Chapter 25

"I don't care what it is you want to uncover but if something happens to my baby–" 

Casmien, who couldn't control his temper any longer, grabbed her tightly by the arms, shaking the hell out of her body. "It surprises me how you were with Gary who abused you and yet you dared not slap him but you just did that now." His eyes poked out, Kate cried out the more when he released her, letting her fall to the soft, comfy bed before walking away. 

"As for your punishment, I'll order the maids to starve you for two days of your delicacies for insulting me, then my guards will stop you from leaving this room." He walked away from her, close to the door, Kate's voice interrupted him. 

"What?" She growled. "So you just think I'm a fool for you to deal with me as you wish just because you're the Alpha King?" Casmien didn't want to say anything, his face was tight and he walked away slamming the door hard against her.