Chapter 20: Time to clock out

"We killed him."

Shao Risheng said it with difficulty.

"But it wasn't an easy process. Chris almost became a complete monster; I don't know what other words to use to describe it.

He had at least a dozen knives on his body, and his whole body was covered in blood, but he seemed to be okay. A large group of us couldn't subdue him. Instead, he hacked several brothers to death during the period and injured even more.

Later, it was Brother Wang who brought a sprayer, and a shot almost shattered his waist and abdomen. But he still didn't stop and continued to crawl towards us with the blood-soaked knife in hand, and we could even see the spine connecting his upper and lower bodies.

What's even more frightening is..."

Shao Risheng held his breath, and a nightmare-like hallucination appeared in his vision that was already blurred by blood loss, which reminded him of some kind of horrific scene.

"He was laughing." Shao Risheng said, "I will never forget that he was covered in blood; his broken body was connected by a spine, but he was still laughing like crazy until his head was smashed into pieces of meat."

Luo Yajun threw away the cigarette that was about to burn to the filter while listening. He put a new cigarette in his mouth, took out the lighter, lit it, and exhaled another cloud of smoke.

"We thought it was over, but it wasn't." Shao Risheng took a breath and said, "Then there is Yoshida from the other group.

I wasn't there that time; I only heard that it happened during an unloading mission. Yoshida suddenly launched an attack without any warning, picked up a crowbar, and smashed the head of a brother present.

He killed two of the other seven brothers who were unloading the cargo. In the end, it is said that he was sieved by bullets before finally stopping, and he was still laughing until the end.

That's when we realized it wasn't that simple. The lingering laughter was like an infectious disease. You kill those guys and crack their heads to pieces, but you can't kill that laugh.

Sure enough, two days later this time, another buddy went crazy, suddenly laughed wildly, picked up a wine bottle, and smashed it on the head of the person next to him.

And then the next day, another person exploded without warning."

Luo Yajun was still smoking a cigarette calmly while thinking about something.

"We're going crazy. We all have to be on our toes these days. Everyone has to be wary of anyone around them at all times; not even the best brother can be trusted.

We live in fear every day; as long as anyone makes even a little suspicious action, he will be knocked down by the people next to him.

By the way, there was another unlucky guy who was hit **** the head when he was suspected of having an attack, and he suffered a concussion on the spot. But then we learned he was just trying to get a tissue."

"Is that so?"

Luo Yajun had a general understanding of the situation. He thought for a while and asked again.

"That homeless man, after you killed him, where is the human pile that you poured into?"

"If you want to find him, you may be disappointed." Shao Risheng gritted his teeth and said, "We did this a long time ago. We checked his identity and found that the name of this unlucky guy is Guan Ye, an unemployed slum. The bachelor, who was just evicted by the landlord last month,.

The boss didn't allow it, but I went with a few brothers to find the place where the human pile was poured... You know, there are always people who are more superstitious on the road. We all felt that these evil things were entangled by ghosts.

So we thought about digging him out and burying him decently; maybe it would help."

"And then? Did you dig it out?"

Shao Risheng swallowed.

"...No." He shook his head, and he seemed to see the scene at that time again in his empty and frightened eyes.

His weak breathing became more rapid.

"We found that concrete pile, only to find... nothing. The people in it were long gone."


"I'm pretty sure we remembered the place right; it's right there, that concrete pile." Shao Risheng said, full of fear, "I tell you, it's true; it's that guy named Guan Ye.

Maybe he's turned into a ghost, maybe...or something else. But he's after us, and he won't stop until we're all killed by cannibalism."

"That sounds good." Luo Yajun grinned, "Okay, then the last question. The address of the construction site, the headquarters of your gang, and the address of your boss."

Under the severe pain and the fear of death, Shao Risheng directly turned into a classic villain who answered every question and could chat a few sentences without asking, and all the things he could say but couldn't say all came out of his mouth.

The desire to survive drives him to know everything. As for whether he will be torn to pieces by the boss after Qiuhou settles accounts, that is another matter. It is important to save his life first.

Anyway, Luo Yajun finally finished asking the question and let go of the foot on the opponent's chest.

"It was a pleasant conversation." Luo Yajun smiled easily.

For some reason, his brisk tone and smiling expression made Chu Cheng feel as if he were saying that he had a good chat, the child liked it very much, and if there were any questions he didn't understand, he would definitely come back next time.

"Oh, by the way, you'd better tell the truth." Luo Yajun was about to leave, but suddenly remembered something, looked back, and smiled softly. "Otherwise, I'll take your other leg."

Shao Risheng was startled, thinking, What does the other leg mean? I didn't break my leg either.

Before he could figure it out, he saw Luo Yajun shoot two shots without saying a word and shoot him with incomparable precision, causing blood to splatter on his legs. Shao Risheng hissed and howled and finally passed out under the severe pain.

Chu Cheng thought about it, and Luo Ge said that if he told a lie, he would break the remaining leg, and after he finished speaking, he shot two shots and smashed the man's two legs. So the rest of the leg he's talking about is...

Hiss~ It's too ruthless.

"It's been a long time." Luo Yajun sat back in the driver's seat and started the engine.

He glanced at Chu Cheng and smiled: "What? Do you think it's a bit too cruel?"

To be honest, this scene really made Chu Cheng feel a little uncomfortable. Although it is not uncommon to see more exciting scenes, after all, it is through the screen. There are not many opportunities to see the blood of a student who grew up at such a peaceful age as him.

