X Mines, Rides, Shouts, and Cries -2


The sound was defeaning, so much so that the old, experienced soldiers had trembled back in pain and the new ones were running the opposite way, away from the sound. 

"Look's like I'll need to supply earplugs..." 

"Alright everyone! This is a grenade!" He once again pulled out from his coat another grenade. "The artillery platoon will be in charge of such weaponry, and too the things inside..." He walked towards one of the wooden crates and opened them.

"A landmine!"

'A landmine!?' Silent whispers spread around the conglomerate of soldiers.

"This landmine produces just about the same explosion as does the grenade. However, for it to activate, something shal first need to step on this big button at the top. Doing so, it will ultimately explode without warning. This is more dangerous than the grenades, so I shall advise towards the artillery platoon that yes! Your job will be one that is dangerous, but is needed and effective!" 

A silent roar.

Once Hierd saw they were calm and now adjusted after the grenade's explosion. He readied the mine. He pulled the safety pin after he had laid it down about twenty meters away from the company of soldiers. 

After going about a safe distance away from the landmine he found that he hadn't not known about how he was going to simulate someone or something stepping down on the button he decided to summon a five pounder and threw it at the button.


It hit the metal instead of the button. "Ah sorry everyone! Hold on!" Hearing that, they braced their ears yet watched intently with their eyes. 

"Give me a five-pound weight."




It hid the metal again! "One more time!"





The explosion was not actually the same as the grenade, it did a great crater of damage towards the land. "What the fuck, who would've known these guys are that powerful!" 

He looked towards his army, of which cowered in fear thinking that; 'There's a volcano erupting!' Or, 'The world's ending!' He ran towards them in a fit to make them more comfortable. "Everyone! Everyone! That was a mine--a landmine!"

Alrife came out of the shadows; "Captain! That was something of mythical proportions! For your country to possess such intellegence and such power... It terrifies me so!" 

Hierd smiled. "And thats why we will be training until Auferstehen shall break."

( * )

Hierd left Alrife to train the newer recruits (he had also ordered for the troop leaders to help the newer recruits; this came in fact with the Artillery Squad as Hierd did not want to train them for now). 

Hierd looked over the training which had some minor struggles when it came to the Kar98k, however they excelled when it came to the bayonet training as it was merely just a downgraded spear, that they said they were. The older soldiers (the soldiers of Venit Ille) were instructed by Hierd to train with their violition, to which they practiced who can shoot the longest shot, which was one by a rather wiry man from Verdel's squad with a shot of approximately one-hundred-eighty meters!

In the midst of it all, Hierd had a talk with he himself. "I should teach the artillery squad mathemathics, also like... Every soldier to have some kind of elementary knowledge, but fuck! I know shit nothing about math and science! I'm an art major for fuck-sake!" He chuckled in his thinking. "I should find a teacher in the future to teach these guys, or else this place is gonna fall into poverty!" 

He looked at the skies, the grey clouds was covering the sun but he knew it was ways past from it's crux. 

A tap, his shoulder. 

He turned around and saw Alrife. "What is it?" 

"Captain, the men are getting hungry."

"Good thing I have food inside the truck!" He said excitedly, he hopped off the seat he sat upon and went towards the back of the truck. There, in fact, was no food. He turned to Alrife, who was behind him wondered where the supposed 'food' was. "Excuse me Alrife, turned around a bit."

"Yes... Captain." 

"Give me tasty food for all the people in this field currently." 


"For fucksake..." He sighed, angrily infact. "Give me two platoon's worth of... Egg omelets."


He was surrounded in egg omelets, and fortunately, the voice was kind enough to put them in plates rather than nothing. He got out the back, "You can turn around now, Alrife." As he turned around, he said; "Please give them the egg omletes." 

"Yes, captain!" 


As usual, they were fed, however, not as usuall. The 'govenors' (for lack of a better word) of Ridge Village came. "Good Afternoon, Chief Hadi and Friedrick." As Hierd didn't know the other people behind them, he glossed over saying 'everyone.' 

"Good Afternoon, Captain Hierd!" Friedrick was rather enthusiastic.

"Have you been watching?" 

