Chapter 7: It was real?

Chu Cheng was sitting in the classroom, resting his cheeks in his hands listlessly and yawning conspicuously. It wasn't until the teacher called his name that he became a little more awake.

"Are you so sleepy?" his friend sitting next to him asked.

The buddy's name is Wei Futong, Chu Cheng's high school classmate. Originally, they were not very close friends in high school, but they didn't expect that they were destined to enter the same college and major in university. From time to time, the two chatted together and developed into buddies over time.

Men's friendship is that simple.

Although they are not in the same class, they have checked the schedule with each other before choosing courses this semester, and the courses they choose are all the same. Whoever gets to the classroom first will often save a seat.

"I slept a little late yesterday." Chu Cheng responded casually and yawned at the same time.

Wei Fu agreed to look at Chu Cheng's hand meaningfully, as if he thought he understood. So he approached mysteriously and lowered his voice: "Are there any more?"


"Don't pretend to be stupid. Look at this; you must have had a good time last night, right? Share one with your buddies."


Seeing Wei Futong's disbelief, Chu Cheng couldn't laugh or cry.

"Really not. I played games last night, and I didn't go to sleep until late." He told the truth.

Wei Fu had a disappointed expression on his face, showing a look of "it turns out it's a game,"  and stepped aside to play with his mobile phone.

Although Wei Futong also plays games, he has no interest in single-player games. He is only interested in competitive games—especially competitive mobile games—because there are many girls in such games.

Chu Cheng didn't go to bed until after midnight yesterday. He tossed and turned in bed for a long time, and his mind was still filled with the shocking scenes from the plot of the game last night.

To be honest, the first level after the game's tutorial is indeed very shocking. Coupled with the sophisticated production and realistic picture effects, it is really impressive.

Chu Cheng, who has been baptized in various horror games and thriller movies, has not felt this way for a long time. The last time in his memory that made him feel so uneasy was the classic old movie "Midnight Ring.".

At that time, Chu Cheng hadn't had much exposure to horror movies and was not very resistant to horror. The midnight bell left a deep shadow on his childhood and young mind. I still remember when I was a child. I was always scared when I saw Sadako in white clothes and disheveled hair crawling out of the TV.

Later, although it faded away with time, Ringing at Midnight still became a shadow of his childhood, making him afraid of the dark TV and computer screen when he turned off the lights at night and was alone.

This fear was not completely cured until a friend gave him a book.

The general plot is that sister Sadako appears on the TV set of the otaku hero's house. However, the protagonist is poor. The size of the TV is too small, and sister Sadako's secondary sexual characteristics are too developed to get stuck, and then half of her body is stuck in the TV. Sister Sadako had some unavoidable problems with the protagonist.

Since then, the door to a new world has opened before Chu Cheng. He marveled at the fact that the human mind has evolved to the point where even ghosts can be "delt with." At the same time, Sadako's PTSD for many years was miraculously cured instantly, and my mother no longer worried about me having nightmares.

So this kind of discomfort has not appeared in Chu Cheng for a long time. He didn't know whether it was simply because the game was well-made and the picture was too realistic or there were other reasons. After last night, the cut-off process of the first level was still replaying in his mind, lingering for a long time.


Wei Futong, who was swiping his phone with his head down, suddenly made a national quintessential voice.

Chu Cheng poked his head curiously.

"what happened?"

"Do you know what the Klein Group knows?"

"I don't know." Chu Cheng shook his head.

"A pharmaceutical company in the lower city." Wei Futong said, "I just got the news that someone said that the Klein Group's board of directors died suddenly last night!"

"...Sudden death?" Chu Cheng was taken aback.

It has been a month since he traveled to this earth; at least for this month, he felt that everything was quite normal. The memory inherited from the original body also told him that this is a safe and peaceful world.

This kind of thing should be heavy news.

"What happened?" Chu Cheng asked.

"See for yourself."

Wei Futong handed the phone to Chu Cheng while continuing to explain in a low voice.

"The person who posted said that he is an employee of the Klein Group. He heard about it when he went to the company early this morning. But the specific reason is still unknown. It seems that the company was attacked by unknown people last night."

Wei Futong kept talking, but Chu Cheng didn't listen to what he said later.

The moment his eyes fell on the picture attached to the post, he was firmly attracted, like a magnet.

It was a pitch-black building, and the perimeter had been cordoned off by the authorities.

Chu Cheng stared at the photo for a while. At first, he felt that the more he looked at it, the more familiar it looked, as if he had seen it somewhere before. After a while, his pupils shrank and froze as if electrocuted.

Damn, why does this look so much like the building Batman sneaked into last night in the game! ?

Although it was night in the game and day in the photo, and only a limited part of the building was captured on the screen, last night Chu Cheng controlled Batman to circle around the building for a long time to survey and get a good look at the building. The appearance and structure are already quite familiar, and he is confident that they are the same.

Wait, the board members of the Klein Group died collectively last night...

Chu Cheng immediately thought of the game level last night. The man who raised his head in the conference room, and those crazy NPCs who blew their heads after being knocked down by Batman.

So is there such a possibility? Maybe...

Maybe they're not NPCs?

Maybe what he experienced on the computer last night was not just a virtual game process?

The moment this thought came to him, he felt a chill all over his body, and at the same time, the game screen from last night flooded his mind again, making his spine even more chilly.

Chu Cheng also read a lot of novels when he was free, and he has seen all kinds of weird cheating after the protagonist travels through time. He immediately thought that something was wrong with the game he brought from the original world.

Maybe he transmigrated into the world set by the game?

By the way, he remembered that the game loading interface last night showed that the map had failed to load at first, and then the system automatically repaired the problem, and the words "The new map system has been loaded" popped up.

So this newly loaded map may not be the map of the Earth Star. "Avengers vs. Justice League: New Era" automatically analyzes the laws of this world and loads the territory of this world as the map.

Well, of course, it's all Chu Cheng's nonsense; he doesn't know if it's true or not.

He swiped down the phone screen to load more information, but a big "X" popped up on the screen and a prompt said, "The post you visited does not exist.".

Chu Cheng was taken aback.

Good guy, has even the almighty Censor god followed him to another world?