Dream come true

I have heard of goddesses claiming to fall in love with a guy with an intention of ruining his life. I heard of goddesses that used to sleep with men in their dream so as to change their destiny. But the first time I heard of a goddess that wished to spend the rest of her life with a man, I was the man.

Hi! My name is Bayo, a music artist. This incident I want to share with you happened three years ago. I will tell you what happened before and after the incident. So, sit down carefully and enjoy the story.

I used to be talented musician those days, without anyone to support me. I discovered this talent when I was twelve years old and then I decided to study music in school then but my my mother was crazy about being called a doctor's mother, so she wanted me to become a doctor. As a result of that, I was forced to become a science student. 

Well, Science became just so hard for me and I hardly make a C in the Ssce examination. The result was so bad that even dad promised never to let go of a dime on my education again (The only subjects I passed then were: English, Mathematics and Civic education). Since my dad had promised to fail his responsibility over my education, I became a school dropout. My mom then got me registered as a Student in a pharmacy. I started learning the name of drugs and their usefulness. 

I met three guys of my age who were also studying in the pharmacy. They were; John, Victor, Maverick and Jacob. 

Jacob and John were always referred to as Aki and Pawpaw because they both always come together to make us laugh in the Pharmacy. I discovered that they were both also forced to come and learn pharmacy just like me, they had no interest in medicine. They were talented actors. 

Maverick was crazy about writing and would spend most his leisure time creating stories, he should be an author instead of coming to learn medicine. 

Victor was blessed with a rapping talent, he would compose some rap lines daily and will flaunt his talent before everyone. 

Seeing all these, I wasn't also hiding my talent. Sometimes I will sing before everyone and make Victor rap to my music.

Within a very short period of time, the five of us got used to each other, we became the best friends in the community. At times, I will tell my friend what the chorus of my song is, I will sing and make them sing the chorus. In that way, we started practising my songs though I gat no support. 

One day, Victor brought a good news to us. His uncle who used to live abroad came home last week and saw him composing a rap line. His uncle was impressed and he promised to always take him to any show he is invited to. (His uncle was a radio presenter and a Master of Ceremony)

"Please, tell your uncle about me." I pleaded. 

"What do you expect?" Victor asked. "I already told him about the four of you and he had promised to help us all in anyway he can."

We couldn't hide our happiness, we all hugged each other happily. I quickly ran home to break my savings box. I counted the money I had in it, it was a sum of three thousand, seven hundred and thirty naira.

"Well, this will do." I called my friends told them to let's all meet at Foodco, we must celebrate this sucess of ours. We met at Foodco and I bought Monster energy for everyone.

That was how I started attending shows to sing. I would be the one to sing at the show, I would have Victor delive the rap lines to it and would have my other friends to deliver my chorus for me.

My parent soon supported my career as I was now making more money than my father. But my parent laid a condition for me.

"You will continue with this music career as long as you don't make crazy hairstyles like other music artist."


That was no big deal for me. Normally I enjoy cutting Afro-style so nothing can change it. Soon, I started going to studio to drop new hits. I became popular and my song was being listened to throughout my country. I was making more money than I thought I would be making. I had my first house, my car and even built house for my parents.

I helped Jacob and John to get into the Nollywood industry as I now had connections and I even helped my friend, Maverick to publish his first book which he wrote about me, "Joygiver".

The incident:

I didn't stop attending shows even after I've been recording songs as that was were my fortune started. It was one big man in the town that invited me and Victor to a show. But as usual, we went there with Maverick, Jacob and John as they might be useful to us. We went there in Victor's car.

Prior to this time, none of had a girlfriend. We've all planned to fall in love on the same day but my own mom had warned me never to fall in love with a girl in a pub.

"Girs you meet in shows or pubs are not angels but devil, avoid them. Don't let them steal your heart, they can ruin your life completely." I remembered my mom's word and I consider them sacred.

