Communication Crystal

"Crima..! Stop..! Dinner... Dinner is gon... I'm gonna cum~!"

The lapping of my balls from behind was an interesting sensation, and the sensation of her fingers wrapped around my cock as she tried to replicate the milking I gave her earlier was quite a good one, especially since her tongue felt so good on my testicles...

Though her ability to jerk off a cock was certainly lacking, but it was the thought that counted here as she made me cum into a cup, more of my cum finally finding its way out into the world as we enjoyed ourselves even more after such a nice harvest.

Suckling on each of my testicles, Crima made sure to wring out each and every drop of semen from me before finally letting go, but not before she gave my pussy a deep and intimate kiss that held promise for more to come later.

"Was it good, Master..?"

Standing behind me now, Crima placed her filled cup on the counter and held me close to her, rubbing her cock between my cheeks and pressing her breasts against my back as she gave me a sturdy 'wall' to lean against, even if that wall was hard and looking to fuck me again.

Her hands rubbed my belly lovingly too, which sent shivers through my spine as I was reminded that I was pregnant again, the memories of giving birth to the eggs of a few different Demi Human's resurfacing for a brief moment, only to drift away as I nuzzled my cheek against the Wolfkin's.

"It was excellent, Crima. Truly... I haven't had someone milk me in a long time."

"But it could have been better?"

Her tone wasn't disappointed or hurt, and I pursed my lips before blushing as I replied "It... could have been, yes, but... practice makes perfect, right..?"

The low chuckle made me shiver again, but the way she continued to caress our egg and the fact that her cock got even harder made me relieved, since I was a tad worried her pride as an 'Alpha Wolf' would get in the way here, though...

I guess if she was really a true 'Alpha Wolf' she wouldn't have let me put an egg in her, nor would she have even tried to milk me; she would have instead ordered me to milk her again before fucking me until she was empty.

They were a rare type of Wolfkin that were far stronger and more dominant than other Wolfkin, same with the Beta and Omega variants as well, which were still being debated on today on whether or not they were real or simply made up by both Humans and Demi Humans.

"Practice does make perfect, Master... and I think I want to practice some more tonight. A few things, actually... Think you can help me with that practice~?"

Lowering her hips slightly, Crima thrust up and slid into my pussy, the Wolfkin fucking me anyways despite me having just cum, and I moaned as she drilled me hard and quick, her selfish movements making it clear this was just a quickie meant for her to get a nut off before dinner and nothing else, but still...

Even a quickie with the Wolfkin felt great, and I was more than happy to let her give me a deep and thick creampie after almost a minute and a half of thrusting, all while I idly and offhandedly watched the venison sear on the stove.

"Thanks, Master... That was excellent... should I shower for tonight, or do you want all of my scent tonight?"

Her sperm flooded my womb and bathed the egg, and after she finished ejaculating she pulled out and wiped herself off on my ass, leaving me there and taking a step back as she waited for an answer.

"Um... t-there's no need for a shower..."

That made the Wolfkin smirk at me as she slapped my ass, making me yelp in surprise as she growled "I was hoping you'd say that...", her lust clear as she remained hard, while her crimson eyes grew heated as she looked me up and down.

I bit my lip as I looked back at her, and her smirk widened as she licked her lips, clearly wanting to pounce on me and get to work right away, but the soft chiming of something inside the barn subdued the spark between us and made me blink, before I said "U-Um... Crima, make sure this doesn't burn please..."

"Of course, Master..."

Smacking my ass as I walked past her, Crima winked at me before focusing on the stove, lowering the temperature some and beginning to flip the venison, her muscular body glimmering in the light and making me salivate even more... though when she glanced back at me, I scurried into the barn and shivered as I felt the chill of the night on my bare skin.

Realizing I was completely nude, I blushed before shaking my head and moving towards the pulsing blue crystal, which meant someone was trying to contact me; that was surprising, so I was curious as to whom was deciding that after the sun went down was the time to reach out and make contact with someone...

Taking a deep breath, I positioned myself so that whomever was calling couldn't see the fact I was nude before accepting the call, only to blink in surprise when I was greeted with a familiar face, one that was smiling arrogantly at me.

"Ah, I finally found you Hildegarde! How have things been at your end, hm? Any luck with your Ranch?"

Long purple hair was combed to be silky smooth, framing her pale face perfectly and making her equally purple eyes shine all the more as she grinned at me, her head tilted in a way that made sure she was looking slightly down at me.

It was Evelyn, the Noblewoman from a House that I had no idea about, who had money from who knows where, and had - potentially - made her escape from said House to become a Rancher on the Frontier.