Season 1: Episode 1.3 - Enterprise Tour

Stardate: 41156.5

Earth Standard Date: February 27, 2364

Location: U.S.S Enterprise-D, Orbiting the Fourth Planet of the Deneb System.

Tyson shuffled his bare feet across the carpeted floor of his guest quarters aboard the Enterprise, the soft fibers pleasantly massaging his soles. After a night's sleep in the cozy Starfleet-issued bed, he felt refreshed and ready to start his day in the 24th century. Stopping at the replicator, he recycled the sweatpants he had slept in and ordered a fresh pair of jeans and a toothbrush. The requested items shimmered into existence, and he quickly swapped the sweatpants for the jeans before making his way toward the small bathroom. After rinsing his mouth, and recycling the toothbrush, he exited the bathroom and headed to his PADD.

Tyson had spent the prior night in contemplation, carefully weighing his inaugural Perk selections. Though his choices had been made before sleep took him, he purposefully avoided finalizing his decision, preferring to let his subconscious ruminate through the night. Upon waking, he found his opinion unchanged and moved to solidify his first pick.

[+50 cp] Hybrid (Drawback)

Make an additional roll for species and combine the result with your base race. In addition to having a hybridized appearance, you will also gain all the negative traits of your second rolled species.

Tyson's first selection was a Drawback. One not worth many points, but it posed little downside. The Perk would render him a hybrid between human and another species, accepting the new race's strengths, as well as their weaknesses. A fair trade, by Tyson's measure.

He tapped the selection and braced himself, expecting some outward sign of transformation. But nothing came. No tingle of bones forming on his forehead, nothing. Q had evidently postponed the reveal, content to spring this surprise when the timing suited his dramatics. Tyson shrugged. Nothing to do about it now.

Tyson moved on. The options branched into sections, but atop them all sat the chance to choose a two new Origins. Tyson opted to only choose one, since it stood out, he'd save the other for a later date. This one centered around a profession. Tyson's gaze roved over the selections...


Space Marine



Space Pirate

Space Princess

Service Sector

His eyes fell upon the Space Pirate offering. The description elicited a grimace.

Space Pirate

Whatever you want, you take it by force. Property, people, lives? Doesn't matter. Many Space Pirates dabble in slavery, and you'll somehow run a crew of the worst scum the galaxy has ever seen.

Though the phrasing of the Space Pirate Origin left a bitter taste in Tyson's mouth, Q's counsel to thoroughly examine the Freebies and discounts afforded by each option led to his choice. Tyson had combed through all the offerings with meticulous care, searching for the best advantage for his journey. None offered bonuses and discounts were as valuable as Space Pirate, so Tyson selected it, anticipating his new acquisitions.

[Free (Discounted)] Snakeskin (Perk)

Why do you even bother with armor when the other guy has a disintegrator? It's better just to sidestep the blast, so that's what you do. The less your clothing is covering you up, the better you dodge and the faster you are. Wearing something as revealing as a space-fabric loincloth or latex bikini will give you enough of a speed and agility boost to rush and overwhelm a handful of opponents with blasters.

[Free (Discounted)] Spacesuit (Item)

A skintight space suit. Unequipped, it consists of a helmet and belt; donning these and hitting a button on the belt extends the suit's 'skin' over your body in a uniform color of your choice, including silver or clear. The helmet has a very basic set of environmental and biometric sensors and a radio, and the belt houses the power unit, an emergency distress beacon, and some utility pouches. The suit itself is only as tough as regular fabric, though the same technology that produces the skin will patch it up automatically. As long as the suit is operating properly, it can recycle your air and water until the power runs out, and the power cell is good for ten years. Food is not included, however.

[Free (Discounted)] Laser Blade (Item)

A weapon with a metal handle and a blade made of pure energized photons. It'll cut through most normal materials easily but might struggle with energized armor or force fields. If you had fast enough reflexes or some kind of precognition, you could even deflect other lasers and energy-based weapons.

[Free (Discounted)] Tramp Freighter (Starship)

Sometimes used as a light troop carrier, the Tramp Freighter is a cozy starship for the Do-It-Yourself crowd. Favored by smugglers and honest traders alike, it's got lots of nooks and crannies throughout the ship. The cargo bays can be converted to bunks in troop carrier configuration allowing it to hold 40 passengers. Comes equipped with standard life support, sub-light engines, an FTL drive, sensors, shields, and at least one defensive weapon like a laser cannon or a missile pod. Unless noted, the ship comfortably holds a dozen crew/passengers.

