Chapter 29: 1 week later and 1st meeting

Alicia P.O.V

The last 8 days had been stressful, to say the least, the only time I was able to relax was when we were recording in the studio I was in there as much as I could which resulted in 3 recorded songs each passing day was a day closer to the visit of Ace's relative I was so stressed that I ask ace to bring me with him in his training its been 5 days now and I must say I kinda came to like it, the first 3 days were pure torture but now I felt it was doing me good I was had more energy throughout the day and was sleeping like a baby at night but it didn't help not stressing about meeting the woman and man who raise Ace what if they don't like me would Ace break off with me and if he don't while his relationship with his family would be strained because of me ... I have been 'overthinking' ever since knowing when they would come Ace told me more than once that I was thinking too much and to not worry but it was beyond my control it seems well at least I dont have to wait anymore since they already had landed and were coming here right now

2 days ago I almost had a heart attack when I entered my room and came face to face with Veronica doing my laundry I was overthinking so much that day that the first thing I thought was that Ace found himself a new girl and she was throwing me out of the room to make place for herself I know Ace wouldn't have done this to me but I wasn't in my normal state so I immediately thought the worst, of course, Ace felt bad that he forgot to tell me about the maid his Uncle hired for him while he was living in New York especially since he had to talk me through the bathroom door for about an hour before I got out of the bathroom not because I didn't believe him but because I was so embarrassed that I did wanted to get out. Seeing how I was a mess for the last week Ace took me to the spa for a full day yesterday it did help me but as minutes passed my anxiety was shooting up again I do not know how Ace was able to endure me for the past week but he has been really understanding if I don't count the numerous time he laughs at me had been the perfect boyfriend 

Ace P.O.V

I didn't know Alicia would feel such pressure about meeting Lena and my Uncle if I had known I wouldn't have told her this soon sure she would have been mad but at least she wouldn't have gone through all those emotions this past week well I did discover a side of her personality I didn't know and I had a lot of fun I'm pretty sure I will pay for this someday but for now it was worth it the good thing about this is that she didn't stress about the release of her single I'm pretty sure she forgot about it after recording it we start recording the other songs for her album she was so into it that in 8 days she recorded 3 songs pretty impressive if you ask me I also spotted her writing in her spare time I didn't check but I'm pretty sure she will come up with something soon I can't wait to see if she will write a song I know or if they will be new one or maybe both 

I wanted to go fetch Lena and my Uncle but Nigel was there with them so I wasn't needed since I was ready to go out I took the chance to go shopping for cat toys, food, and litter I didn't spoil the surprise to Alicia but I did ask subtle question throughout the weeks to know if she liked cat or was allergic to them, fortunately, she wasn't and loved cat but her favorite animal were red panda, elephant, and monkey god she will like the island 'maybe I should not show her our mini zoo in case she doesn't want to leave anymore' I thought (giggles) 

Lena told me they would be here at 10 in the morning so they would be here at 9 it was already 8h30 no time to cook sometimes grandiose so I was going for something easy to do healthy and delicious Frittata Egg Muffins with spinach, cherry tomatoes, capsicum/bell peppers and pops of feta, these are great grab ' go breakfast muffins that will keep you fuller for longer. 30 minutes was just the right timing if they came 1 hour earlier like I suspect they would arrive just as I took them out of the oven perfect timing I thought before starting to cook

Lena P.O.V

I woke up way too early I looked at Anthony sleeping beside me and wondered how is he able to sleep this profoundly when we were about to meet Ace's girlfriend for him it was surely less thrilling with all the research he did about this girl and her family I said to him that Ace wouldn't be happy with this but he didn't listen to me, he did this knowing full well how petty Ace can be I also was mad at him for not listening to me humph if it wasn't because of the long flight he would be sleeping in another room right now


-Hum what, have we landed already? asked a still groggy Anthony

-No we are still 3 hours away I said with a dangerous glint in my eyes

-Why did you ...he stopped talking when he saw my face

-You want to know why or are you getting up with me? I said with the same face I was making to him since he woke up

-no never mind do you want a coffee... I will go make coffee

For the rest of the flight, I decided that I would give him the silent treatment but he could forget about going back to sleep humph when we were about to land he couldn't take it anymore

-Dear are you still mad about the background check I've done on Alicia's family you know that with our family wealth, we need to be vigilant right? said Anthony

-Humph as if Ace would get duped by this kind of girl I'm not mad about what you did I'm mad that you don't trust Ace enough to trust his judgment also he told you to not do it and you still did do you think he won't find out ... you know how Ace can be right? When he finds and trust me he will if he didn't already you are in for a world of pain and I will be glad to tell you '' I told you so'' 

-I don't want to think about it now I just hope he will understand why I did this one day

-Good luck with that he will forgive you one day but don't expect him to understand or forget what you did humph you know him all well as I do ... 


