Our eyes met, and he slowly bowed to apologize to me. He left like he hadn't met me before, I tried to talk to him but stopped because I would sound weird. What If I asked him if we had met last night? He would think I had escaped the asylum. I watched him leave with my tongue locked, and I could not say a thing to him like, I was bewitched.

Watching this pretty-looking man leave, my thoughts were cut short when Miss Yuuko called me.

"Megami, why are you late? Do you think we are paying you to stand all day? Is this your bedroom?" Yuuko asked with her mean-looking face like I owed her in her past life.

"I'm so sorry," I said, holding my hands together to apologize.

"Come to the conference hall in 5 minutes," she said as she handed me a flash drive.

The hall was wide with workers already seated staring at the door, and I realized they were all staring at me with disdain. I was so confused, I felt like disappearing into thin air.

I quickly walked to an empty seat but was stopped by Miss Yuuko.

"Megami, won't you present the project? The flash drive you prepared for the design presentation," Yuuko said, smiling, I could swear I saw a smirk.

I was so confused,

'what presentation? what project. seems this lady wants to embarrass me.

but I was in shock when my eyes met, with the man I saw outside the elevator. He was sitting in the president's chair, staring into my eyes. His gaze was gentle like I didn't do anything bad.

"I will do that now," I said nervously.

"How can an intern not know anything about her job? even coming by this time?" worker 1 said.

"She made us wait 30 minutes to stand and stare at us." worker 2 said.

"She looks like she owns the company," Worker 1 said.

"I'm Megami, anddd.. I want… to presentttt this," I stuttered. I inserted the flash drive on my computer to project on the screen, but only the Coco Melon cartoon was displayed. Everyone in the hall burst into laughter.

"I haven't seen such an untrained and unserious person," worker 3 said. Everyone gave me a stare of disdain and whispered as they left the hall.

Ricko, my co-worker looked at me pitifully as she tapped me and left.

The president stood up to leave when I wanted to approach him and plead.

His assistant, whom I met yesterday, was there. He approached me with a smiling face and told me to follow the president to his office.

Miss Yuuko was smiling at me like she just won the lottery.

I wondered how I offended her because I had never seen her before. I only met her yesterday and never met her in my life; why would she suddenly hate me? 

The president's office was nice and filled with a sweet scent of lilies. Lily is my favorite flower. I was surprised that a man of such caliber would have a liking for such a flower. 

"Megami," he called with his deep and sexy voice.

His voice was exactly like the man of my dreams, his aura, and how he walked. He has a gentle vibe and a sweet stare. He smiled sweetly at me.

"Megami," he called me, nicely flashing his sweet smile at me. 

"I am so sorry, sir, please forgive me" I pleaded with a cute puppy face.

"You have been transferred to the president's management as my secretary," he said to me and I was awestruck, I wondered why he would send me here.

"Why sir? I want to be a publisher," I said to him.

"You don't like being around me?" He said it in a low tone, and I was shocked.

"Pardon?" I asked to be sure of what he meant.

"I asked if you didn't like your new job". He said, and I was relieved, I heard wrong.

"If you don't like my decision, you will get fired," he said, like a threat and had a serious face.

"But sir...." I was cut short.

"You will get a raise, follow me on business trips, and learn more, if you wish to transfer to the publishing department you can go then," he said while flipping a folder on his desk. I was happy about the sudden rise.

Wow!! So, do companies these days train staff or I'm just so lucky? What a deal!! I love my job already!!

"Sir if you want anything you can call my desk, have a nice day," I said smiling broadly he stared at me and nodded and I left.

I opened the door to leave and I felt a sharp pain in my chest, but I ignored it and was about to leave when it came again stronger. I was losing consciousness and closed the door and collapsed on the foot of the door, stretching my hands to Mr. Yuu, who was already running to me with terror clearly shown in his eyes. I wondered why he had that reaction. 

My vision became blurry when he held me upright and called my name but I was so much in pain that I couldn't talk but sleep was coming. I had to close my eyes.


I didn't feel any pain when I opened my eyes and looked around; it was snowing.

"How did I get here? I looked around, but nobody was in sight; it was snowing heavily. The roads were covered in thick snow, and I was so cold.

"Crazy!! Snow in summer? I thought I was in my boss's office. How did I get here? What's with the snow? 

'Megami, where are you?' I asked myself.

I started walking, thinking I could find a road ahead. I walked for an hour, the snow continued, and the road was getting deeper. It was like walking on a muddy road. it was getting deeper and harder to walk on.

A young woman was now coming; she was in a white dress. I tried talking to her, and she ignored me. She kept a straight face until she walked away. Two children with burned faces walked by. I was terrified by their faces. I realized I was in another world, just like in my dreams. I stopped for them to pass. I felt pity for them, and my heart ached.

I saw another track of sandy road and wanted to cross over since I couldn't continue walking on snow.

I felt a tap on my shoulders and turned, but it was the lady who ignored me. I was scared, and she noticed, but she looked down to my feet.

"Don't cross over to the other road; just keep going on this track, until you are home. If you follow here, you will see the pains you hid within you. And the pain and guilt will come for you. You will have no peace anymore. The memories will be fresh again. The pain you ran away from will torment your daily life." She said and continued staring at my feet; she never made eye contact with me until she left.

The wind started blowing strongly, and the snow fell rapidly. I was scared of falling. Why should I follow a stranger's words? What if I sink in the snow? and I decided to walk on the sandy road. As I stepped my feet on the sandy part, everything changed.