Tyson couldn't resist the allure of the Space Pirate Origin. It offered far too many enticing freebies to pass up. The first was a Perk that granted him preternatural dodging abilities with enough agility to evade even energy-based weapons like lasers. The catch was that the Perk scaled in effectiveness based on what he wore; the more revealing his clothing, the better he could dodge. Heavy armor was off the table for the foreseeable future.

The rest of the free gear consisted of useful items. A high-tech space suit that extended and retracted from a slim helmet and belt. If Tyson ever got blown out into the cold void of space, the suit would preserve his life. An integrated air recycler meant he could breathe easily in toxic atmospheres too. The real treasure, though, was the laser blade, aka a lightsaber. Tyson had to admit that the allure of his very own lightsaber played no small part in choosing the Space Pirate origin. Lastly, he acquired a ship. It didn't seem like much by the sparse description, but any vessel beat no vessel.

Tyson wasn't finished. That was only the free items he acquired. He picked out four 100 CP Perks that he wanted to start with. Some of them were discounted from 200 CP thanks to his Origins.

[-100 CP (Discounted)] Adaptable (Perk) 

You are able to easily fill any role or perform in any profession, with a minimum of leading time required to be taught. Up to an average level of proficiency, your learning progress will be greatly accelerated.

[-100 CP (Discounted)] Duellist (Perk)

After countless boarding actions, your skill with the laser blade is seldom matched except among the best of Star Knights. Even without space magic, you have a pretty good chance of deflecting energy bolts with your blade or anticipating the next lunge. So fine is your control of the blade, laser or otherwise, that you may shred your opponents' clothing with ease rather than their flesh, allowing you to rob your opponents of their dignity as well as their riches.

[-100 CP] Master with your Hands (Perk) 

You are a master with a weapon in your hand. You gain the ability to be unbelievably accurate with any weapon, melee or ranged, that you can use with one hand. And if one weapon doesn't work, you can smoothly transition to any other one-handed weapon in your possession, and in the act of drawing the new weapon, use it as smoothly as if you always had it out. As a bonus, the faster you make an attack, the more accurate it is, even if you have no time to aim it. Draw, shoot, hit. Lastly, you could even pull off the ol' dual-wielding trick, with whatever one-handed weapons you have on you. You're smooth enough that you will never run into any issues with holding two different, or similar weapons in each hand.

[-100 CP] Best Of The Best (Perk)

They say there's nothing like a night with a Marine, and who am I to refute that? You've got a significant boost to your reflexes, hand-eye coordination, and general athleticism, all of which are visible in the form of well-defined muscles and the chiseled build of a Greek god.

Tyson knew that picking up the Adaptable Perk would prove invaluable. With zero grasp of the advanced technology of the future Star Trek world ahead of him, the Perk's boon would facilitate rapidly attaining the baseline proficiency required to comprehend the innovative devices of the era. Selecting the Duelist and Master with your Hands Perks would enable Tyson to adeptly wield the Laser Blade and any other one-handed weapons acquired in his travels. Lightsabers posed grave threats not just to those facing their sizzling blades, but also to those that wielded them. The Perks would hopefully prevent Tyson from inadvertently relieving himself of a limb... Lastly, the Best of the Best Perk would gift Tyson markedly augmented reflexes, coordination, and an impressive physique. Though admittedly a vain choice, Tyson rationalized that if his Snakeskin Perk insisted on eschewing armor and clothing for evasiveness, then he could at least flaunt his chiseled new body while doing so.

Character Points: 1300

Tyson approached the access panel next to the bathroom door and used his Access Key to open the way to his Personal Reality. The door slid open granting entry to the cavernous warehouse space. It was still somewhat disorienting how the interior space vastly exceeded what should have been possible within what would've been the bathroom of his quarters.

At the center of the entrance stood a plain metal table, its surface hosting the trio of items he had selected. The helmet and belt of the Spacesuit and the Laser Blade awaited his inspection.

