59: Burned

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There was a knock on the door.

I groggily pulled my dark blanket away from me. I can't believe Jason locked me inside the room and I can't believe he called me a prisoner!

My phone was no doubt taken away from me and there was no source of a phone in sight in this cold ancient looking room.

I still can't believe I'm in a castle.

I lazily opened the door and got ready to flip any one off who was on the other side.

Surprisingly I saw a furious blonde headed girl with her dark curls tied up high in a ponytail.


She walked in glancing at the room I was in and scoffed. She then looked at me with her vicious green eyes.

"Well if it isn't the return of sob story orphan Annie." She sneered tilting her head to the side. I could tell she was really happy to see me back. Note the sarcasm.