
Awaken My King…

"Alright, that's it for today's lecture... class dismissed," the teacher sighed, signaling the end of the first day of a new school year. The hallways erupted with the bustling energy of students rushing home and gathering in their social groups, a mix of excitement and angst palpable in the air.

Amidst the flurry of students hurrying down the halls, I stood up, slung my bag over my shoulder, and pushed my chair under the desk. Surprisingly, I was one of the few remaining students, as if everyone else had vanished into thin air.

My name is Alan Silvia. It's an odd name, one that often draws mystery.

As I walked through the bustling halls, I moved like a ghost, my presence unnoticed by my peers. In the social hierarchy of high school, I was considered a loser, and this reality shaped my experience significantly.

While many students prioritized popularity and friendships, I focused on my academic pursuits, determined to graduate and pursue a carefree life. This final year at Toko High was crucial to me, and I was determined to finish strong.

As I crossed the schoolyard, my attention was drawn to a familiar figure – Saki Sakihara. She was engaged in conversation with a friend, embodying the essence of popularity and social ease.

Saki and I had a history; we were childhood friends, but over the years, we had drifted apart. Any chance of a closer relationship had long passed.

She exuded a pop-culture charm, with her Japanese heritage evident in her pale, smooth skin and Bright-Red hair adorned with pink highlights. A black ribbon with red stripes accentuated her look, complementing the high school uniform she wore – a white dress shirt with black accents, black skirt, and a black tie.

Notably, she carried a rock guitar in a case on her back, a symbol of her passion and individuality within the school's social landscape.

Despite our shared past, I knew that Saki was not the type to notice someone like me. Our occasional conversations remained just that – fleeting exchanges that hinted at what once was but could never be again.

Rumors swirled about Saki's ambition to attend a musical school and start her own rock band. It was an impressive dream, but I knew that someone like her and someone like me would never quite fit together.

After all, in her eyes, I was practically invisible. To make matters worse, every boy in school seemed to idolize her, treating her like a goddess among the female students.

I shifted my gaze away from Saki and continued walking until I reached the first floor of the school, stepping out into the bustling schoolyard.

"Hey, you there," a voice called out to me.

I turned to see a girl, Aika Obata, a fellow student I vaguely remembered from the previous term. She had always been trying to recruit members for her Ghost Research Club, a pursuit that seemed to interest few due to the allure of more conventional clubs.

"Is something the matter?" I asked, curious about her sudden approach.

"Hi, I'm Aika Obata... Um... would you be interested in joining our Ghost Research Club?" she whispered, her demeanor shy yet hopeful.

Aika's appearance caught my attention. Her brown hair, longer with spiky ends, was adorned with a strawberry hair clip. She seemed like an introvert, much like myself, struggling a bit with direct communication but determined nonetheless.

"What exactly does the Ghost Club do?" I inquired, intrigued despite my initial reluctance.

"We research interesting phenomena that occur in Tokyo, especially related to ghosts and other paranormal activities. Although we're low on members, we could really use..." Aika trailed off, her enthusiasm tempered by the club's struggles to attract participants.

I hesitated for a moment, then relented, "Alright, I'll take a flyer, but I can't promise anything."

Aika's face lit up with excitement at my tentative acceptance. Despite my reservations, I couldn't deny the spark of curiosity that her invitation had ignited.

As I walked away, I couldn't help but wonder if joining this seemingly eccentric club might lead to unexpected adventures, perhaps even a break from the monotony of being invisible in the eyes of those around me.

I could only wish Aika luck in finding new members for her club. If my schedule wasn't so packed, I might have considered joining.

Living near the school had its perks, like the refreshing afternoon breeze that greeted me on my walk home. As I strolled through the residential area, I noticed many other students making their way home as well.

"Hey dude, what's up? Fancy seeing you here," a familiar voice called out.

I turned to find an old friend, Judai Kitomura, who apparently hadn't transferred schools like I thought. We walked together, even though we were quite different from each other. While I struggled with relationships and remained reserved, Judai was a charmer, effortlessly attracting attention from girls.

He had curly blonde hair, striking green eyes, and a beauty mark beneath his lip.

"Have you set your sights on any girls this year? There are so many beauties around," Judai teased, winking suggestively.

"Not really, I'm not focusing on that at the moment," I replied, trying to deflect the conversation.

"It's your last year, man. Live it up! Maybe even ask out Saki. You've had a crush on her forever," Judai nudged me playfully.

"It's not that simple. Everyone's vying for her attention, and she's probably busy with school and clubs," I reasoned.

Judai, however, was quick to point out an opportunity. "Look, she's alone right now, tying her shoes. Go talk to her. It's the perfect chance."