The helmet resembled a sleek motorcycle design with aerodynamic contours formed from a lightweight alloy. Tyson lifted it, surprised by the minimal heft as his fingers traced the glossy obsidian finish. Peering through the tinted visor, he marveled at the array of minute sensors and electronics embedded within the inner lining. Next, he turned his attention to the belt, a broad swathe of gunmetal gray material segmented into distinct sections.

But the true centerpiece, and the item that had convinced him into this path, was the laser blade. Reverently, he grasped the hilt, the contoured grip molding seamlessly to his palm. A muted glow emanated from a series of minute vents encircling the emitter shroud, hinting at the energy contained within. Tyson's index finger found the activation stud, and with a deft press, the blade roared to life.

A hissing snap-hiss reverberated through the warehouse as a rod of coherent laser plasma seared into existence. The brilliant azure beam hummed with the familiar, iconic thrum; it was the sound of Tyson's childhood fantasies.

Tyson clipped on the belt, then hung the helmet from one side and the laser blade from the other. The weight felt right, and the items were perfectly balanced. He let his fingertips brush over the hilt of the blade, feeling the intricate patterns etched into the metal.

Then Tyson realized, his Tramp Freighter, wasn't in the warehouse. A spaceship should have stood out in the large empty room. Was the ship too big? Had it appeared in space, next to the Enterprise? Tyson couldn't even ask Q, as the door to the Benefactor's Lounge had not reappeared. With great reluctance, he pulled his attention away from his new items and exited the Personal Reality.

Closing the door, and reopening it, revealed his bathroom now once again situated on the other side of the door. Tyson walked over to the mirror and inspected his new appearance, granted by the Best of the Best Perk. His reflection revealed a striking transformation.

Gone was the lanky frame he had carried since adolescence. In their place stood a figure of awe-inspiring physicality, as if sculpted from granite by a master artisan. Tyson's shoulders had broadened, his trapezius and deltoids straining against the fabric of his shirt. Thick cords of muscle rippled along his arms, the sinews defined beneath his taut skin. Veins weaved beneath the surface of his skin as he clenched his fists. Tyson's pectorals strained against the cotton, two slabs of dense muscle that sat above a ridged abdominal wall. His gaze drifted lower, taking in his tree trunk thighs. His quadriceps tensed with each subtle shift of his stance. Even his calves had been overhauled, the diamond-shaped muscles sharply pronounced.

Tyson ran his fingers along the sharp line of his jaw, newly squared and framed by high cheekbones. Stubble shadowed his chiseled features, giving him a rugged, roguish appeal. His hair, once a nondescript brown, was now interspersed with bits of burnished copper, tumbled in tousled waves that framed his face.

The Best of the Best had remade him into a figure of power and charisma. Tyson could easily envision himself striding from the crashing waves of a Polynesian island, a living demigod descended from the pantheon. Or perhaps a warrior prince from the pages of ancient myth born to conquer and rule.

Tyson's lips curved into a slow, predatory smile as he drank in his new visage. Vanity Perk or not… Looking at himself in the mirror, he knew it was a worthwhile choice.

The door chime rang, its electronic trill summoning his attention. Tyson took one last look at himself in amazement before leaving the bathroom. "Come on in," he called.

The doors swished open, and the ship's counselor Deanna Troi entered, her voluptuous figure clad in a form-fitting, violet jumpsuit uniform. Lustrous black curls were piled atop her head in an intricate style and pinned in place by a glittering tiara-like hairclip. Dark, soulful eyes regarded Tyson warmly as she approached. She glanced Tyson over, noticing his new belt, and attached items, and examined his enhanced physique, but she did not comment on them. Tyson likely had the Live and Let Live Perk to thank for that.

"Good morning, Tyson," she said, full lips curving into a smile. "How are your accommodations?"

"Best vacation I've been on in a while," Tyson replied, returning her smile. "All I need is a beach and a few drinks, and I'm set."

Deanna's smile widened. "I'd like to take you on a tour of the ship. We could start in the replimat for breakfast. Then on to engineering, the shuttle bay, visit a holodeck, and maybe find that beach, and anywhere else you want to see.

Tyson said sincerely. "Breakfast and a tour would be lovely."

Deanna's dark eyes sparkled. "Wonderful. Shall we?"