"Don't worry, those are not good things." Luo Yajun said casually while driving the car, "Those guys have done worse things to others."

"That's not it," Chu Cheng asked, "I was just wondering if doing this on the street would attract unnecessary attention."

Although this road looks relatively remote and because everyone knows that the people in this bar are not good, so there are not many nosy people, but the disturbance is so large and uneven that it will attract the attention of the Public Security Department.

"Unnecessary attention? The Public Security Bureau? Haha, don't worry." Luo Yajun didn't care, "This kind of matter will only be handed over to the Ninth Secret Service for internal processing."

"Uh...won't the boss take care of it?"

Chu Cheng suddenly felt that the Ninth Branch of the Secret Service was too sloppy, how hard would it be to act like this without punishing the backstage?

"Of course I will take care of it." Luo Yajun took a puff of cigarette, and said as a matter of course, "Criticism reports state the reasons for writing punishment, demotion and dismissal... and I will give you a mental evaluation. That thing is so boring, I have to do it twice a day, every time it makes me drowsy."

You have to do it twice three days, so sure enough, your superiors also think that your mental state is not very stable, right? Chu Cheng was ashamed.

"I can't help it. I just can't hold back when people are upset. If it weren't for this, I would have been promoted early. I can't change my old problems." He remembered something, "Oh yes, haven't I mentioned it to you yet? I sued to work in the Public Security Bureau?"

"I never mentioned it." Chu Cheng said.

Luo Yajun, who was wearing a police uniform in the office, looked quite young, and he must have been a few years ago.

"Because at that time I had the old problem of being unable to control myself. That time, there was a child philandering imbecile who was arrested and came to the police station. After he came in, he was beaten up and dragged around the station."

Luo Yajun took another puff slowly and exhaled a long puff of smoke.

"Then I broke his neck in the interrogation room," he said calmly.

Chu Cheng: "..."

"So naturally, I was fired." Luo Yajun smiled; although he said that he was fired, he seemed to be talking about happy things. "Until it was discovered later, I became a strange person in a daze, and then I got hired here."

He lit a cigarette ash and smiled.

"But fortunately, today these people are quite sensible, and they are relatively easy to talk to. Shao Risheng answered my questions fairly positively. The ambulance came in time, and he should not die. It's nothing serious."

Chu Cheng was silent.

Hmm... redefine "frienly talk.".

Chu Cheng didn't miss their conversation just now. Shao Risheng's expression when he was trampled on by Brother Luo looked like a pig squealing.

According to Luo Ge's style, Chu Cheng guessed that there are not many people in the world who are not good at talking because they dare not.

"Then next, go to their gang den?"

After hearing Luo Yajun's last few questions, Chu Cheng tried to figure out his next move.

"What are you going to do in their den?" Luo Yajun said, "Our task is to follow the clues to find and eliminate the source. According to Shao Risheng, the source should most likely be the homeless man they poured into the concrete pile.

Then, of course, we should check his identity, contacts around him, and so on."

"But let it go; maybe their gang will infect more people." Chu Cheng asked.

"That belongs to the prevention and control of infection transmission, and it's not our responsibility." Luo Yajun shook his head. "Our task is to investigate and execute the elimination. As long as this kind of thing is reported, the prevention and control department will naturally find them."

There is also a special prevention and control department.

Chu Cheng quickly imagined the scene of a group of heavily armed soldiors moving to the door of the gangster's den, and a large number of society brothers with tattoos of green dragons on the left and white tigers on the left opened their mouths and waited for the cotton swabs to be poked into their mouths.

He is familiar with this process; his throat was callused before the time travel.

"So, should the city be closed?" Chu Cheng asked.

"If it's serious, maybe. But it shouldn't happen this time." Luo Yajun said, "Judging from the current situation, it is estimated that the level of infection source is not high, and the infectivity is not very strong.

Impulsive infection usually spreads when the latent object's negative emotions are strong and often only infects those who already have darkness hidden in their hearts. The stronger the darkness in the heart, the stronger it will be expressed.

Otherwise, like those students in your school yesterday, those with a slight degree of infection may recover quickly after a short period of abnormal state.

So I estimate that the scope of infection should be mainly among gang members, as long as they and their contacts are controlled.

Of course, that's all my guesswork. What to do in specific circumstances depends on the judgment of the prevention and control side, and it is none of our business."

"Uh...Okay." Chu Cheng thought for a while, "Then about the contraband trade and the cement pile, do you want to report it to the Public Security Department?"

"Whatever, just report if you think of it. But reporting may not be useful." Luo Yajun shrugged. "This is not the first time this kind of thing has happened. Sometimes the Public Security Bureau knows, sometimes it doesn't. But as of just now, What the miscellaneous said was just ordinary day-to-day life.

Besides, he was just a homeless man who disappeared for so long that no one cared about him; even if he didn't check, no one would ask. Believe me, not many people in the Sheriff's Department are willing to take on this kind of work. I came out of it, and I know best what kind of work they do."

Luo Yajun threw away the cigarette and replaced it with a new one. Although they had only known each other not long ago, Chu Cheng was already worried about this senior's lungs.

"Okay, so where do we go next?"

Chu Cheng moved closer to the window, keeping himself a little further away from the steaming clouds.

"Look at the concrete pile."

Luo Yajun raised his watch and looked at the time.

"Well, tomorrow," he said, "it's time to get off work."

Chu Cheng: "..."