the seat directly opposite Jeffery, and his brother's lips and eyes thinned even further. Alexander kept his attention on his father, waiting for him to speak.


The housekeepers filed into the room, and each one of them started out serving lunch. Alexander stuck to a simple glass of juice, while the rest had full plates of meals.


"Not hungry dear?" Bettie asked, her aged eyes wearing concern.


"No," Alexander answered. "I had a filling breakfast."


"Alexander here thinks we're capable of poisoning him," Abigail said, spreading out the napkin forcefully on her lap. "I told him if I had wanted to, I would have done so long…"


"...And why shouldn't he fear eating now?" Bettie shot at Abigail. She returned her warm gaze to Alexander. "Eat, even if it's a little. Please."


There was no refusing that. He took some steak and potatoes, and after it was dished to him, the housekeepers filed out of the room, shutting the door behind them.


"How are things at your company lately?" Ethan, his father asked as he cut through his steak. Alexander's hands paused as he held his cutleries above his plate. Every eye on the table was on Ethan, but he was focused on his food. They all knew Ethan had never concerned himself with the affairs of his son's company, never even congratulated him on an award won.


"It's good," Alexander finally answered, reaching for his potatoes. He watched his father put the piece of steak into his mouth and chewed thoughtfully. 


"That's good," Ethan finally said. Alexander met Bettie's gaze, and her eyes were filled with joy. How many times had she been in the middle of past quarrels and hoped for a day like this? He was sure she'd be bursting with joy on the inside.


"Means you can come back to Sterling Corporation and handle things for me for a while," Etahn dropped the bomb. Abigail and Jeffery's heads both snapped at him at once, and Jeffery shot up from his seat.


"What's the meaning of this? Is this some kind of joke?" He half-yelled.


"Ethan, you didn't discuss this with me," Abigail said. "What's going on?"


"We've been having declining sales for the past couple of months," Ethan said, facing Abigail. "I need him on board for a while."


"And you thought of hiring him?" Abigail was getting angry with each passing second. "You have never ceased to disgrace me, have you? First, you bring him into my house, our life! And now you want him to take everything we've worked so hard for…"


"Abigail, Jeffery hasn't exactly been doing a good job…"


"And that's how I learn, isn't it?" Jeffery's voice was full-blown now. "I learn by making mistakes. You made mistakes too, didn't you?"


"You threw wine into Mr. Cosimo's face, that's not a mistake, that's pure foolishness on your part," Ethan said coolly as he cut through his steak.


"Oh, excuse me for not being perfect Dad," Jeffery retorted. "But the CEO position is mine to handle, not Alex's. I earned that position."


"How exactly?" Ethan met his son's angry stare. "I'd love to hear."


Jeffery fumed but said nothing. He glared at everyone in the room, more pointedly at Alexander before he walked out the doors. Abigail called after him severally until he was out of sight, and rose from her seat.


"I don't know the man I married," Her voice was shaky as she spoke. "Because this one is nothing but a monster, and keeps unveiling himself every day. After everything I've done for your ungrateful self. You make me sick!"


Alexander saw the pain that flitted across Ethan's face. Abigail looked like she wanted to slap someone. She looked at her unfinished meal, took the plate, and smashed it on the ground next to Ethan. Bettie shook in her seat, Ethan watched his wife walk out the door.


The room fell silent after that. Alexander mulled over the next words he wanted to say, something to tell his father he wasn't interested in a role that would bring nothing but unwanted drama into his life. Bettie watched both her son and grandson, and she didn't look any less pissed than Abigail.


"Why do you have to make Alex the sacrificial lamb?" Bettie asked Ethan. "Why do you have to have him pulled into the mess?"




"Don't Grandma me, Alex!" Bettie shushed him in that scary tone she used when she meant business. "When your late father passed this company unto you, he also passed on values, and you threw all that away."


"I'm doing what's necessary at the moment, Mom," Ethan said.


"What's that? Using the son you have refused to claim all these years when you're only in need…"


Ethan's fist hit the table. "Enough!"