Chapter 33: A new era

Within two days after the incident ended, the entire city was talking about the attack.

A massive monster roaming the city streets, it is impossible for anyone to miss it. Despite the government's efforts to censor the event, they couldn't prevent people from talking about it.

On the second day, it was evident that the government had abandoned their efforts, allowing the posts to remain visible.

The Internet quickly became active, with accounts of the attack and people stating they were present, vividly recounting the chaos and fear of the moment.

The majority of Internet news is still text-only, with no videos or images. Other than the terrifying madness and horrifying monsters, the main spotlight on the internet was on the mysterious figure who stopped the attack.

Gradually everyone knew that it was a mysterious man who stopped the monster and prevented the disaster.

No one has any information on the man except that he looks like a bat. They only know that this man stopped the disaster by himself and prevented it from spreading further.

A large number of "witnesses" showed up one after another, saying that they saw the mysterious hero with their own eyes.

"He can fly; I saw it with my own eyes! I saw him flying in the sky and fighting that monster!"

"I saw it too! I saw him flying all over the sky from the window of my grandma's room! And he must have super powers; I saw him knock out the monster with one punch."

"He can also use magic. He can breathe fire, freeze, and call wind and rain; he is definitely a mage."


As the topic attracted more and more attention, someone soon discovered news that was previously reported.

A woman was attacked by some thugs while walking home at night, and a mysterious man appeared and stopped the thugs.

During a street fight, the lights along the street suddenly went out, followed by a smokescreen. After the smoke cleared, all the thugs were found knocked out.

During the arrest, the criminals were yelling about a vampire or bat after being arrested. Some people realized that the hero in the monster incident also appeared in previous incidents.

Someone summed up all the information about the hero and sorted out the abilities of this mysterious hero. He can fly, turn invisible, has super strength, and seems to know magic.

A few days later, the government released an official response.

A previously unknown unit named Secret Service Nine made a public appearance and addressed the media.

In this press conference, the spokesperson disclosed to the public for the first time information about the existence of the infected. Additionally, an official website will be launched tonight where everyone can find more information about the infection.

Even though there were no signs of strange things happening earlier, some people believed that the government was hiding the truth and that aliens were about to invade Earth and destroy it.

Still, nobody bought it, or nobody was willing to accept that such a thing could actually happen. The internet was flooded with fear.

Once the announcement was made, it didn't take long for everyone to understand that the world they were used to might not be the same anymore.

In the days ahead, they will live in a world where being cautious is crucial, as they need to adapt to a life where danger is ever-present.

Where anyone may be infected while also checking themselves to make sure they are not infected.

Following the fear, the crime rate soared overnight. Some individuals are feeling overwhelmed by the uncertainty of the future, while others are taking advantage of the situation to commit crimes.

That night, at the office building of the Secret Service Nine,.

Luo Yajun stuffed the crumpled uniform into a locker and changed into casual clothes. He zipped up his backpack and slung it over his back.

"Ready to go?"

His boss, Chen Meiyue, leaned against the door at some point.

Luo Yajun didn't look back.

"I will just treat it as a few days off anyway; it's not the first time." He said it indifferently.

It is strictly forbidden to shoot at ordinary people who are not infected without permission. Although he may have killed criminals, many of them were ordinary people who had not been infected.

His job was only temporarily suspended, and his significant contributions were already acknowledged. The top saw the suspension as an excuse.

"Maybe the guy is right," he said suddenly.

"Who?" Chen Meiyue asked.

"That madman who laughed wildly." Luo Yajun sat in the lingering clouds and smoke. "He said that what people are afraid of is the 'unknown' and the uncertain.

Those fears were originally hidden in the deepest places of everyone's heart, and the publicity of the infection has unearthed them. Fear motivates society to change, encourages people to reveal their true nature, and the world returns to its original state.

Chen Meiyue shrugged. "Being pessimistic again?"

"It's realism. Believe me, the demons created by humans will surprise you. I have seen this kind of thing a lot when I was still in the Public Security Bureau."

Luo Yajun took a breath and pondered for a moment.

"A new era is about to start." He said, "The fear of the unknown will increase greatly, causing more anxiety and leading to even deeper darkness."

The upcoming era will be dark, with morals at an all-time low. The era of peace is over. People need to be careful of any darkness or shadows around them and stay alert to make sure everything is normal."

Chen Meiyue responded, "This era is definitely not to your liking."

Luo Yajun responded with a laugh, "Not like it? Are you kidding me? I can't wait for this era to start."

He stubbed out his cigarette and gave a slight smile. "It means that I will be able to kill endless scum. I'll kill the lunatics and crush them until there's no one left, or I'll die trying."

Chen Meiyue's face was tense for a while, but after a while, she burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, it's just that the way you said it so a bit funny." She waved her hand.

She had more to say, but the sound of footsteps in the hallway cut her off. The two followed the sound and saw Tang Li appearing at the door.

"Did you see that?" she asked, straight to the point.

"See what?" The two looked at each other.

"Quick, look out the window."

Tang Li walked across the room to the window, stretched out his hand, and opened the curtain with a clatter.

Both Chen Meiyue and Luo Yajun came to the window and frozen.

The night sky is dark, with no moon or stars, like an endless curtain reaching the horizon.

In the vast darkness, a single light shines brightly, casting a warm golden glow that cuts through the thick clouds. A bat with sharp edges rests in the center of the light field in the night sky. This signal seems to have no source.

This indication also suggests that a new age is on the horizon, and the world will welcome alterations. Yet, with the arrival of this age, it doesn't mean there will only be darkness. There will be those who will fight against the darkness.