Saki's presence was captivating, her beauty almost intimidating. The idea of approaching her made my heart race, a mixture of excitement and nervousness swirling inside me.

Taking a deep breath, I took a few steps towards Saki, while Judai waited nearby, leaning against a lamppost.

"S-Saki... your name is Saki Sakahara, right?" I stammered, feeling the pressure of the moment as Saki finished tying her shoe and looked up at me.

"Oh, hey! You're Alan, right? It's been ages since we last talked," Saki said with a cheerful smile, her warmth contrasting with my nervousness.

"Yeah, I guess so. Well, I'll catch you around," I mumbled, ready to walk away. Surely someone as popular and busy as Saki wouldn't have time for me.

But before I could leave, Saki gently took my hand, stopping me in my tracks. "Wait, Alan... could we go on a..."

"D-date?" I finished her sentence, stunned by her unexpected proposal and the blush on her cheeks. It felt surreal, like a dream I never dared to have.

"D-date," Saki confirmed, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

There was no way this was happening. The school's top beauty, one of the most sought-after girls, wanted to go on a date with me, a nobody in the social hierarchy. The odds seemed impossible, but I had to seize this opportunity, regardless of my disbelief.

"I guess we could. But where and when exactly?" I managed to respond, trying to keep my cool.

"I've always wanted to go to Tokyo Park. Maybe we could go there together?" Saki suggested, her blush deepening.

"Alright, sure. Let's exchange contact info," I agreed, feeling a rush of excitement as I got Saki's number.

Back at home, I unpacked my school materials, preparing for my study session. My house wasn't anything fancy, and I spent most of my time alone since my mom worked out of town for a secretive government organization. My dad had left us for another woman, and my older sister checked in on me occasionally.

As I sat down to study, the reality of the upcoming date with Saki began to sink in, filling me with a mix of nerves and anticipation. It seemed like luck had finally smiled upon me, thanks in part to Judai's encouragement earlier.

"Good job, man! See, you got lucky after all," Judai's words echoed in my mind, reminding me of the unexpected turn of events. I couldn't help but feel grateful for his support and encouragement.

After a dedicated study session of 2-3 hours, my wristwatch chimed with a message. Could it be from Saki? I wondered, quickly checking my watch and finding that indeed, Saki had messaged me.

"Hey Alan, I was wondering if we could still meet up later tonight for our date, unless you're totally busy. Just wanted to confirm in case you had other plans," her text read.

I couldn't believe my luck. Most of my time was spent studying alone, and now, a girl was showing genuine interest in spending time with me. I quickly responded, "Don't worry, we'll meet up at 10. See you then!"

The remaining time flew by as I debated what to wear. Opting for comfort over extravagance, I settled on a blue hoodie, black techno pants with straps, and white sneakers. It might not have been the most stylish choice, but it suited me. Grabbing my phone and wallet, I headed out.

Navigating through a series of buses, I finally arrived at Tokyo Park, notifying the bus driver of my stop before stepping off. Saki was already waiting on a bench near the park, and I approached her nervously.

"Shall we go?" I asked.

"S-sure," Saki replied, her cheeks flushed with a hint of excitement.

Saki looked stunningly different from her school attire. She wore a black dress with a corset, paired with gothic boots and steel chains as accessories. Her scent was intoxicating, adding to my already nervous state. I had to remind myself to stay calm, but her appearance made it challenging—she looked like a glamorous idol.

"Saki-san, you look amazing," I complimented, feeling a bit awkward.

"Aww, you look nice too, Alan," she replied, covering her smile with her hand.

We made our way to a nearby restaurant, nothing too fancy but enough to create an awkward yet thrilling atmosphere for my first date.

"So, Saki-chan, I heard you want to start a rock band. Is that true?" I asked, trying to break the ice.

"Yeah, absolutely! It's my biggest dream!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"That's amazing," I replied, genuinely intrigued by her passion for music.

I realized that compared to Saki's dreams and aspirations, I didn't seem to have anything particularly exciting going on in my life.

"I want to become a popular J-Idol as well. That's why I've dedicated most of my time to practice and work on my music skills. How about you, Alan? What are your goals?" Saki inquired.

I hesitated for a moment, feeling the pressure to come up with something impressive. "Well... I'm just focusing on graduating at the moment. Getting good grades so I can finally be done with high school is all I really want," I replied, downplaying my ambitions.

Saki seemed understanding. "Compared to you, my parents are a bit pushy. I can hardly ever hang out with friends after school."

"B-but why me?" I couldn't help but ask, curious about why she had agreed to this date.

