64: The Meeting

Two weeks later.

I was summoned to the Verrono building in town.

Seth who was officially not speaking to me for many reasons, escorted me alongside with Nathan, who seemed to be equally as pissed at me as his friend.

I had betrayed their trust, when I fled that time.

The doors of the great meeting room opened up.

The trio's energy surged throughout the room and I froze seeing the one that sat at the head of the table.

I hadn't seen him for the past two weeks.

Fear and excitement hit every nerve ending inside of me. I remained frozen by the mere sight of him.

"Move, forward." Nathan said and shook my head.

Seth sighed annoyed then shoved me inside towards the floor.

"Here's your slave you ordered."

Henry didn't seemed phased by the minor assault caused by his guard.

Jason on the other hand looked darkly towards Seth.

[J] Push her like that again and I'll whip you more than a 100 times till you pass out.