
Of course, without exception, it was me who compromised in the end, and the monkey 롯 took my card,

Eat Liu Ruyue just fried two pieces of eggs, bad smile and walk away.

Not long after the monkey left, Liu Ruyue left soon after.

When I left, I asked her where she was going, if she needed any help, and she said no.

"No, thank you, you're a good man, and you're young, and I don't want to.

To involve you." 'she said.

It seemed to me that I could hear something else in her words, but it was as if nothing

What do you mean?

Later, as if it were rude to refuse, she added, "Such as

If there's anything you can do for me, I'll be sure to reach out to you."

I nodded, feeling that I was indeed a little too enthusiastic, although it was the same

I slept for two nights, but after all, we were strangers and knew nothing about each other.

I took her to the door, and suddenly I heard what was a good place like a cellphone camera

The voice, I looked carefully, and there was no one, maybe I heard wrong,

So he went back to his room.

After she left, I felt a sudden loss of the car, and I don't know why.

It was as if there was a feeling of emptiness that I had never felt before.

Or it's like an inexplicable sense of frustration that doesn't come from things

Yes, I have a good income, in terms of my years of work, in Binhai to get this

The salary is already quite good, and it is also a good mix among my classmates.

I just feel like, my life, seems to be missing a lot of things. And these things, I never realized before, only in Liu Ruyue after the appearance of these days, there is a sudden awareness.

I was surprised by the sudden depression. I didn't go to work those days. I asked my boss for half a month off. He said that he was going out for some fun. He promised me that he was happy. Anyway, he didn't have any work recently. He'll be able to take my time off so he can't pay me. That's what he wants.

I didn't really go anywhere, except to go shopping at the supermarket, just stay home, watch DVDs, sleep.

Only when the monkey asks me out, I'm officially out.

I was surprised that the monkey was asking me to pay back the money. I knew he wasn't the kind of person who borrowed money and didn't pay it back. But it was still a long time before the date he promised to pay it back. I was surprised that he didn't know how he got a windfall. It seems that the leader of the unit made some grey income, he happened to know, gave him some.

He blows the sky all the way, said the leadership is how to value him, in the unit's development prospects, in fact, I can probably understand, this is the leadership to his hush money.

He saw that my mind did not seem to be listening and asked, "What's the matter with you? You're so distracted, by the way, where's your pretty girlfriend? I didn't see you bring it out. I saw several of my classmates the other day and told them about you and they couldn't believe it."

"You son can't put up a little bit of virtue, don't go out to me everywhere to scatter virtue." I rebuked.

I'm afraid this misunderstanding spreads more and more outrageous, the monkey's mouth, in school is a famous small radio, what let him know, that is equal to inform the world. So I had to tell him the whole story and tell him everything.

He was dumbfounded and said for a moment, "I wonder why your explanation seems to be even more ridiculous."

"I know, you don't believe her. A strange woman can sleep with me." I said.

"It's not that I don't believe she'll come over, I do. She's got a baby, but she looks about your age? What I can't believe is that she's drunk, and you just undressed her and didn't do anything?" said the monkey.

"Fuck you!"

Before he left, the monkey said very seriously to me, "If that's what you say, then as a good friend, I think you should stay away from her."

I asked the monkey why, and he gave two reasons.

First, she is a married woman, and not divorced, and has children, this is very troublesome, do you think you and her have a future?

Second, she was married to a rich man, you think, such a beautiful woman, that is very powerful, what can you give her?

After the monkey had gone, I pondered what he said. Although I disagreed with him on these two reasons, I thought and thought that he was reasonable.

After thinking about it, I felt that I was just too lazy to think about these problems. But they have not divorced yet. Besides, even if they are divorced, what does it matter to me? You gotta be with me, okay?

After that, I stayed at home for a while, but I did not see Liu Ruyue again, nor did I hear anything from her home. She did not come back, as if her husband and children had not come.

Only once, I heard the next door has movement, and movement is not small, I nervous, thought is her husband and fight again, ran out quickly, went out after discovering is not, but a group of moving company workers are hot move.

She and her husband weren't there either, and I couldn't ask. Maybe they got divorced, divided their assets, and the house sold. Or, still in the divorce, her husband was transferring his property.

I certainly don't know which is the case, and if it's the latter, I don't have any way to tell her even if I want to, I don't have any contact information other than her name.

After that, I didn't see her again for a long time, so long that when I saw her again, I was already wearing long Johns.