She gestured toward the door, and Tyson moved to join her, eager to explore more of this astonishing vessel he now found himself aboard. Tyson followed Deanna out of his quarters and into the sleek corridor, the doors swishing closed behind them. She moved with easy grace, hips swaying, dark curls bouncing against her back as she led the way. Tyson's gaze lingered perhaps a beat too long before he hurried to catch up. Deanna paused at one of the informational wall screens lining the hall. With a few quick taps, she pulled up a detailed schematic of the massive starship. Tyson's eyes widened as he took in the scope of the vessel. Deanna highlighted the route to the nearest replimat, then showed Tyson how to access crew member locations and other navigation tools. He nodded along, doing his best to memorize the ship's layout.

The turbolift doors hissed open and Deanna stepped inside, Tyson on her heels. "Deck nine," she instructed the computer in her melodic voice. The lift hummed to life, accelerating them through the bowels of the ship with barely a tremor.

When the doors reopened, appetizing scents wafted into the corridor: roasted coffee, sizzling meats, and alien spices Tyson couldn't identify. His stomach rumbled loudly and Deanna laughed, a rich peal-like chime. "This way," she said, leading him toward the tantalizing aromas.

They entered a wide chamber buzzing with activity as crew members grabbed meals before shifts. "One of the perks of living in the future," she said, selecting an omelet. "Food from hundreds of worlds, anytime you like."

Tyson eagerly took in the sights and sounds, marveling at the diversity around him.

Tyson was surprised at the size of the replimat upon entering. It was much larger than he expected, with a design similar to a mall food court. Tables of varying sizes from small 2-person seating to large cafeteria-style dominated the area. The walls were lined with replicators, identical to the one in his quarters. Opposite the entrance were several recessed rooms with larger replicators for creating items that wouldn't fit in the standard model. These larger replicators were staffed with crewmen to assist in large orders.

Deanna led Tyson toward an open table near the center of the replimat. Tyson followed he took in the sights and sounds around him as they walked. Crew members chatted and laughed over meals, some in uniform and others in casual attire. The murmur of various alien languages mixed but were processed by his universal translator.

Once seated, Deanna gestured to the wall replicators. "Order whatever you'd like," she encouraged.

"Is there anything I can bring back for you?" he asked.

Deanna faced him with a gracious smile, "A vegetable omelet and orange juice would be lovely."

Tyson nodded. "I'll return in a moment then."

He made his way to the nearest unoccupied replicator and placed his order. "Orange juice, cold, tall glass. One vegetable omelet. Three pancakes, three eggs scrambled, five slices of bacon medium crispy, coffee light and medium hot, and some maple syrup on the side. Please."

The requested meal shimmered into existence atop a tray within the unit, its appearance and aroma conjuring memories of the last big breakfast Tyson had enjoyed before arriving in the 24th century. Tray in hand, he returned to the table Deanna had selected and set the orange juice before her as he took the seat opposite.

"I'd like to get to know you, but first I have to ask. What's with the outfit?" He gestured vaguely at her dress. "Most of the crew I've come across all wear a standard uniform. Both times I've seen you, you've been wearing something different."

Deanna's dark eyes crinkled with amusement. "As long as there isn't a diplomatic mission or admiralty on board, Captain Picard isn't strict about the dress code," she explained. "So long as it's an approved uniform style, that is. There are several options we can choose from. Single suits, separated pants, and skirts. Lots of variety. Some enjoy following trends, and others like myself just like to change it up. When we're off-duty, the dress code isn't enforced, though many crew members stay in uniform."

Tyson rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "And here I am, dressed three centuries out of date. I'll have to take some time at the replicator later and spin up something different. Maybe some black slacks so I don't look quite as out of place." He paused, considering. "Or I could look up current Earth trends. I suppose there are a lot more trends to pick from now, with how many planets there are in the Federation." He met Deanna's dark, intelligent eyes. "What planet are you from? Or do people not identify with their planet of origin anymore? I'm lost when it comes to appropriate cultural questions or taboos these days."

"There are a few members of the crew who come from cultures that may be a little more sensitive to questions," she replied, "like Worf, the man who escorted you to sickbay. But in most cases, as long as you remain respectful in your approach, it shouldn't raise any issues." She took a sip of orange juice before continuing. "As for me, I was born on the planet Betazed. My father was human, but my mother is native to the planet. It's a lush, beautiful world, not dissimilar to Earth in many respects."