"W-well... oh hey, the food's ready," Saki quickly changed the subject, avoiding my question.

After dinner, Saki and I went to the park to relax and continue our conversation. The starry sky added a magical touch to the atmosphere as we walked together, enjoying the peacefulness of the park.

As we reached a resting area with benches and vending machines, Saki handed me a soda. "Here you go. A soda for you."

"I also got one for myself," I replied with a grateful smile.

"Gee, thanks a lot, Alan. You're such a nice guy," Saki commented.

The term "nice guy" made me pause internally. Was that a good thing or a bad thing? I couldn't help but overthink it.

"Remember when I asked you at the restaurant why exactly you agreed to go on a date with me? You never answered," I brought up, wanting to clear the air.

"W-well..." Saki looked nervous, her words trailing off.

I waited, my heart pounding with anticipation.

"I was wondering if we could be friends," Saki finally confessed.

"F-friends?" I repeated, a mix of confusion and disappointment settling in. So, that was the reason she had agreed to the date – to be friends. It didn't make much sense to me.

"I-is that so..." I managed to reply, feeling a bit deflated.

Damn it.

Just when I thought lady luck was on my side, it all backfired on me.

Before we could delve deeper into the conversation, a sudden interruption broke the moment.

"Hey, you. What the hell do you think you're doing around on our turf at this time of the hour? You should get the hell outta here," a stern voice interrupted us, startling both Saki and me.

The night had taken a sinister turn in Midnight Park. What started as a dream of power and control had quickly spiraled into a nightmare of helplessness and despair.

I stood there, surrounded by a group of thugs whose cruel laughter echoed through the park. Anger boiled within me as they taunted and jeered, their words slicing through my defenses like knives. But I was no match for them, not physically at least.

They exhibited an odd gaze & aggressive facial expressions almost as if they had been possessed by something. Just who or what we're these guys.

Saki's terrified screams cut through the air, snapping me out of my rage-induced haze. My heart clenched in fear as I watched one of the thugs grab her, his hands roaming where they had no right to be. Anguish and fury warred within me, but I was frozen, powerless to intervene.

Then it happened. The brawl erupted, fists flying and bodies crashing against each other in a chaotic dance of violence. But I was outmatched, outnumbered, and outgunned. The thugs overwhelmed me, raining blows upon me until I was battered and bruised, blood mixing with dirt on the ground.

I heard Saki's cries for help, each one stabbing at my soul like a dagger. I wanted to protect her, to be her hero, but I was nothing more than a broken shell of a man, lying helplessly on the ground.

A foot pressed down on my head, grinding my face into the dirt. I could barely see through the haze of pain and blood, but I could hear the thug's mocking laughter as he made me watch Saki's torment.

My mind raced with thoughts of desperation and regret. I wished I were stronger, braver, anything but the weakling I was at that moment. If only I could do something, anything, to save her from this nightmare.

"Damn it!...im so pathetic. I cant even protect a girl."

A cold metal Gun pressed against my temple, and I knew what it was without needing to see. The thug had loaded a bullet into his gun, and he was relishing the power he held over me.

But then, amidst the chaos and despair, a strange voice echoed through the night. It wasn't a voice from any of the thugs or bystanders. It seemed to come from the sky itself, or perhaps from the glowing moon overhead.

"Do you desire Strength?," the voice spoke, its tone both commanding and comforting. "In exchange for power, give me everything. Your heart, your mind, your body...your soul."

"What the hell?..who's voice is this.", I cried.

I couldn't comprehend where the voice was coming from, but its words stirred something deep within me. A surge of determination coursed through my veins, pushing back the fear and despair that had threatened to consume me.

The thug with the gun hesitated, sensing a shift in the air. I locked eyes with him, defiance burning in my gaze. I refused to let him break me, to take away my last shred of hope.

"Do it now or else you will be killed boy!", the feminine voice called out to me.

"Alright, in exchange for whatever you have to offer. Please give me strength.", I clasp my hands until blood pours from my palms."

"I give you my soul!", I yelled aloud.

Very Well.", the goddess smiled.

A burning sensation awakened deep within me, and despite being beaten and bruised I took a stand. Staring down the gun barrel. My bones feeling like they had been shattered into a million pieces. I braced myself-

"From now on you belong to me! I will be your goddess from now until the end of times. You shall call me Erios, the Goddess of the Moon!"

A strong wind blew, and a blue flame sparked in my hand. I could feel an odd rush of energy overcome me. As if there was the moon was feeding me energy directly. Erios's voice this time grew closer and closer as if she was in my mind.

"From now on Alan Silvia your new name is-."