The big man had organised his show in a pub so as usual before we entered, I told my friends to bring their right hand forward as we formed a circle. Then, we heard some smooching sound and we all looked at that direction (where the sound was coming from), there we saw a guy and probably his girlfriend kissing each other passionately as if the world were to end in ten minutes time. Well, I took my eyes off the scene and realised that my friends were still watching the scene. I slapped Maverick who was next to me so as to bring him back to his senses. Maverick did the same thing to Victor who was next to him, Victor did the same thing to John who was next to him, John did same thing to Jacob who was next to him and soon; all of us were back to life while the smooching sound continued. 

"We will not fall in love with any girl in this pub." I said

"We will not fall in love with any girl in this pub." They repeated. 

The show went as we expected, we were appreciated. Girls thrilled to the stage and danced litres of sweat out their body as we sang. After the show, I and my friends went to seperate places. While I've gone to sit on a chair before the bar man, I didn't know where others have been to.

I didn't go to the bar man because I need a drink, Infact I don't have a habit of drinking; I went there because a lot of things used to happen in front of the bar man that people should learn from. People who have drank to stupor used to come to the front of the bar man to tell him something they would have kept secret if they had not been intoxicated. So, I used to go and sit before the bar man for this reason. 

Soon, a man came and asked for Trophy. He sat beside me as he was given bottles of Trophy. He opened the first bottle and faced me after he had taken a peg.

"What, bro? You're not drinking?" He asked me

"No, sir." I replied. "I don't drink."

"So, you mean you don't use to take anything before climbing the stage?" He asked after he emptied the bottle in his hand.

"Actually." I replied. 

"I am McDonald" He said. "You see that big farm over there." He pointed to a corner of the pub but I understood that he was talking about a farm beside the pub.

"I own it." He continued "As big as it is, it is about five acres. I cultivated all the crops with my bare hand without the use of any machine."

"Oh!" I exclaimed. 

"But, did they call me McDonald, the farmer?" He asked. "Of course, no." He replied himself and then continued; "You see that tall building over there, I laid every single bricks there all by myself."

"Oh!" I exclaimed.

"But did they call me McDonald, the builder? Hell, no" He continued. "You should have come across the animal farm along the Olubadan expressway."

"Yeah, I know the place."

"I take care of all the two thousand animals in the farm all by myself."

"Yuck!" I exclaimed. "Isn't that strange?"

"But did they call me McDonald, the farmer? Damn it, no!"

"Human being are like that." I managed to say. "They don't appreciate one's hardwork and determination."

"Thanks, bro!" he said. "But, you just f*ck a sheep!"

I was shocked. Like, was he expecting people not to give him a name if he should have intercourse with an animal? Then, I thought about it. 

"People will not talk about the good things you've done but will keep talking about your bad deeds" I didn't know that I said this out. 

"Thanks a lot, bro" He said and then faced the bar man; "How much do I have to pay?"

"McDonald, the sheep f*cker, your bill is seven thousand naira."

I've seen it all, I had to leave the place. I went out in search of my friends and then I saw only Victor, Jacob and Maverick. 

"Where is John?" I asked.

"He went to shop for his new girlfriend." Victor said. 

"You mean...." Jacob did not let me complete my statement before he said;

"All of us hear had gone against our promise, we've all fallen in love. You are the only one that is left. Remember we've all planned to fall on the same day, go and get yourself a lover."

"So, this people have betrayed me." I said to myself. I turned around to walk away sadly but it was a shocking twist as I set my eyes on a girl. How do I describe her? She looks like the younger sister of the dancing angle in heaven. She is perfect, I mean perfect. At that moment, I forgot my mom's word.

"I see you are in love" Victor said, "Why don't you approach her."

For the very first time in my life, I approached a girl and reached forward to her for an handshake. 

"Hi! I'm Bayo." I said

"Joygiver." She said as she shook hand with me. Her palm was the coolest, hottest and warmest I've ever touched in my life, I can't just describe. I overheard Victor saying "He is lucky, this girl had never talked to anyone. Does he deserve this angel?"

I was lost in the handshake before I remembered what she called her name.

"Joygiver?" I asked myself. "Is there a name like that?"

To be continued...