Tyson found himself enraptured by Counselor Troi as they continued their conversation over breakfast. Beyond her obvious beauty, her Betazoid empathic abilities allowed her to steer the flow of their talk with ease. Tyson had never been one to carry a conversation before, but with Troi, the words came effortlessly.

Their talk soon turned to Troi's counseling work and duties aboard the Enterprise. Tyson swallowed a syrup-drenched bite of pancake and said, "This is still so new and different to me, I'm trying to wrap my head around it all. What about duty shifts and schedules here on the Enterprise?"

Counselor Troi set down her fork, having finished the last of her omelet. She took a final sip of orange juice from her glass before speaking. "Commander Riker is responsible for overseeing the coordination of scheduling personnel across all the various departments on the ship." She explained the intricacies of duty rotations on the Galaxy-class starship. With Troi steering the conversation so adeptly, Tyson quickly finished his breakfast.

The meal confirmed something that had only been hinted at in the television series. Replicated food was rather subpar in taste. Last night the root beer had seemed perfectly acceptable, even good. And the pancakes this morning were likewise tasty. But something was a bit off with the eggs and bacon. It was hard to pinpoint exactly why, but they didn't taste quite natural or authentic. Not bad per se, but with something slightly off about their quality. 

The pair left the replimat after recycling their utensils. 

"Was there anything on the ship you were interested in seeing first?" Troi asked 

Tyson led Counselor Troi through the corridors of the Enterprise. Though the ship's aesthetic was familiar, everything seemed new when seen through his own eyes versus watching the show. Accessing one of the wall's interactive screens with a few quick gestures, he plotted their route to the nearest turbolift. The doors swished open and they stepped inside the small space.

"Deck fourteen," Tyson stated clearly. With a gentle hum, the turbolift began its swift descent through the ship. Troi stood serenely beside him, her empathic senses no doubt picking up on the undercurrent of curiosity flowing through him.

Tyson strode eagerly down the corridor, Counselor Troi keeping pace at his side. The doors to the transporter room parted before them with a whisper of displaced air, granting them entrance. Within was a high-ceilinged chamber, with the main attraction being the transporter stage; a slightly elevated hexagonal platform, with sets of illuminated circles inset into the floor and ceiling.

At the room's far end stood the control console, currently manned by a human officer whose unruly mop of brown curls bobbed as he looked up at their arrival.

"Good morning, Counselor," the man greeted in a lilting Irish accent.

Troi responded warmly, "Good morning, Chief. This is Tyson. He's a guest aboard the Enterprise, and I'm giving him a tour." She gestured to Tyson. "Tyson, meet Miles O'Brien, our transporter chief."

Tyson stepped forward, extending his hand in offering. "A pleasure to meet you, Chief." O'Brien's grip was firm and calloused as they shook. "That's a familiar accent. Ireland?"

"Aye, sir," O'Brien confirmed. "County Kerry born and bred. Ever been yourself?"

"Sadly, no." Tyson sighed. "The closest I've managed is Spain. But my mother's great-grandfather immigrated from Europe around the time of the Great Famine."

O'Brien's brow furrowed thoughtfully. "That'd be the mid-1800s, right?"

"It would indeed." Tyson chuckled, a rueful sound. "I know the timeline seems off by a few generations. But I've only just arrived here from the past, thanks to an incident yesterday. I was born in the 20th century. So my European roots aren't quite so distant as they appear."

O'Brien's eyes widened, his curiosity piqued. "Is that so? Well now, that's fascinating! What was Earth like in your time?"

Eager to learn more about the home they shared, albeit centuries apart, O'Brien peppered Tyson with questions. Tyson did his best to satisfy the chief's avid interest, delving into descriptions of the world he knew. But his knowledge of O'Brien's homeland was limited at best. Ireland had never held much allure for Tyson. He only knew what he had heard in news reports. Still, he found himself caught up in the chief's infectious enthusiasm, and together they whiled away the time swapping tales of the past.

Off to the side, Counselor Troi observed their interaction with a pleased smile. Though much about Tyson's sudden arrival remained uncertain, for the moment he seemed at ease, connecting with a new friend over shared history. After the upheaval of Tyson's life over the past day, it was a reassuring sight to behold.