"From the very beginning, before even the training had started! Oh, imagine; all our troops were clad in this noble-like brown suit! With the 'Kar98k' strapped neatly to their back! They looked like nobles preparing to enter a castle!" He laughed before continuing; "The women of Ridge Village were so suprised and they laughed all heartily, in fact!" 

Hierd laughed also, "Well, well. It is rather suprising, however these suits give identity to the sides in a battle." 

"I see. I see." He rubbed his chin. "We would like to observe the training from here on closer."

"Oh! Please, please do. There aren't any chairs here though, so may it not inconvenience you to either stand or sit on the grass."

"That is fine, that is fine." 

"My talking is quite exquisite indeed! Oh' golly good show!" Hierd imagined himself with a pinky up, and a cup of tea in his hand, as well as a very tall tophat.


(Listen, i was kinda bored, but its just ordinary training shit from then and here on). It was still the afternoon, however the sun was already way way off it's crux, nearing dusk by an hour. 

"Men! I will now advise that after tommorow and there on, I will personally teach each and every squad education!"

They gasped. 

"Education?" They said, "What will you teach us, Captain Hierd?!" 

"This will be secret for now, however; tommorow will be your vacation, you may either stay at home or come to practice here. However, you must! I repeat, must! Wear your uniforms whenever exiting your homes." He smiled, "Thank you! You may rest now." 

A sigh of relief, but a fish in the throat. They didn't know what captain Hierd was to teach them, and they don't really understand their country's language and all the knick-knacs were. Whatever Hierd was to teach, they were afraid. Yet motivated.

The 'govennors' of Ridge parted as well as the squad leaders. However, coming from behind them, a slow moving truck comes towards them. "It's the captain's iron horse and it's carriage!" Yelled one. "Back off and make way!" Yelled another. 

"So that's one of Germany's many 'vehicles.'" Commented Hadi, rubbing his chin while looking at it tread slowly through the crowd. 

"You know of Germany, Captain Hierd's country, chief!?" Asked Friedrick, his voice raised so that he could be heard.

"Yes, Chief Naturvege had showed me the book he was given by the captain. I read it over and over, looking at the towering structures, the advanced civilization that Captain Hierd lived. Could never have had existed here. He comes from 'Europe' yet no continent like that exists in the world. Captain Hierd hides more than what we know of, he may be... a passer."

"A passer!?" Friedrick exclaimed. "There is no way that there could be a passer, that's just a myth, chief!"

"A myth be it may, but our kingdoms. They were formed by passers, the lords we believe in are passers. Well..." He laughed. "Thats just what I believe, if you don't, then don't take it to heart."

Hierd passed by the squad leaders, "Hey, all of you, hop aboard!" 

"Captain!? Is that okay!?" Verdel exclaimed in excitement. 


"WOOOO!!" He went to the back and hopped in, the rest followed Verdel's exciting atmostphere. 


The four squad leaders sat on their chairs, naturvege too. Hierd was walking in circles. "I would like to use the church to conduct my teachings." He looked at Naturvege.

"Captain, it'll matter when you do them." He said. "The Theocracy's words are absolute, and believers worldwide need to learn of God's wisdom. The mass lasts from noon to almost dusk. And the bell dictates noon and dictates the strike of dusk."

"So it shall be early morning and early night?" Hierd questioned.

"I will ask the priests if they'll agree."

"Thank you, chief." 

"You're welcome, captain, but what're you gonna be teaching about?" 

He walked and rubbed his chin. Before saying, "Do our men know how to read and write?" 

"I mean, I gave them manuals, so I thought there shouldn't have been a problem." 

 "Yes and no." He sighed. "Some of them aren't as gifted as the others. And some others aren't as gifted as a noble. I could say that the majority of them understand how, I'm not accounting Ridge Village's say in this."

"I see." He rubbed his chin. He looked at his squad leaders. "May you four help in teaching the ones who don't know how to read and write, to read and write?" 

"Yes, captain!" They exclaimed all at once. 

"Thats great!" He dropped his clenched fist onto his left open palm. "I will give you materials in your teaching of them. Please have them learn the basics, as I think that Auferstehen is coming closer and closer."

"That is indeed" Said Naturvege.

"Thank you, captain." They all said.