Invasion of spirit

The money ghost stood on top of a bamboo tree, staring down at them and laughing. Which enraged Yuuma, he told Aruko to fly up and get him.

Aruko flew up to one bamboo tree and the ghost flew to the other tree, standing on one foot. He advanced forward, running around trees and laughing because Aruko couldn't keep up his pace. Aruko has never climbed on top of a bamboo tree to fight, he doesn't have much speed to keep up with the ghost.

Since the ghost has stayed in the forest for a long time,  He knows all the steady bamboo trees to hold on, and he was always ready for this day. Little did he know Neon has more speed.

Neon flew up immediately as Yuuma gave her a signal. Neon has a lot of speed so she could literally jump from two or three bamboo trees within one second.

"Stop there!! Don't come to me. If you come closer I will jump then this human will die.' the ghost threatened while putting out one foot on air. If he removes the other foot on the bamboo tree he will fall to his death. Neon withdraws from her advances towards him.

"This is why I like King Haro people, they are so soft hearted and have so many rules to follow. But we from the other side can do anything we want, without fear of human life." the money ghost said.

"My Master down there," Aruko said pointing down to Yuuma.Yuuma sat on a stone watching, and listening to their conversation. Since Yuuma is a superior being he can hear and see from far. Aruko and Neon stood so high on the bamboo tree but he could hear and see them clearly.

"He doesn't listen to such rules, he will rip you apart. You better listen to us, tell us what we want and go to your dwelling place. It's a taboo for a dead person to be living in a human Realm." Aruko said as he drew his sword again.

"You can't threaten me with such." the ghost said.

The money ghost left the bamboo trees and flew to the top of the mountain. The Valley was in the midst of trees and mountains surrounding the secluded place.

This move from the ghost enraged Yuuma.

Yuuma touched the ground, stood up and shut his eyes while he gathered air and made an airball with it.

He made a mind call with Aruko and Neon, telling them to get down from the tree. Which they obeyed.

Yuuma released the Airball. It went like a tornado and hit the mountain rock. The rock was falling into little pieces.

The money ghost lost his balance and went down the high mountain. Falling and screaming his lungs out.

Aruko flew up and caught him in the air.

The stones were rolling down the village, carrying lots of sand and dusty air. It was like a storm of sand and rocks.

"Master these stones will hurt humans," Neon said as she noticed Yuuma's anger, she placed her hand on his shoulders since his eyes were shut all this while. Neon and Aruko tried to hold the ghost as the storm was so much and it can fling them to the ground.

"A Mere ghost challenged me. I don't have to be lenient," Yuuma said as he opened his eyes. The stones rolled together and formed a heap of stones. The sandy air stopped.  

Yuuma advanced to him and placed his hands on the  money ghost head. The ghost separated from his host boby. The body lying down lifelessly like Megami's body. Given how long the ghost had resided in the real host body, he was already deceased.

The ghost laughed at Yuuma and said,

"If you send me away you won't get any clue on Megami." 

"Who gave you the power to fly? Who gave you the power to read dreams?" Yuuma asked. A ghost shouldn't possess that power, except he is the messenger of a god.

He refused to answer but was just laughing. Yuuma spoke to his hands as he placed it on him. The ghost body started itching him like madness.

"Please make this stop.My Lord," He begged.

"No till you talk," Aruko said.

"He is the King on the other side, he wants Your Megami," The money ghost said.


"I don't know, but I know. He is coming here soon. He will be in the hospital soon. He might be there already waiting." The ghost said.

"Your powers can't measure up to him," 

"You don't know you're talking to god right?" Aruko said, trying to punch his face.

"They are here already, I was just a distraction for the main event." the ghost said, laughing triumphantly

A mind call came in for Neon.

"My lord, the ghost warrior said 100 ghosts surrounded the hospital," Neon said, looking at her master with fear in her eyes.