Their conversation shifted towards the transporter. Miles O'Brien began by giving Tyson an overview of how the technology worked. Removing the panel from the transporter console with practiced ease, O'Brien showed him the various components and explained their functions. The Enterprise, being one of Starfleet's flagship vessels, was equipped with twenty transporter rooms scattered among its many decks. Tyson considered himself fortunate to have chosen the one manned by O'Brien, as the chief's extensive knowledge made even the basics of the advanced technology understandable to Tyson's inexperienced ears.

O'Brien started with the hardware inside the console. He walked Tyson through the purpose of the Gravitational and Heisenberg Compensators, as well as the Phase Inducers, Discriminators, Transition, and Energizing Coils. Their tour continued across the room where the chief deftly exposed the emitter array and explained its role in the transportation process. Lastly, back at the console, O'Brien expertly detailed the imaging and targeting scanners, the pattern buffer, and the rematerialization subroutine including how the annular confinement beam functioned.

Deanna waited patiently throughout the impromptu tutorial, occasionally contributing bits of information. Though her role on the Enterprise was primarily diplomatic and counselor duties, she was still a graduate of Starfleet Academy and possessed a solid grasp of Federation technology, transporters included.

Tyson felt he had a decent understanding of how the transporter worked after O'Brien's thorough breakdown. He thanked the chief for taking the time to explain the technology to him and turned with Counselor Troi to exit the transporter room.

Tyson's wide smile was impossible to miss as they returned to the turbolift. "This is the happiest I've ever felt from you," Deanna Troi commented, sensing the shift in his emotions.

"I took a vacation to Thailand once," Tyson replied enthusiastically. "It took three flights, with a layover in the Middle East and a transfer to a smaller plane to get to the island where I was staying. Total travel time was 27 hours. On top of that, there's a 12-hour time difference between New York and Thailand. I finally got to my hotel and it was noon, but it felt like midnight to me." He gestured animatedly as he continued, "If you ever had to deal with the TSA you'd be hyped to see a transporter too."

The TSA reference went over Troi's head, but she didn't comment, preserving his enthusiasm. "If you're interested in fast travel, maybe we should head to Main Engineering next so you can see the warp core."

"Don't threaten me with a good time!" Tyson exclaimed enthusiastically, grabbing Deanna's arm and dragging his guide back to the turbolift with an eager grin. His eyes shone with excitement at the prospect of seeing more of the Enterprise's advanced technology. Deanna let herself be led along, smiling indulgently at Tyson's childlike enthusiasm. She was pleased to sense the shift in his emotions, his awe and curiosity overtaking the neutral uncertainty he had felt since coming aboard. As they entered the turbolift, she made a mental note to arrange for him to spend some time in one of the shuttlecraft, given his thrill at rapid transportation. For now, she would enjoy his infectious excitement as she escorted him through the ship.

The steady thrum of the warp core suffused Main Engineering with a low, resonant vibration. Tyson paused just inside the entrance, eyes widening as he took in the expansive room. Consoles and interfaces dotted the space, winking lights keeping cadence with the core's pulsations. Engineers in mustard-gold uniforms wove between them, fingers dancing across touchscreens as they monitored the great ship's heartbeat.

Tyson's gaze drifted upwards, following the conduits that wound across the ceiling like veins. But it was the warp core itself that captivated him. Enclosed in a towering column of shimmering transparent aluminum, the core allowed all to witness the harmonious interplay of matter and antimatter contained within. It bathed the room in a cool, cerulean glow.

The ambient sounds of the warp core were the first thing to catch Tyson's attention, a soothing susurrus just at the edge of hearing. "I should move my quarters down here," he mused aloud to Deanna beside him. "This is the best white noise machine I've ever heard."

At the nearby engineering console, Lieutenant Geordi La Forge glanced up. With a friendly nod, he approached Tyson and the counselor. "After a while, you don't even notice it anymore," Geordi said wryly. "But if you like it, you can always ask the computer to simulate the sound in your quarters." He extended his hand towards Tyson in greeting. "If it isn't the man out of time himself. I was on the bridge when you appeared. Lieutenant Geordi LaForge."

