Early in the morning 

I also left the center of the dance floor.

 I felt some regret, why do you want to do so, people with you dance, has enough to give you face, why do you want to say so, but I just feel breathless, not to spit unhappy. Unexpectedly, the words said, more unhappy.

 Of course my colleagues and I know nothing about Liu Ruyue, even if only jumped half a head, I have become in their eyes as if to conquer major fortress commandos, big hero.

 One by one I looked at with new eyes.

 "You can ah Yu Hao, I thought you boy just play with the lips, did not think you really gave us a lesson!"

 "It is really let us open their eyes, alas, you are how to tell people said, how so fast you are familiar, I see you usually don't talk much, when the proposal is stupid with cotton crotch, when picking up girls is really like a god help ah, see the girl let you tease the stomach."

 "Quickly, teach me, you are how to tell people said?"

 I should be very happy, but now have no interest in listening to these compliments, although I smiled, but the attention is not here, has been Liu Ruyue there.

 But too many people, do not know when, I found her seat empty, next to the man's seat is empty. Until the end of the dance, I did not see her, when she left, I do not know.

 After the end of the dance, my colleagues are still not enough, and found a bar to drink.

 The help of colleagues to huff and puff, said I should send her back, maybe there is a play.I smiled, thinking, where the turn to send her back to the taxi. She is sitting in the man's car, Land Rover, or Mercedes, or Porsche, anyway, even if it is sitting in Camry, and I will not take a taxi back.

 I think, one side of a vigor to fill their belly wine...

 did not think of the second day I found that I misunderstand her.

 The next morning, I was still sleeping, in my sleep heard someone has been knocking on the door, I want to go to the door, but it is not up, last night with the help of people do not know how many points, anyway, I was drinking a lot of wine, finally who sent me back, I do not know.

 I tried for a long time, in the driving force of a huge perseverance, just climbed out of bed, went to the door.

 On opening the door found Liu Ruyue standing outside, wearing a dark green skirt, under the still wearing black silk and high heels. The light makeup, fresh and dazzling.

 "Did not disturb you?" she said with a smile.

 I rubbed the fluffy sleepy eyes, said, "you say?" "I'm really sorry," she said, "I really shouldn't bother you so early, because I do have something urgent to find you." "Urgent?" I heard the first reaction in my heart, not to apologize to me, right? Did she yesterday after I went back angry with her, some regret, so to apologize to me.Or, after yesterday, she knows I have interest in her, and she also has interest in me, think I better than that Zheng Shaoqiu, so early in the morning to find me?

 I quickly dismissed this idea, because I saw the man behind Liu Ruyue, he was standing behind her, a polite smile to me.

 "This is Liu lawyer, Liu Tianming." Liu Ruyue pointed to the man said.

 Originally he was a lawyer, it is also right, yesterday's dance is the "new advertising law" exchange dance, that he as a lawyer to is reasonable.

 Just, she brought the lawyer, two together to find me, what does it mean?I some circle, guess not too much, but since she said there is something urgent to find me, although I do not like her to bring that man to find me, but out of politeness and self-control, can not let them stand outside.

 So I will let them in.

 "This is it." After sitting down, Liu Ruyue said, "There is something, I hesitated for a long time, did not intend to tell you, but now it seems that I have to tell you." This makes me more curious, what is it?Let her so difficult to speak.

 "You say it."I said, "What is it?"The Liu Tianming said to Liu Ruyue, "Say it, he must know now."Liu Ruyue listened to Liu Tianming's words, this just nodded, seems to be determined, said, "I'm sorry, I may have troubled you."