Thoughts Of A Pack

When morning came around, both Crima and I were still rather exhausted, our bodies slightly numb from the night before where we had decided to say 'to hell with it' and did our best to inseminate the other, and considering how I felt and how I looked...

Well, when I woke up I looked down at my belly and noticed a small bump, one that didn't go away even after Crima and I went into the bathroom and washed out each other's cum, making sure we weren't going to create more laundry then we needed even if the Wolfkin viewed this as a waste of cum.

Of course, she told me it was a waste and that instead of scooping it out and letting it gather inside the drain, she would instead suck it out of me, though that only led to her being behind me and her cock back inside my pussy, the Wolfkin pounding me from behind and making love to me again.

Though thankfully, she pulled out and came all over my back, releasing her thick load onto my butt and marking me with her thick scent before going back down to her knees and sucking my cock from behind as well, angling herself so that she could throat my cock without me having to move.

My vision certainly swam more that morning than it did yesterday morning, my balls clenching as the Wolfkin milked me instead and gulped down my sperm as I ejaculated into her mouth, our morning sex finishing up with such an excellent ejaculation for us each.

The longer I had Crima with me, the more I believed that I had actually ripped Morani off for a top tier Wolfkin, since Crima was both an impeccable and damn near perfect sexual partner as well as a strong and reliable worker too... though I had seen more of her sexual prowess than her normal physical prowess, and that alone would have made me spend almost 50 gold on her instead!

Honestly, I don't know how often I WON'T be pregnant with her egg considering how great sex with her feels, and I'm unsure of how often she won't be pregnant...

That could be troublesome, but for now, we both finished up in the bath and went to have breakfast, with Crima sitting at the table with a happy expression while I cooked; she was watching me as I walked around, her eyes glued to my stomach as she proudly asked "Master, are you as happy I am that you're pregnant~?"

My cheeks went red, but I turned to smile at her as I answered "I am quite happy with this, Crima, really... In two weeks, we'll be able to meet the first pup!", which made Crima's smile widen as she nodded.

"And then another two weeks we can meet the second... and then the third... Master, wouldn't a pack of Wolfkin do wonders for this Ranch? Hunters and workers alike? Only in need of feeding and the occasional rut..."

"They would. Especially when we get a larger plot of farmland to care for. And there are a few things that I want to get done that need some strong Demi Human's, like starting a small quarry or constructing a new barn. Oh, and we need to get some fencing up, create some raised crop fields for some different crops, get some waterways dug out..."

There was a long list of things that I wanted to do on this land, and each one had a purpose; if I could get a raised field, I could comfortably grow some different herbs that needed less nutrients or needed to be separated from the main fields, while the waterways could make for excellent rice paddies, which was something I really wanted to grow.

Alongside bread, rice was a favorite grain of mine, and it would do well keeping everyone full come lunchtime; something that was heavy and stuck to the gut, was easy to prepare, and would keep them happy till dinner, where we would have a proper meal with the nutrients they needed.

"Honestly, I was curious if I was going to need to purchase a Bullkin and pray for them to reproduce more Bullkin for workers, which would be really expensive... or if I was going to go with the Goatkin or Sheepkin route? Try to maximize efficiency with the Demi Human's I raised..."

Crima frowned at that, and I chuckled slightly as I said "But now I don't need to, since I can have as many Wolfkin as I want. The only problem becomes ensuring I don't have an overpopulated Ranch... and of course, procuring a suitable Demi Human that you could 'occasionally rut with'."

Her frown remained, though this time it was a thoughtful one as she pondered that problem as well; it wasn't close to happening, but what was the suitable amount of Wolfkin I could reasonably have here on the Ranch?

"We could always contact the surrounding Ranchers, right? Wasn't there that girl you were close with who moved into a Ranch nearby? Perhaps she could make use of some Wolfkin guards or hunters. Same with any of the Ranchers nearby; rent out the services of the Wolfkin pack you raise here and send them out on contracts?"

"I could, yes, but the problem remains with how many Wolfkin can we house? And what do we do if they come back and can't find work again soon?"

"Well... there is always the need for guards anyways, but there is also the need for scouts deeper into the Frontier. Wolfkin are amongst some of the most sought after scouts, so we could train them and then send them there?"

It was this part of the job that made me feel uneasy; the way even the Demi Human's seemed to think of themselves as little more than things to be used as they pleased, despite it having been decades since they were actually considered things...

It hurt to think about, and hearing Crima so casually suggest it was even more hurtful, but as I looked back and saw that she staring at the window, I felt a tad better; she didn't seem to like that idea either.

"We can always inform them of that option, yes... but otherwise, I think we'll just need to ensure the population doesn't grow too large."

Crima frowned again, though this time it was closer to a pout as she stood up and grabbed my stomach, the Wolfkin whispering "That's a shame... fucking you raw and impregnating you is so~ good... it just makes each day all the brighter, Master~! But if you insist..."

Pulling my pants off, Crima stuck her cock inside me again and started to fuck me again, bending me over the counter and smacking her hips against my butt as she whispered "We can always be the only two reproducing... get our pups a few Chickenkin or something to play with while we mate constantly... or get another Cowkin and let them go crazy trying to breed her~! That would work too~!"