Bath Time (1)

"Mistress, I must admit..."

Sitting on the stool and staring at the wall, Hannah leaned back and allowed me to wash out the mild scent of that goo from her long, fluffy white locks, the thicker strands of hair needing far more attention than my own hair, which was rather thick on its own.

"I... do actually recall how to bathe properly."

Raising a brow at that, I continued to run my hands through her wooly hair anyways, even as the Sheepkin sighed and continued to speak, her 'confession' clearly weighing on her mind even if it was one that I suspected already.

"I simply wanted to be alone with Mistress is all... this seemed the most ideal way to obtain alone time with Mistress, since... well, it seems like tonight is going to be rather cramped."

"It will be, yes... and don't worry, this is fine Hannah. So long as you don't try anything now..."

It was taking all of my willpower to focus entirely on her hair, and I knew that the Sheepkin was well aware of that since she was arching her back slightly and sticking out her curvy bottom to try and entice me, the more measured and reserved Sheepkin still displaying quite the Mana High at the moment.

"Hm? I don't understand what Mistress is talking about? We are simply bathing... what exactly can I 'try'?"

She tilted her head curiously, peeking over her fair shoulder to look me up and down, her eyes resting on the sight below before she nodded and said "Ah, you mean trying to seduce you into breeding me hard inside the bath, filling me with your thick, fertile cum and getting me pregnant? Is that what you mean by 'try'?"

Groaning softly, I gently pushed her head forwards and into the stream of water, swiftly running my hands through her hair and washing it off, only to groan again as Hannah pushed herself back and wiggled her butt enticingly.

She rubbed against me and asked "Mistress, can you help me with the rest of my body..? Specifically...", the Sheepkin grabbing my hands and guiding them down towards her breasts, only to sigh as I pulled away and said "Hannah!"

"Apologies, Mistress. That was... uncalled for. However, I just simply have to ask; going forwards, after I have fully matured, might we enjoy these baths more... intimately?"

Those yellow eyes of hers bored into mine as she turned, and I shivered as I felt jolts travel up and down my spine at the implication, once again causing me to both thank and curse my current position.

Time was the thing I needed the most right now, and funnily enough it wasn't to have more of it; I wanted it to pass quicker so that I could escape this 'hell' I found myself in, even though I was quite enjoying the insights into my Demi Human's minds.

"I... Most likely, yes, we will. Now, finish up! We don't have all day!"

"Yes, Mistress. It is Lucille next, correct?"

I nodded, watching as Hannah ran her hands over her body and lathered herself up with soap, before she washed herself off ensured she was completely clean... and I noticed that despite her more serious and studious appearance, Hannah was quite the vixen as she 'accidentally' dropped her soap and had to bend over to get it, making me groan again as I was given quite the view.

Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath to calm myself, I tried to recenter myself and get rid of the horniness inside me, only for it to swell as Hannah kissed my cheek and tapped the tip of my erect cock, the Sheepkin whispering "I can't wait for those days, Mistress... but until then..."

Her finger was so soft and felt sublime against my hard penis, and as I opened my eyes I watched as she scooped off a small pearl of precum and brought it to her lips, tasting my seed and giving me a small smile before sauntering out of the bath.

I sat there blankly for a few moments before blinking as Lucille entered next, the Goatkin striding in confidently and taking a seat in front of me without anything being said, though I couldn't help but admire her toned back and slightly broad shoulders.

Placing my hand on her back, I stroked her skin for a moment before gently pushing her forwards to get her wet, the Goatkin rocking forwards to help me before rocking back and leaning against my chest.

Those sharp yellow eyes were filled with myriad emotions as Lucille took comfort against my breasts, the Goatkin also easily taking note in the way I poked her back, just like I took note of the way she was 'pointing' at the wall...

"Mistress, I can't help but notice that you seem ready for a rut despite proclaiming that we cannot rut... Did you and Hannah do something together, Mistress?"

That 'accusation' flustered me, and she gave me no room to defend myself as she added "I recall a few things from my memories, and one of them is that a cock cannot get this hard and this hot without being stimulated... So, Mistress?"

"I..! We..! Nothing happened!"

"Uh huh..."

Lucille just nodded and narrowed her eyes at me, before smirking as she said "I know nothing happened, Mistress~! You're just fun to tease... so easily flustered, and so beautiful too.", the Goatkin looking at my face as I blushed some more at her words, unaccustomed to these sorts of compliments.

Even more so when we were both naked and clearly desiring one another, but not being able to do anything about it... I was hard, she was hard, this situation was hard... knowing what to do was hard...

Thankfully, she kept the teasing to a minimum, but when she stood up and turned around, she 'accidentally' slapped my cheek with her member, and that smirk on her lips as she left herself there for a few seconds made me shiver, only to feel slightly cold as I watched her walk away, leaving me harder than before and unable to find release.