-See even Scarlett knows I'm right! Are you excited to see Ace cutie I'm sure he misses you don't worry we are almost there kitty-cat

-Meow pprrrrrrr!

I swear this cat was capable of understanding us I was pretty sure the only people who could touch her as of now were me Doug and Martha and she would only purr when we talked about Ace this cat was smart beyond measure she behaved like a dog sometimes 15 minutes later the plane landed and we got to the car nigel had prepared for this trip our luggage would be sent to us later, of course, Scarlett was with us it took us almost an hour to get to the villa ace was staying at

Now that I was about to meet this girl I was getting a little nervous I hoped she will like us and that we could become good friends if I know Ace as well as I thought I do she will be part of the family for a long long time 

Nigel stopped the car at the front entrance of the building since he would park the car later we didn't need to go through the parking lot I took Scarlett's cage with me and crossed the lobby toward the private elevator I had taken with baby Ace the first time I've been here.. oh that brings back memories I'm blessed to have met such wonderful people fate really is something special who would believe that I was the only nurse available that night in a hospital with more than 4000 nurses full and part-time included

Reminiscing about my life in the elevator with Scarlett in my arm I came out of my reverie only when I heard the sound of the doors opening and with the opening of the door a nice scent of egg and spinach hit me right in the face it made my stomach rumble instantly I wasn't alone as I could also hear Anthony stomach making a ruckus right beside me before I could take a step out of the elevator Scarlett start meowing really loudly while scratching the side of the cage like she really wanted to get out 

-One second baby girl I'll let you out now 

I put the cage on the ground before opening it, Scarlett sprinted off right away I was about to run after her but then I remembered ... I only have two legs I won't catch her so I did the only thing I could do right now

-ACE WE ARE HERE I screamed

-IN THE KITCHEN I heard him yell from afar

I dropped my handbag on the floor and walked directly toward the kitchen entering the kitchen the food smell was so strong that my stomach started making hungry sounds again I could see things that looked like 'quiche' on the kitchen table with a fruit salad and orange juice 


-I'm here behind the counter Lena I got a little guest here who seems to have missed me a lot (giggles)

Behind the counter, Ace was kneeling busy caressing Scarlett who was making circles around Ace like an excited dog whose owner had just gotten back home after a long day 

-I swear to god this cat's ancestors were probably dogs I said out loud

-Haha maybe you are right, take a bite while I show this little girl here where her litter and food are. Also, I'll go fetch Alicia said Ace taking Scarlett in his arms and leaving me alone in the kitchen

Anthony Smith P.O.V

I was happy for Ace to have found someone to share his life with and the fact that I did not find anything suspicious or alarming about her family well except maybe her father who was by no means an angel but they didn't have contact with him for several years, as far as I know, I was happy to meet her I was just scared of Ace superhuman perception sigh I know he will eventually find out as Helena said but I would like it if it could take let's say like... never I know wishful dreams now I feel like I'm sitting on a bag of needles I will need to come clean with what I did myself if I waited until he finds out himself the retribution might be a little bit more gentle that if he finds out on his own...i reached the kitchen where I could see Helena wolfing down the food Ace made I sat down beside her and sigh

-I'll talk to him about what I did later when we get some time alone I said to her

-Good choice maybe hell spare you ... hahaha kidding well if I were you I would start eating those before you tell him anything because he won't cook for you for a long time after this ( giggles)

-Shit! FUCK ... at least I have you're cooking I said coyly to my future wife

-Humph nice save you almost slept on the couch tonight 

Before she said that I had already felt the sweat dripping down my spine ... that was a close call I thought