Chapter 65: Phishing Enforcement

Chu Cheng was right—the person by the lake was indeed infected.

The infected person kept his distance, holding a butcher's ax that was also invisible. He was waiting for the perfect moment to strike Batman with a fatal blow.

Just as he was about to move in quietly, Batman dropped a smoke bomb, and his figure disappeared in the spreading smoke.

The infected person hesitated for a moment but quickly thought he understood Batman's plan. The smoke was meant to block his view and disrupt his attack. Even though he was invisible, moving through the smoke would disturb it, revealing his position.

Or so he thought.

The infected person smirked. His ability wasn't just about blending in like a chameleon—it was "cognitive disruption." He could mess with his opponent's vision, making them think he wasn't there at all.

That's why Batman's detective mode couldn't detect him. He wasn't really hiding optically; he was messing with Batman's mind, making him disappear from view.

So, even in the smoke, there was no way Batman could track him.

But then, the infected person suddenly felt a chill down his spine. Turning around, he saw a dark red figure silently approaching him like a ghost.

It was Daredevil.

The infected person, not recognizing Daredevil, was caught off guard. He quickly raised his arm to block, but Daredevil's baton struck him hard, forcing him to stumble back.

The infected person was stunned.

Who was this guy? Batman's sidekick?

But how could he see him?

The infected person's cloaking ability was top-notch. He could not only blend into the background but also move quietly, like a ninja.

He backed off and stood still, hoping it was just a coincidence.

Daredevil stopped too, mirroring his stillness.

Was it just luck?

The infected person cautiously moved a couple of steps to the side.

Daredevil didn't react.

He circled around to get behind Daredevil. Still no reaction.

Feeling more confident, the infected person stepped forward, raised the ax, and swung it down with force.

But at the last moment, Daredevil shifted to the side, dodging the attack and countering with a strike to the infected person's face.

The infected person was shocked.

How did this guy know where he was?

His invisibility was supposed to be perfect, something he had tested thoroughly. He wasn't just invisible to the eye; all kinds of sensors couldn't detect him either.

But this guy had dodged his attack as if he had eyes in the back of his head.

Could it be that Daredevil was hearing him instead of seeing him?

The infected person quickly came up with a theory. This red guy probably had super hearing and could pinpoint his location by sound.

That wasn't a big deal for him.

As a specialist in stealth, the infected person had also learned to move without making any sound. He could slow down his movements to eliminate noise and even stop his breathing and heartbeat temporarily—something only the infected could do since they were no longer fully human.

Daredevil remained still.

The infected person took slow, careful steps, making no noise, as if blending into the breeze by the lake.

He moved behind Daredevil again, this time slowly raising the ax until it hovered over Daredevil's head.

Then he swung it down with all his might.

But again, Daredevil dodged at the last second, causing the ax to miss. He followed up with a precise strike to the infected person's wrist, forcing him to drop the ax.

The infected person was horrified.

This guy didn't just hear him—he could see him!

In his mind, this was more shocking than any other superpower Daredevil might have had.

Chu Cheng, operating Daredevil remotely, would have laughed if he knew what the infected person was thinking.

Daredevil couldn't see anything, not even the infected person.

But Daredevil's other senses were heightened to an extraordinary degree, allowing him to sense everything around him like a 3D map. This ability went beyond regular human senses and into the realm of superpowers.

While Daredevil himself couldn't see the invisible man, Chu Cheng, who was controlling him, could. The infected person's movements were displayed on Chu Cheng's screen as a 3D model, making him visible despite his cloaking.

Realizing he was outmatched, the infected person tried to retreat, but Daredevil chased him down without hesitation.

Now convinced that Daredevil could see him all along, the infected person realized he had been lured into a trap.

This was a classic case of fishing—baiting him into revealing his position.