Chapter 100

Taking the Duchess' private transport to the governor's residence, as we flew through Concordia's capital, my fiancées and I saw exactly what sort of man Pre Vizsla was. While his guards and military forces were sporting the latest armor and weapons, the city's infrastructure and populace were left to fend for themselves. Trash was piled six feet tall in places, hundreds of buildings were on the verge of collapsing, families were grouped together in alleyways with nowhere left to go, and orphans were scavenging food amongst the piles of trash. Unable to understand how someone could let this stand, Mylene began asking for details about this world.

"Have things always been this bad?", Mylene asked, noticing a torn child's doll on the sidewalk, "It looks like a warzone here."

"It has been like this for millennia, and all Mandalorians are to blame for it.", she stated, with a saddened look, "For as long as our people can remember, one thing has always been a constant in our history…War. When our ancestors first settled here in Mandalore System, instead of coming together to help one another, they formed clans and began fighting one another over resources and territory. Over the millennia, our people tore our worlds apart, building fortresses to defend our clans, extracting minerals to fuel our war machines, and poisoning water supplies just to get ahead of each other. By the time I was born, most Mandalorians were fed up with our way of life and wanted to try a new path, one that benefitted all Mandalorians."

"Why has nothing changed then?", Mylene commented, trying to maintain her composure.

"As I said, most Mandalorians wanted to change things for the better, but there was a minority group who wished to continue with tradition. My subordinates and I attempted to reason with them to no avail, they refused to toss aside the horrible past for a better future. With no other choice, as most refused to even consider a semi-pacifist lifestyle, we relocated the Old Faction to Concordia and installed Pre Vizsla as Governor. We hoped that as one of the few reasonable members of the Old Faction he would turn his comrades toward a more moderate stance, but as you can see…he has failed Concordia and Mandalorians alike.", Satina elaborated, with an angry expression, "That is why I am here today. I am giving him one final chance to start acting like a governor, and if he fails again, he will be removed from office and replaced with someone else."

Giving us the laundry list of things she wanted him to begin accomplishing, while the others weighed in on things, I took a moment to ponder things. Vaguely recalling a Clone Wars episode that had touched on something like this, if my memory was correct, Duchess Satine and our group were heading into a trap at the mansion. Remember something about Obi-Wan and Satina being captured by the Death Watch, I believed today might be the day it was supposed to happen. Silently having Luxion deploy a fleet of drones to monitor the Governor's Residence, I wanted to know what we were walking into so I was prepared.

"So what is your territory like, Victor? Do you have similar issues in your family's territory?", Satine asked, wanting to learn more about my country.

"I am a first-generation nobleman; I earned my title through major contributions to our country and recapturing a rouge ducal territory that seceded from the kingdom several generations ago. The territory I oversee now is the same territory I reclaimed for my country, and let me tell you, the former nobles ran it into the ground…", I sighed, beginning my tale.

Starting with my early childhood, I gave them a brief overview of where I came from and how I got to where I was now. Modifying the retelling a bit to reflect a moderately sized galactic nation, Duchess Santine and the two Jedi were very impressed with my rise to power. Showing them live feeds of several places in the territories I controlled, I demonstrated how life had drastically improved for those under my care and leadership.

"You have done a splendid job rebuilding the territory for both your nation and her people. I understand now why you have nine fiancées.", Satine commented, with a grin, "Mylene and Roxanne, the nine of you are lucky to have met such a fine man. As someone who interacts and works with tens of thousands of them, the number of good men worth marrying can be counted on one hand."

"Thank you for your kind words. Each of us knows how lucky we are to have him in our lives, none of us take that for granted.", Roxanne said, as Mylene and her leaned against me.

"With that in mind, Victor, would you consider a political marriage to me?", Satine asked, with a serious look, "You check all the boxes for my requirements, you are an attractive man, you have good morals, you are an excellent nobleman, and you have a heart for the average person. A marriage between us would ensure you could establish trade ties with the Galactic Republic, and I get a good husband I can trust to help me rebuild the Mandalore System. While I concede that I am not as attractive as your two fiancées, I am confident that we would make an incredible team."

Surprised by her bold proposal, I acknowledged that she was a cut above other nobles we had encountered out here. Willing to do whatever was necessary for the benefit and prosperity of her people, she was a selfless leader who had earned my respect.

"Duchess Satine, you are selling yourself far too short. Any man would be lucky to have a kindhearted, people orientated woman like you as wife and partner. Appearances fade with the passage of time, what is in our hearts does not so readily change.", I said, wanting her to evaluate herself better, "You certainly meet many of the criteria I have for a wife, but I would like to get know you as an individual not as the ruler of the Mandalore System."

