goD of Mercy


I have been locked up by King Haro, for a week now. Just sitting in a cell with no food or water sent to me for days with no visitors. I thought I could get a chance to give Megami life, but instead, I've been locked here for days.

I guess Haro just wants me to use up my chance of reincarnation. I wish to live with Megami again, even if it's just a single chance for Reincarnation.

He should just let me be at peace.

"Are you having fun now?' I heard Haro's voice and I lifted my head.

"Yes, I am happy. So happy that I could die right now." I said. Haro laughed.

"You are immortal, you can't die, " Haro said

"If you don't have anything to say, please leave," Yuuma said, still looking at the ground.

"You really don't respect your creator? I made you!! I gave you this chance to live as an immortal? " King Haro said.

"I thought you said it's a punishment?" I said that and wasn't looking at him.

"Of course, it's a punishment, I justtt… wait wait.. You do not want to save your lover?" King Haro said, and Yuuma immediately sprang up.

"Will you help me bring her out of Death realm?" I said, smiling.

"I can't help you, but I can only tell you what to do," Haro said, pointing to his chest.


"The god of the Death Realm!" Haro said, smiling like he suggested something great. Yuuma sighs.

"But he is no more; he has already left that world," I said, uninterested in his suggestion.

"Another has been appointed, and guess who?" He said, and he was smiling, and I ignored him.

"Yuuma, You are no fun at all," Haro said as Yuuma walked back to sit on the floor.

(Author: King Haro can be a serious and unserious person.)

"God of Mercy has been appointed to the death realm," Haro said, clapping his hands happily. Yuuma sighs.

"What?" Yuuma sprang up again.

"You know I don't get along with him; he never showed me mercy so I could go to a better resting place and wait for reincarnation, but instead he wanted me to burn in hell. He never showed me mercy, but he gets angry when I send all those revenging souls to Hell Gate. I bet he will never help me." I said that because I and Mercy can never get along.

"Just think about it, Yuuma, Now he is the god of death realm. If you can offer something important to him, he will do it. You know, the two women offered their reincarnation time, that's why he performed the ritual and sent her to the dead world." Haro said.

"So you mean the one that performed the ritual was him?" I reacted angrily and punched the gate. King Haro shifts backward.

"That's why I never wanted to tell you. I want you to calm down in jail. Because when you came, you had rage clearly shown in your eyes. And you would have caused chaos at that time. What if you anger the supreme being and he decides to make you and your little lover disappear?" 

Haro said and I knew he was right I wasn't really in my right senses when I came to see him; I was ready to kill a god.

"So, what should I do? He knows Megami is my woman and my life; he just wanted revenge on me because of his grudge. You know normally, he wouldn't let revenging souls use him to avenge others. He purposely performed the ritual just to taunt my effort." I said it sadly.

"Just beg him and offer to give him something important," Haro said, reassuring me. And he opened the iron cell gate with his powers. I walked out of the cell, about to leave.

"Like I will always say, it's high time to let everything go. Since the 13th century, you are still hung up on a woman. There is more to what happened at Megami's village," King Haro said

"Yes, I know. Wasn't it what the former god of confusion was doing? I am looking for her; when I see her, she will pay for what happened years ago," I said, letting him know I was aware.

"When you meet her, You will regret letting Megami live again. You will regret not letting her die and leave the world peacefully," Haro said.

"You forget!! I didn't let her die because you refused to let her be reincarnated. After all, you said the supreme being said no to her reincarnating," I said to him angrily.

"Yes, because she doesn't deserve reincarnation!!!" Haro said it with a serious face.

"Do you even know why she wanted a pure, kind soul to use the body as hers? I bet you don't know because you are blinded by love," Haro said.

"I don't know, but what I know right now is to give her a chance to live again. Even if I regret tomorrow, I will be happy to be with her." I said that and walked away to meet the god of mercy, who is now the Master of Death Realm.

*He Arrived at the Death Realm entrance 

When I arrived, there was no entrance to the gate; everywhere was just covered with snow, and I saw silhouettes of people around me and I knew it was just little tricks of the god of mercy

" Dear, I know it's your doing. Just come out and meet me, god to god," I said.

"I thought you came to fight me!" the god of death realm said. But he didn't show his physical self; just his voice was heard.

"You know why I'm here, just answer me and I will leave," I said, trying to calm my anger.

"Call me Master, then I will come up to you," god of dealth realm said.

"Can you handle it?" I said, folding my hands to ease my anger.

"You don't look desperate enough; just come another day," god of death realm said.

"MMas..Masss…" I was trying to call him master.

"Really? Something that simple, is it so hard to say?" god of death said.

"Master, please help me!" I said, pinching my hands.

"That is the energy i want, When you want something, let it show in your actions that you are sincere." god of death said it proudly, like he had defeated Yuuma.

"So? Show yourself," I said.

She showed up like a beautiful woman; he was putting on a red gown with very red lipstick, so different from when he was the god of mercy.

( She can be a man or a woman; she has no specific gender )

"Wow, you look so beautiful," I said, trying to appease her.

"Huh? You can't fool me; everyone knows only Megami looks like a woman to you," She said

"But thank you for the praise." 

"So what do you want from me to send Megami back?" I said .

"I never knew your Megami had so many enemies, I thought it was just a few people," she said.

"Its not your business," i replied coldly.

"Wow!! Stop being cranky," she laughed.

"Massage my feet, and I will tell you what I want," she said, smiling.