Surprise Offer

My eyes watered instantly as Lady Von Goldiue stood up and took the medallion from the desk, showing it to me before reaching forwards and clasping it around my neck, allowing the silver medallion to rest atop my chest and shine atop my white blouse.

"Really, congratulations on completing the many arduous months of training, studying and hard work to complete your curriculum and become a Rancher, Miss Serani. If you were curious, only around four to eight people become Ranchers on their first time through the Academy; the rest become Farmhands and Assistants of some kind to the Ranchers and work their way up from there. So to do this at such a young age..! Congratulations~!"

The warm smile that adorned her plump lips, the tenderness in her golden eyes... they were so meaningful despite coming from someone I had only just met, and I couldn't help but give her a shaky smile as I tried to hold myself from crying, barely managing to do that as she caressed my hands and nodded at me.

"T-Thank you..!"

"No dear, thank you. For withstanding all these months of hard labor, for pushing through and deciding that you want to serve the Empire so faithfully as a Rancher... Thank you for your dedication and morals! It is rare to find someone as pure and sincere as you on the Frontier, so I hope you manage to find some people to help you stay this way."

Patting my hand, she gestured for me to stand up as well, all while her Catkin Regina stood behind her, watching us with a cool, neutral expression as she crossed her arms over her leather clad chest.

"Oh, and dear?"

Blinking away the tears, I nodded as I focused on Lady Von Goldiue again, who still smiled at me despite not needing to be nice or gentle towards me whatsoever, especially now that our time together was officially over; I had been on the receiving end of far too many people switching masks when I finished official business with them before, so it was refreshing to see.

"Yes, Lady Von Goldiue? What can I do for you?"

"Well, now that you are a licensed Rancher, Breeder and Hunter, you are eligible for requests, and I have two for you, if you'd like?"

"Of course, Lady Von Goldiue! Tell me, and I'll let you know if it's within my capabilities at all!"

Chuckling softly, she nodded at me and released my hands, turning around and approaching the stained glass window behind her as she gazed outside, over the rolling grassy hills and small copses of trees that decorated the serene landscape around the Academy.

"The first is business related entirely. When the Airship takes you to your Ranch, there will be a bundle of seeds and different necessary goods to start off, right? Well, I want to know if you could grow some Sangroot for me; it's difficult, but according to your grades, you have quite the green thumb, even for a Rancher."

"Sangroot..? Do you know where my Ranch is located then? That requires a rather earthy, dry soil to prosper, and the elevation of the land needs to be a tad higher too..."

"I do indeed, and I chose Sangroot exactly because your Ranch is great for it to be grown; on the side of Mount Fornagi, you'll have a patch of fertile land with a sizable pond and well to keep everything well hydrated. Quite big too for beginner Rancher at around 2 acres total. Apparently you were quite the promising student to more than just your professors, Miss Serani~!"

"Two... Two acres?! That's..! That's huge for a starting Ranch!"

My mouth must have been wide open with how Lady Von Goldiue started to giggle, the mature blonde nodding her head and smiling at me like usual as she said "It is indeed, but then again, a big plot of land has it's own issues too, remember. Anyways, that is the first request I have, my dear."

"I... I can't make any guarantees that this Sangroot will be perfect, but I can certainly grow it for you, Lady Von Goldiue. What... what is the other request?"

"Oh, it's a simple one really... you see, Regina here is in heat, and I've been meaning to find her a suitable partner; now that you are a certified Breeder too, would you mind breeding my Catkin for me? At the very least, I just want her to quell her heat somewhat before I can find a proper partner, but if she does get pregnant, well... I would be intrigued to see what your kit would be like~!"

The pink furred Catkin stared at her Master in surprise before looking at me, her gold and black eyes going wide before she curled her lip in distaste as she finally spoke for the first time, sneering as she said "You want this pipsqueak to fuck me, Master?! Does she even have a cock worthy of my pussy?!"

Humming softly, Lady Von Goldiue sat back down and grabbed a paper, nodding to herself as she idly said "One, you WILL mate with her, Regina; you've been causing trouble with my Chickenkin again, so this is your punishment. Two, according to her file, she has a penis that measures at nine inches long when erect, and above an inch and a half in girth. So yes, she has a penis worthy of your vagina. Besides..."

Placing the paper down on the table, Lady Von Goldiue looked up at her Catkin with a chilly smile, those golden eyes flashing with sadistic glee as she whispered "When did I say you could speak, my pretty kitten~? Master never said you could open your mouth... and besides, I think you would look even prettier with her as your partner, y'know~?"

Regina shivered beneath the gaze of her Master, who finally looked back at me and said "Oh, and before you try to refuse, Miss Serani, just know the offer is 25 gold for this session. Enough to purchase yourself some valuable seeds, some Demi Human workers, some eggs perhaps? It'd be a nice little booster for your start as a Rancher, wouldn't it~?"

I bit my cheek at that, swallowing down the refusal that I had planned to give her, and instead I looked towards Regina and felt my cock harden in my pants, my more... 'depraved' urges getting ahold of me as I realized that my first certified time as a Breeder would be with a pristine Catkin like her, and not the Catkin or Dogkin that I was accustomed to.

"I... As long as she is alright with this, then... If it is your wish, Lady Von Goldiue..."