I can go wherever I want

LeCroix was located right in the busiest part of Manhattan, Midtown, right where the night never slept even on weekdays. The restaurant and club, although more of a restaurant, was nestled between two buildings with a wide parking space taking up more of the front. It wasn't too crowded, thanks to the select few who got an invitation, one that Selena was given by Valentin, with the plus-one privilege attached.


Selena decided to drive there herself and was directed to park between two identical Bentleys. She stepped out in her black six-inch heels that pumped up the skinny jeans and shimmering black top she wore. She looked around, hoping to see Alexander's car among the numerous ones parked, and realized she had no clue what the color was, nor did she have his number.


She bit down on her lower lip. In all her haste to get him to come to LeCroix, she hadn't bothered to get his contact directly from him. She wanted to tell Tamika to give it to her, but she knew her friend could be a little possessive when it came to the men that she liked, so she best avoided all the drama.


She looked down at her phone as the only means of contacting him and sent him a quick email. She tucked her phone, flipped back her hair, and buried herself with the rest of the crowd seeking to gain entrance into the place. Huge-muscled men stood everywhere, their hard eyes trained on people, waiting to sniff out any mischief. Colors and perfumes of different kinds assaulted Selena, and she couldn't help but wonder what went through some people's heads when they purchased what they did. Did they really think that gown was a good choice? Or it would pair well with those horrid boots? Did the man to her left shop for his perfume from some garbage can? She wouldn't ever understand.


She made her way to the front of the line and confirmed her invitation. When she stepped into the place, disappointment fell on her like an avalanche. All that buildup about how "cool" a place was for the sight in front of her?


Waiters milled around with drinks, and people were loud, their voices rising above the even louder music. The entire place looked glossed over, and cheap, like the designer was an up-and-coming struggling one or simply a child whose parents allowed them to fulfill their childish dream to do something "amazing." She wasn't surprised, after all, the person who had invited her was a cheapskate himself.


Sighing, she turned to head for the door, but a hand on her arm stopped her. She whirled around, and Valentin was smiling at her, dressing in jeans and a black shirt she had gotten him for one of his birthdays.


He leaned closer to her to talk. "We're twinning."


"I need to get out of this place," Selena yelled right into his ear. He winced the the volume, and she didn't hide the satisfactory smile.


"You only just got here, come," he said. He held her hand and moved through the crowd, and when they finally reached some sort of clearing, Selena whipped her hand out of his.


"Relax," Valentin's lips quirked in that smile she was growing to detest with every second. He looked over her to the crowd. "Where's the boyfriend? It's not yet midnight and he's now Cinderella."


Selena rolled her eyes. "He'll soon be here."


"Uh-oh, trouble in paradise?"


"On the contrary, he's got some work to handle." She shot at him. "He's got better things to do than to come to this…" She eyed the gleaming walls and disco lights. "...place."


"Oh this isn't the scene," Valentin said. "You got the invite for the VIP section, remember? They should have directed you."


"Terrible service too," Selena said. "Guess you must be their coach."


He chuckled. "Let's go, Lena…" When she gave him a hard glare, he smiled, "...I mean Selena. Sorry, some habits never seem to die."


This time, she followed behind him, her gaze shooting behind her to see if she'd spot Alexander in the crowd. What if he decided not to come and make her make a fool of herself in front of Valentin? She wouldn't really feel the burn if it was just Valentin, but Pamela; she couldn't stand the thought of it.


They made their way through a narrow passageway that held the "VIP' sign, and at a small door, a hefty man made way for Valentin to pass. Inside felt like an entirely different place, an ambiance that somehow met Selena's standards. Fewer people dressed in muted colored clothes, softer music, people talking like they weren't in the zoo, plush furniture, and dim lighting.


Valentin kept walking until they reached a table at a far-off corner in the room. Pamela was seated already, sipping her drink and watching Selena above the rim of her glass. Valentin sat next to her, and Pamela smiled as she kissed him.


Selena looked away, irritated. When she heard the clearing of throat, she looked again.


"Sorry," Pamela didn't look at bit sorry. "You should understand how it's hard to keep your hands off him, no?"


"Fortunately, no," Selena said and took her seat on the opposite couch. She looked at her phone and there was still no message from Alexander.


"Your man dumped you?" Pamela said as she relaxed into Valentin's side.


"No," Selena smiled. Now seated, she didn't understand why she had come in the first place. She was sure she had no feelings for Valentin, and had he used some sort of magic on her for her to come over? She couldn't stand a minute around Pamela talkless of an evening.


"How's business?" Pamela continued questioning.




"Not what I heard."


Selena raised a single brow. "And what's that supposed to mean?"


"Ladies, business talk out," Valentin stopped them. "We're here to have a good time. So how about I ask the DJ to put on some good music and then we'll just relax."


Valentin kissed the side of Pamela's head before rising from his seat. Pamela kept her eyes on Selena as she took a bite from the finger food on the gold-plated dish in her hand.


"You know, it's bold of you to come here tonight," She finally began.


"Last time I checked, I can go anywhere I want."


"Hmm, and that being my man's office?" Pamela leaned forward, her face hardened. "I don't know what's going on here, but one wrong move from you and I'll crush your company.