Chapter 26: haunting

As a well-known superhero in the comics, Batman is naturally equipped with all kinds of equipment. This naturally inculcates vehicles like the batplane, bat submarine, batmobile, bat boat, bat glider, and so on.

Chu Cheng had no doubt that if Batman felt it was necessary, he might even have a bat tricycle and bat skates.

Airplanes are fairly standard equipment. In the past Arkham Knight games, Batman could summon the batmobile to help out at any time, but in this game, in addition to the batmobile, there are options for the plane and submarines.

Chu Cheng received guidance in the tutorial on the first day. Players can choose one of three types of vehicles from the batmobile, submarine, or plane before going into battle. During the battle, press the E key to summon the vehicle to help out.

Naturally, flying in the skies is something Superman does normally, but on occasion, Batman does take to the skies even if he cannot fly. After all, he is just a human and not as powerful as them. So at this time, he had to rely on his bat-themed gadgets.

This ability is commonly known as being rich.

The plane climbed rapidly, like a black crow soaring into the sky at high speed. A gorgeous blue flame spewed out, and when the trajectory of the flame was reflected in Luo Yajun's retina, the fighter plane was no longer in place.

The operation mode of the batplane is similar to the operation mode of the batmobile in the "Arkham Knight" game, except that the equipped weapons have more functions and the operation feel is different.

Approaching the target at super high speed, Chu Cheng activated three or four different weapons in one go and locked the target with the mouse under the guidance of the game system's aim assistance.

Full salvo!

Wayne Group's special cannon, Bat Fighter customized tactical missiles, and DC Universe's unique black technology penetrating bombs fired at super high speed—the firepower is extremely amazing.

Because Batman usually abides by the creed of not killing people, his conventional weapons are non-lethal and auxiliary weapons that mainly interfere with field control. But that doesn't mean he doesn't have lethal firepower.

Because Batman just doesn't kill "people.".

As a member of the Justice League, Batman has to go on business trips with his good friends every three days to fight. What kind of alien fleet, space monsters, etc. are daily routines? Batman has never been soft in fights with non-human creatures.

As a mortal, being caught in the middle of the battle of superhumans is hard enough.

Many members of Justice League have powers with some abilities to move planets, fly into the core of the sun, and move faster than light. However, although all of them are ridiculously strong, they have a downside, and that is a lowered IQ.

In fact, even Superman, whom everyone loves the most, is not low in IQ. Superman also has a lot of intellectual highlights in his personal comics. The super brain is no joke.

The lethal weapons carried by the Bat Fighter are all designed for alien warships and super monsters. Although they can't compare with Justice Lee's firepower, it is good enough in this situation.

This wave of full-fire bombing directly caused the monster to emit black smoke, and even its size seemed to shrink in a circle. A large amount of black matter was blown up into the air from its body, turned into a black mist, disintegrated, and dissipated. All kinds of weapons exploded on it one after another, like gorgeous fireworks.

The laughter of the crazy people on the street stopped abruptly. They stopped attacking and knelt down on the ground, covering their heads in pain, making sharp and miserable screams.

Luo Yajun is trying to prevent them from killing each other by breaking their legs one by one. His eyes light up when he sees this scene.

It worked.

That twisted monster is the source of infection on this street. Now that the infection has only just been unleashed, attacks on it can effectively interfere with its effects on people's minds.

It might be too late if we wait until the headquarters comes to support us. But it may not be too late now; as long as this monster is eliminated in time, it should cut off its influence on pedestrians.

The only one who can do this now is undoubtedly the black-themed plane that is circling in the sky.

This round of bombing also caught the monster's attention. It lauched two thick tentacles up, piercing through the air towards the pitch-black bat wings in the air.

This is not just random stabbing. It predicted the trajectory of the fighter jet and launched an attack with an extremely accurate prediction.

But on the side of the bat-plane, toward the bottom on the right side, thrusters appeared, allowing the fighter plane to move horizontally with an extremely unscientific movement, and the two tentacles brushed past, barely hitting the afterimage of the fighter plane.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yajun was stunned again.

Although he hadn't learned how to fly a plane in the air, he learned enough, so he still had a rough idea of the performance of fighter jets in this world.

What the hell was this just now? What kind of flight maneuver is that?

That kind of instant propulsion at will, extreme and sudden evasive movements... Is this thing really an airplane?

And even if the aircraft is capable of achieving such performance, then the pilot who can control the aircraft to complete this maneuver in time and perfectly evade the attack—what kind of monster should it be?

Of course, this is his overthinking. Because in his eyes, the high-end operation is as dazzling as it is, but on Chu Cheng's side, it is actually an arrow key plus a shift.

After watching for a while, he only found that there were more and more scenes that shocked him.

Although he doesn't know much about airplanes, he also knows that this jet fighter can go and stop suddenly, disregarding physics; it can hang in the sky like a helicopter to bomb at a fixed point, and when it is hit, it can instantly propel, accelerate, and move laterally in any direction. , which is certainly not very scientific.

Although he doesn't know much about airplanes, he knows better that there is something wrong with this jet fighter being able to go in reverse like a car.

He saw with his own eyes the nozzles protruding from the front of the wings on both sides of the thing, propulsive flames spraying forward and backwards, and then it reversed at a strange speed. While avoiding the sweep of the tentacles in front of it, another series of rounds of ammunition covered its face.

It is fine that a plane is fast and maneuverable; that is fine, but it is too much to be able to go in reverse, like backing up a car...


A shell exploded above the monster's head. The monster, which was continuously bombarded by explosions, was shimming, and as endless ice crystals fell from a blast of freezing bombs, the ice crystals covered its whole body in an instant. The monster in a weakened state was powerless to resist, and its body was covered with ice crystals, and even shaking its tentacles became very difficult, as slow as an ice sculpture.

Luo Yajun:? ? ?

No, what kind of weapon is this?

It can quickly freeze such a large target in a few seconds. Are you sure that this thing is not a freezing spell disguised as technology?

So this lunatic should be a mage, right?

In fact, the inventor of this weapon is the well-known Gotham villain, Mr.Freeze. Well, maybe this gentleman didn't voluntarily sponsor it, but that is beside the point.

It can be said that Mr.Freeze has done quite in-depth research in the field of freezing. Not to mention a mere monster, he even developed a super weapon that can freeze an entire city.

The Bat fighter stopped moving and once again hovered unscientifically in midair. The barrels of all kinds of machine guns locked on the monster again and fired with a full volley.

Frozen not only slows down the monster's movement but also weakens its defense, making it extremely vulnerable. The last full volley fired all the output ammunition carried by the Bat Fighter in one go, and the frozen monsters and ice crystals splashed all over the sky.

Luo Yajun looked at the fireworks exploding all over the sky and then at the pitch-black bat hovering in midair. He should be happy that the crisis was finally resolved, but now he has complicated emotions.

You call that an airplane?

No, it's not over yet.

Luo Yajun's tense nerves were about to relax, but the moment he realized something, he immediately became tense again.

That thing is not finished yet.

The laughter sounded again. Echoing in the sky above the city, between the streets and alleys, crazy and hysterical, like a mockery and ridicule of the world.

After the monster exploded, the dark phantom released from it turned into a majestic whirlwind. The pitch-black and transparent storm rose into the sky like a tornado, sweeping across the streets of the city invisibly.

It is the spiritual body. The physical body of the monster has been eliminated, but the spirit remains and is still powerful.

"Man, why couldn't it go peacefully?" Luo Yajun cursed in a low voice.