Public toilet

"I'd rather jump into boiling lava than ever imagine getting back with your public toilet of a boyfriend," Selena said. "While we're at it, you might want to bleach every inch of this office before you sit here, if it's possible to erase the number of women he's slept with in here."


Patricia's eyes flashed. Before Selena knew it, a hot slap landed on her face. Selena was quick to react with a resounding slap of her own, and before Patricia could recover from it, Selena grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her head up.


"Enough!" Valentin said.


Two more people rushed into the office, and they all tried their best to remove Selena's grip from Patricia's hair. Someone lifted Selena from behind, but she dragged Patricia's head with her, earning a scream from the woman.


Finally, they managed to pry Selena's hand off. Patricia rushed at her to retaliate, but she was restrained by Valentin's staff. It took Selena a moment to realize it was Valentin holding her, and she elbowed him hard before he dropped her, clutching his side in pain.


"If I as much as see in breathing the same air as me in the same space," Selena threatened him. "I won't be held accountable for anything I would do."


She marched out of the office, and Patricia was screeching, trying her best to reach her. People stared at her as she walked past, but she paid them no mind. She needed to get out of there as fast as she could.


Finally, out of the office, she went to her car and drove. These days, she has been more comfortable driving on her own rather than asking her driver to, and she was grateful she was driving on her own that day. She whizzed past cars in traffic, her anger her fuel. The audacity Valentin had to try such with her, she had to deal with him, she had to make him pay. And then Patricia!


She rubbed her face, the heat of the slap still burning. Patricia laid hands on her?! She, Selena Tequila! She was going to make sure she regretted it. She needed an outlet else she wasn't so sure what she'd do. Cars honked as she overtook them dangerously, and she went on that way until she stopped at a burger shop.


Why was she there? What was she doing there again? How long had she been driving?


She felt relaxed as nostalgia washed over her from a close memory. After the horse race she had gone to with Robert, they had gone for the greasiest burgers she had ever eaten there, and a small smile crept unto her lips at the laughter and teasing from that day.


She came down from her car and stepped into the place, the ringing bell signifying her presence. People watched her curiously, mainly because she looked kind of sophisticated for such a place. Sizzling meat and spices tinged the air. She took a seat at the counter, and a middle-aged lady, different from the one they had met that day, came to attend to her.


"What can I get for you love?" She asked Selena.


"A double beef burger and your biggest coke. Thank you." She slid her the money. "You can keep the change."


The lady beamed and thanked Selena for the generous change. When Selena looked to her left, a heavily bearded man winked at her. She looked away, irritated, she had obviously hd her fill with useless men.


The order didn't take too long to be served. Selena stared at the burger but couldn't bring herself to eat it. Her appetite had died somewhere between driving and waiting for the food.


The entrance bell kept ringing again and again as more people walked in. The middle-aged woman kept glancing at Selena's way, and she beamed when someone stepped up the counter.


"Max!" She called. "So good to see you so soon. What can I get for you?"


"Hey Diana," the customer said. "Something for Willow actually. She's in one of her moods and I'm hoping to cheer her up."


"Uh-oh, her time of the month?"


"No," he said. "I might have given her a pill of truth too bitter to swallow."


Diana tutted. "You and I would fight Max. I'll go tell them to get started on her order. Just wait right here."


Selena poked at her food but didn't lift it to her mouth. She stared at her coke, the body chilled with condensed drops of water, but didn't bother to drink it.


"Selena?" Someone called her.


She lifted her head then, flipping her hair away from her view. She had forgotten her scrunchies back at Valentin's. She recognized the face before her.


"Max," her voice was quiet. "Good to see you here."


"And good to…" Max frowned. He studied her face and looked her up and down. "Are you okay?"


"Yeah," Selena nodded too quickly. She cleared her throat and rose from her seat, not trusting her emotions to remain in check. "I actually have to go. Diana," she said to the lady behind the counter. "I'm so sorry," she put another bill on the table. "I love your meals, but I don't just have the appetite. And Max, so good to see you."


"I could pack it up for you…" Diana was saying, but Selena hurried out of the store.


She fumbled with her car keys, her vision blurring with unshed tears. You musn't cry, Selena. She told herself. Those people were assholes, and don't let them win by hurting you.


"Hey, Selena!" Someone called out to her. Selena blinked several times to keep her tears at bay, then fixed a smile as she turned to see Max behind her.


"What's going on?" He asked. "You just ran out the minute I spoke to you."


"Nothing," Selena cleared the trembling in her voice. "Nothing. Sorry, I just had something to do at the office."


Max studied her for a bit. "What's wrong?"


"It's nothing…really," Her voice cracked. The tears were making a comeback, and one slipped. She was quick to look away and wipe it. "I was just…I just had to…"


Another tear fell, then another. Max pulled her into his arms, and this time, the tears found a safe place to pour out.


"It's okay," he said, rubbing a soothing hand on her back. She clutched unto him and cried, but she knew after it all, she'd berate herself for letting Valentin and Patricia get to her.


But for now, she allowed herself release it all in Max's arms.