Tyson shook the engineer's hand, finding LaForge's grip to be firm and welcoming. Tyson's voice echoed with awe as he released Geordi's hand. "This place is... incredible."

Geordi chuckled knowingly. "It probably seems incredible compared to what you're used to. But this is pretty standard Starfleet technology." He gestured expansively around the vast chamber. "Let me give you a quick tour of Main Engineering."

As they walked, Tyson found himself enveloped in a world of futuristic wonders beyond anything he could have imagined. Geordi led them first to the towering warp core, a pillar of azure light that pulsed with contained power. He pointed upward as he began his explanation. "The matter/antimatter reactor is the heart of the Enterprise," he said, his voice tinged with pride. "It generates the massive power we need for warp speed by annihilating matter and antimatter in a controlled reaction."

Tyson followed the path of Geordi's hand, observing the elaborate series of magnetic rings that encircled the reactor. The rings glowed with Cherenkov radiation, gently holding the volatile reaction safely at bay. "So it's like an engine that runs on pure energy?" he asked.

"That's a good way to think about it," Geordi affirmed with an approving nod. "The raw energy is converted into plasma and channeled through those conduits above us." He pointed to the ceiling crisscrossed with tubes pulsing with blue-white light like luminescent veins. "That plasma provides energy for everything on the ship, from basic life support to the holodecks."

They moved on to a nearby console lined with sleek, translucent chips that pulsed with inner light. "These are isolinear circuitry," Geordi continued, pulling out one of the chips and holding it up for Tyson to examine. "They're the building blocks of our computer systems, much faster and more efficient than the silicon-based tech you're probably used to."

Tyson peered curiously at the intricate chip resting in Geordi's palm. It seemed impossibly fragile and complex. "They seem so delicate," he remarked.

Geordi grinned as he slid the chip back into place with a definitive click. "They're a lot tougher than they look," he replied, "And they can hold more data than you could even imagine."

Tyson followed Geordi through Main Engineering, eyes roving over the conduits and technology. As they made their way around a large table displaying a shimmering holographic projection of the Enterprise-D, Geordi delved into explaining the intricacies of warp field theory. "Now this," Geordi said, motioning to the display where a luminous blue grid enveloped the miniature starship, "is how we're able to travel faster than light without breaking any laws of physics." Tyson leaned in, squinting at the elegant complexity of the hologram as if getting closer might reveal its mysteries. The grid warped and bent around the Enterprise like a soap bubble, rippling with simulated motion. Geordi continued, "The warp field, warps or bends the very fabric of space around us, reducing interstellar distances to manageable scales. We essentially ride within a bubble of normal space while space itself streams past outside."

Tyson raised an eyebrow, the concept clicking into place. "So instead of moving through space, you move space itself?" he asked.

"You got it." Geordi replied, flashing an appreciative smile.

Tyson and Geordi spent several minutes immersed in an animated discussion of the intricacies of warp field mechanics. As Geordi explained the delicate balance required to maintain the stability of the warp bubble cocooning the Enterprise, Tyson's understanding grew, grasping the basics.

As their tour neared the thirty-minute mark, Tyson felt his mind overflowing with new information, yet invigorated by wonder at the sheer ingenuity surrounding him. Turning to take in Main Engineering with new eyes, Tyson finally said, "This is lightyears beyond anything I could have imagined."

Geordi laughed warmly in response to Tyson's joke. "Well, you've only just scratched the surface. There's plenty more to see." He checked a small PADD in his hand, then looked up at Tyson, head tilted in curiosity as he made an offer. "What do you say we take a closer look at some of these systems? Maybe even get your hands on some real engineering work?"

Excitement flickered in Tyson's chest at the prospect of delving deeper into the inner workings of the ship under the chief engineer's guidance. He glanced over at Counselor Troi, searching her face for any sign of caution or concern that would give him pause. She met his gaze steadily, the corners of her dark eyes crinkling with encouragement and warmth.

"Don't worry, Tyson," she soothed, her voice rich and reassuring. "This tour is meant to help acclimate you to this unfamiliar time. Finding something you feel passionate about would be a great success. You seem to have a natural curiosity for engineering. Go ahead, explore it. I'll be right here when you're finished."

Reassured by the counselor's blessing, Tyson turned back to Geordi, his eyes lighting up with curiosity and enthusiasm. "I'd love to see more," he replied eagerly.