"I see…that is more than fine with me.", Satine agreed, with a warm smile, "How about we plan a private dinner date on Coruscant or at my family's castle on Kalevala? We can talk over a meal and get better acquainted with one another."

Exchanging contact information with one another, Satina appeared to be very pleased with this development. While I was not certain whether anything would come of it, as our goals were completely different, I was interested to see where this went. No matter what happened though, I was certain to have a friendly face sitting among the sea of bureaucratic nonsense that was the Galactic Senate.

---Governor's Residence---

Arriving at Pre Vizsla's mansion a short time later, my fiancées and I were disgusted by what we found. This jackass lived in a gigantic mansion decorated with pristine military artifacts and statues while his people scavenged for food in the trash. Walking up the polished marble stairs to his front door, Satine knocked on the door and waited for a response.

"What?!", Satine gasped, "How many of my men are left!?"

"Duchess Satine, we should consider leaving Concordia immediately. It is clear Pre Vizsla intends to kill you to destroy everything we have been working toward.", her aide said, looking at Duchess' bodyguards, "Please secure a safe route for- "

Stepping past everyone, I proceeded to kick the front door in with a mighty blow. Sending the solid metal door through several walls, the servants in the immediate area froze and turned to me in fear.

"If any of you wish to avoid being caught up in what is about to happen, leave this house immediately!", I commanded, ensuring that everyone in the house heard me, "As for the coward Pre Vizsla, come out here and face us like your ancestors would have. Using underhanded tactics to corner us is unbefitting of a proud warrior!"

Dropping what they were doing, the servants ran out of the front door as fast as their legs could carry them. A few moments after the last servant left, dozens of armed soldiers poured out of rooms on the second floor and rushed to the balcony. Firing upon me the moment I was in their crosshairs, each of them fully intended to kill me and move on to the others. Standing there with a bored expression, they quickly realized I was not an ordinary person. Pulling out a rocket launcher, the Mandalorian Soldier launched the warhead at me without warning.

"Victor, move!", Ahsoka shouted, "That model is meant to break- "

Snatching the rocket out of the air, I proceeded to crush it in my hand without batting an eye. Staring at me in shock, the men were not sure what do now as they really did not have anything else to throw at me. Using my repulsor to cut the supports for the balcony out from under them, the entire group fell to the first floor before their jetpacks could engage.

"Pre Vizsla, I have no qualms about leveling this entire complex with my Nova Cannon. This game is over, cease your useless resistance and come to the table to talk with me.", I shouted, as the Mandalorians picked themselves up out of the rubble, "We are aware of your status as the leader of the Death Watch. There is no point in hiding it anymore."

"And what exactly would you have me discuss? Duchess Kryze has made her decision for the entirety of our people; she refuses to listen to those of us who wish to continue to practice our old ways.", Vizsla remarked, stepping through the hole I made in the wall, "We are a race of warriors, not pacifist monks! Her ways will make our people soft and easy targets for others to take advantage of!"

Voicing their agreements with Vizsla's words, all his men felt like they would be trampled upon by the Core Worlds if they showed weakness. Seeing the burning passion in their eyes for their craft, I understood why Satina had problems. She was trying to stifle what made her people unique instead of redirecting their passions elsewhere. Believing I had a reasonable compromise in mind, I decided to see what would come of it.

"You are absolutely correct, Pre Vizsla, the Mandalore System would be in great danger without warriors like you and your men. There are many people that would love to enslave your people or outright destroy your star system without your protection. Even though your strength has waned, most groups are still too fearful of your people to engage you in a fight.", I acknowledged, much to the dismay of the two Jedi and Satina, "As Duchess Kryze pushes for a pacifist lifestyle, which many Mandalorians desire, that fear will begin to dwindle till the first person comes and takes something from your people. Once that happens, the floodgates will open, and your heritage will be stripped from you like many other star systems in the Outer Rim."

"You…you agree with us?", Pre Vizsla asked, doubting my words.

"Of course, I am not blind nor a fool. The Confederacy came about because the Galactic Republic refuses to stand by its promises to the people of the Outer Rim. They abandoned all of you and left you out here to rot!", I stated, "You pay their taxes, helped build their starship fleet, and even perform odd jobs for them around the galaxy, yet what have they done for the Mandalore System or anyone else in the Outer Rim? Nothing!"

Pleasantly surprised that I acknowledged their struggles out here, the men began to nod their heads in agreement. Lowering their weapons, Satina was surprised they seemed more willing to talk now than moments before.

"Even though I am an outsider, as a fellow warrior, I understand the pride you feel wearing your traditional armor and practicing the fighting styles your ancestors perfected. There is a rich tradition here in this system that cannot be found anywhere else, and you have every right to cherish and protect it. That said though, I am sure all of you agree that some things are unsustainable.", I explained, "The very planet your people derive their name from, Mandalore, is now an inhospitable wasteland where people must hide inside domed cities just to survive. Here on Concordia, your ancestors almost did the same thing but stopped themselves before it was too late. I am certain you can see why so many of your people want peaceful lives, they want to build a legacy that they can pass on to future generations."

"What about us then?", Pre Vizsla asked, clenching his fist as he glared at Satina.

"As this star system begins to flourish and prosper, the greedy bastards from the Core Worlds and distant lands will come here seeking to steal everything from your people. It will fall to Mandalorian Warriors like all of you to rise to the occasion and fight to protect this star system.", I explained, pointing my finger at him, "The legacy they are building is as much yours as it is theirs, do not forget that. Do not let the past mistakes of your ancestors continue to bind you to the vilified status you hold now, you all have the potential to become revered guardians of your homeland. Use your warrior blood to help build a legacy that all Mandalorians can be proud of!"

Having never considered such a thing before, the warriors looked at one another for a moment. Imagining a future where they were seen with reverence by the masses, an elite group of unrivalled fighters that protected their homeland from outside threats, every one of them sought to make that future a reality.

"Your star system is poised to become the center of Outer Rim's Awakening. As your people rebuild, other abandoned systems will take notice and seek to join hands with your people. When that happens, who will their people turn to for protection and safety?", I pressed him.

"Mandalorian Warriors!", Pre Vizsla proclaimed, seeing the vision for a brilliant future for Mandalorians, "Duchess Kryze, is this something that you would agree too?"

"Absolutely, I have no qualms about placing the protection and security of our star system in your capable hands. I will focus on rebuilding our star system into something our ancestors would be proud of.", Satina said, walking up beside me, "From this moment forward, instead of Governor of Concordia, you will be the Minister of both Heritage Preservation and Star System Security."

"I readily accept both positions, I will ensure that we have enough of a star system left to rebuild.", Vizsla replied, with an excited expression, "Thank you, Outsider."

"There is one other thing you should know, Pre Vizsla.", I stated, showing Vizsla and Satina a brief glimpse of what I could recall of the system's grim future, "Do with it what you will."

Startled by what I showed him, he understood now why I acknowledged their fears as they would come to pass in the future. Understanding that they had to take immediate action to prevent the desecration of their homeland, Vizsla handed me the Darksaber without a second thought.

"As much as it pains me to say it, Duchess Satina and I should have sought to find common ground instead of convincing each other we were in the right. I have a long ways to go as a leader before I can consider myself worthy enough to wield such an important weapon.", Pre Vizsla said, with a nod.

"A leader still needs a fine weapon to rally his men into battle with.", I remarked, retrieving a protype Imperium Energy Sword I made from my storage, "Till you feel ready to wield the Darksaber, use this in its steady. Unlike a lightsaber, you will find that his sword has no problem cutting through even the strongest materials. I wish you luck and good fortune on the Path."

"Thank you for your kind words. We have a lot of preparations to attend to so that accursed future does not come to pass!", Pre Vizsla stated, accepting the Energy Sword from me, 'When I get my hands on you Dooku, I will make you suffer for playing me like a fool!'

Taking his men and leaving the residence, he immediately began to fill them in on what I showed him. Happy that things had ended well for both parties, I turned to leave when Satina hugged me tightly. Surprised she was being so forward in front of everyone, including my fiancées, Satina did not care about it.

"You are truly a wonderful man and a peerless nobleman. I never considered refocusing the Old Faction into protecting and safeguarding our star system. In my pursuit for peace, I failed to recognize that I was exposing my people to danger. Your foresight just saved our people from losing everything we hold dear!", Satina remarked, "One way or another I will win your heart, and make you my husband. The Outer Rim needs someone like you to help lead us to a brighter future."

"How about starting with winning his heart first before throwing yourself on him!", Mylene snapped, pulling her away from me, "There is a proper process to this, and you are skipping a few steps."

"Do not worry, Princess Mylene, I have no intention of taking him from you.", Satina laughed, before running off, "…at least not yet."

"Get back here you!", Mylene shouted, giving chase, "Say that to my face!"

Even though some might think it was a serious fight, I could see they were having fun at each other's expense. Suggesting we get going before we caused a scene; everyone returned to the transport car and went back to the space port.