"Great!" Geordi clapped a friendly hand on Tyson's shoulder, guiding him toward one of the many Jefferies tube access points dotting the smooth bulkheads. He swung open the circular hatch, releasing a breath of cool, dry air carrying a faint metallic tang. Beyond the hatch, the tight, utilitarian passage of the Jefferies tube stretched into the depths of the ship.

Geordi ducked through the low opening first, movements smooth and practiced. He turned and gestured for the tall Tyson to follow. Stooping slightly to avoid scraping his head on the conduit-lined ceiling, Tyson entered the access tunnel.

"This is the EPS system," Geordi's voice echoed slightly in the confined space as he explained. "It distributes power throughout the ship from the warp core."

They arrived at a junction where several conduits converged into an EPS manifold, a critical nexus point for routing energy flow. Kneeling, Geordi removed an access panel to expose the manifold's inner workings. "EPS conduits can sometimes develop microfractures or power surges," he lectured. "It's crucial we keep them in peak condition to prevent malfunctions." Geordi pointed out key components nestled within the intricate duranium alloy framework; power nodes, distribution coils, and flow regulators. "Repairing an EPS manifold requires delicate work," Geordi cautioned, retrieving a slender, softly glowing tool from his belt. "One wrong move could trigger a dangerous feedback loop in the system."

With deft fingers, he demonstrated using the diagnostic scanners built into their tricorders. The device beeped softly, interfacing with the ship's systems as abstract lines and graphs danced across the display, depicting fluctuating power flow.

Next, Geordi showed Tyson how to isolate a section of the manifold using magnetic clamps, rerouting power through alternate conduits as a safeguard. "Always clamp off upstream from your work site," he instructed firmly. "Safety first."

Tyson absorbed it all, nodding as Geordi's confident hands realigned coils within the manifold using fine-tuned forceps.

"Now you try," Geordi said after several demonstrations. "Just follow what I showed you." Tyson inhaled deeply to steady his nerves before accepting the proffered tools. To his surprise, his hands were steady as he carefully mimicked Geordi's movements. "Good, nice, and easy," Geordi encouraged as Tyson gingerly twisted a coil into alignment.

Tyson carefully handled the delicate forceps, adjusting the final coil under Geordi's watchful gaze. He let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding as the tricorder chirped confirming a successful repair.

"You've got a knack for this," Geordi approved with an affirming nod.

Their work complete, the two headed back through the cramped access tunnel toward Main Engineering. Geordi led Tyson through the corridor, the two men making their way to where Counselor Troi waited. As they approached, Tyson turned to Geordi. He extended his hand. "Thank you, Lieutenant," he said earnestly. "For the tour, and the lessons."

Geordi's grip was firm and friendly as he shook Tyson's hand. "Anytime," he replied easily, a smile crinkling the skin around his hidden eyes. With a nod, he excused himself, leaving to attend to his duties.

Troi stepped forward, her dark gaze gentle as it settled on Tyson. "Ready to continue?" she inquired.

Tyson followed her into the turbolift, the doors hissing closed behind them. As the futuristic elevator began to ascend, Troi explained, "Deck twelve has some really interesting areas. There's a nursery for families with young children, several science labs, a transporter room, and of course sickbay which you've already seen."

Tyson nodded, mentally noting the layout of the massive starship, still growing accustomed to its scale.

"But our destination is the gymnasium," Troi continued. "Though gymnasium doesn't do it justice. It's more like an athletics complex. There are sections for gymnastics, martial arts, weightlifting, fencing, and some sports you probably won't recognize from your time."

The turbolift slowed to a stop and the doors slid open. Tyson followed Troi out onto deck twelve.

— Star Jumper —


Origins: Human, Humanoid, Drop-In, Space Pirate

Race: Human

Character Points: 1300

Reality Points: 500

Credits: 0

Status Effects: (none)


Gauntlet (Locked)

Ensign Marty Stu

A Simple Re'Q'uest



Cosmic Awareness

Out of Nowhere

Going Native

Live and Let Live

This is (Not?) Rocket Science

Kinda Bland


Painted On




Master with your Hands

Best of the Best


Laser Blade


Personal Reality:

Access Key

Security System


Tramp Freighter